Super Black Technology

Chapter 73 The Crying Child Has a Wife

The sudden situation made journalists from all over the world extremely happy. Big news, big news again.

After seeing Obama carrying Ike away, all the reporters dispersed and ran outside together.

They must seize the time to release big news, and these big news are money! Not only to publish big news, but also to find ten or eight political commentators and economic commentators to analyze and analyze.

Haha, the front page of the month has landed again.

Seeing reporters from various countries running outside, Hughes' face was extremely gloomy. He stared coldly at the blonde reporter who left quickly, until the other's figure completely disappeared from sight...

Moments later, the entire front of the North Porch of the White House was empty.

Hughes took out his cell phone, made a call, and called his personal assistant.

"Catch up with that female cousin and sink her into the sea!"



State Dining Room.

Originally, according to the state banquet process, the American national anthem would be played before entering the state banquet hall. result……

Play a ghost song now!

Haven't you seen how President Obama's hair is scuffed?

President Obama has gone through untold hardships and finally carried the little guy to the state banquet hall.

"I want Sister Alice, I want Sister Alice! I'm going to find Sister Alice, I'm going to find Sister Alice..." After Ike was put down, he kept crying.

You ask why it is so earth-shattering? Isn't this nonsense? In doing so, one is in line with the habits of children; two, it can also make the US government pay attention.

I'm dying like this, so don't even try to get rid of my sister Alice, or I'll keep you all safe for the rest of your life!

Do not believe?

Heh, I don’t pay for energy, so let’s see if the anti-nuclear weapons you “master” are still useful?

"My little ancestor, don't cry, can we have dinner first?"

Seeing the little guy crying earth-shatteringly, Obama's scalp went numb. I have been president for many years, when did I encounter this situation?

"I want Sister Alice, I want to find Sister Alice..."

At this moment, Ike was crying in a mess, crying endlessly. For Ike, who has become an actor and actor, isn't crying a very simple thing?

What? How can it be so easy for a person to cry?

Uh, it's okay, Ike still has helpers!

An indescribable pain came from Ike's soul, and it was the light ball that helped.

"Damn it, Kloss enough, enough, I can cry myself, absolutely like it. You don't do it anymore, really, trust me! Oh, my god..."

At this moment, Ike cried louder, calling his mother while crying.

"Mom, I want sister Alice, I want to find my sister Alice."

Mrs. Williams' heart was about to break, and she rushed to her son and hugged her son: "Don't cry, Ike don't cry!"

The first lady also hugged the child prodigy with concern: "Little Ike, good boy, shall we cry after eating? Look at how many people are waiting for you to eat now!"

Maria also ran in: "Little Ike, come and have dinner with us."

At this time, more than 200 people in the audience gathered in front of the little guy, frantically comforting the little guy. Even the beautiful female stars are no exception.

However, it didn't work!

Ike is still crying, crying like a river...

In this extremely critical moment, a moment that people all over the world are looking forward to, a hero stood up with heroic feelings. He is Ike's father - Mr. Williams.

"let me!"

With a roar, Mr. Williams rushed in front of his son, then raised his generous hand high, and was about to slam it down...

At this moment, all the powerful officials suddenly looked at him, all the capital predators suddenly looked at him, all the female stars suddenly looked at him, even the Obamas were no exception.

One after another looks like a silent giant volcano, about to spew out magma.

beat! Give me a try! Any child in the United States belongs to the federal government, not to their parents, let alone such a genius child prodigy!

You are awesome, just call me and try? !

Under the eyes of everyone, the tragic hero sneered and retreated instantly.

"Mr. Williams, according to the Federal Children's Act, parents are prohibited from abusing children for any reason." The first lady said tactfully.

A senior government official also sneered and said, "Mr. Williams, you have acted like this before, haven't you?"

Hearing this, Mr. Williams waved his hands again and again, saying absolutely not.

What a joke, if you admit this kind of thing in the United States, you will go to jail, you can't admit it, even if you kill it!

Mrs. Williams also gave her husband a glare, then turned back to comfort her son.

"I want sister Alice, I want my sister Alice! She promised to be my girlfriend!"

Hearing this, everyone in the audience was speechless.

How old are you, you know how to find a girlfriend! Besides, don't think we haven't seen your computer records, your girlfriend was cheated by you, okay? Alice is easy to deceive, so try another girl.

"I don't care, I'm going to find sister Alice, she is my girlfriend!"

Everyone was speechless again.

What should we do now? How about getting a paediatrician to try?

At this time, Mr. Bill Gates squeezed away the crowd, came to Ike, and said with a smile: "Stop crying, little Ike. After dinner, how about we help you find Sister Alice?"

Ike wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, sobbing and looking suspiciously at Bill Gates.

"Really? Sir, do you really want to help me find my sister Alice?"

Bill Gates nodded vigorously.

Ike turned his head to look at President Obama again, and Obama nodded slightly.

OK, the goal is achieved, stop crying! Ike calmly stopped crying.

There is an old saying that goes: A child who cries gets candy.

How to say it in modern language: A man who can cry has a wife.


"Mom, I won't cry anymore, I'm hungry, I want to eat watermelon!"

Obama: "..."

Senior officials: "..."

Capital predators: "..."

Fuck me, you still know how to be hungry, you still know how to eat watermelon. I said why only one child prodigy has been born in hundreds of years. It turns out that child prodigies are so difficult to raise.

At this moment, many beautiful stars Qi Qi looked at Williams and his wife with sympathy, as if saying to them: It is really hard for you to raise the child prodigy.

"Okay, let's get started! Everyone, please be seated!" Obama winked at his wife, and the first lady immediately walked out of the state banquet hall and went to the kitchen to arrange the dinner.

"Little guy, come here, you sit here."

"Kolo, come here too, sit at this table!"

"Miley, Amanda..."

The three beautiful actresses of the younger generation were so surprised that they hurried over. They didn't expect that their positions had changed, and they were temporarily assigned to the first table.

Is it because the U.S. government feels a strong threat from Alice in England?

The White House dinner was finally ready to begin, and everyone walked to their seats according to their seats.

Bill Gates was in the middle, and every predator and high-ranking official stamped their feet slightly when they passed by him.

Bill Gates felt a little cold in his heart, and he understood that although he had succeeded in making the little guy stop crying just now. But that proposal needs to be explained to the federal government and predators from all walks of life.

A reasonable explanation, and a must!

"Old Mr. Rothschild, I did what I should do, don't let me down!" Bill Gates said secretly in his heart.


On the north porch of the White House, Hughes was sitting on a chair, quietly waiting for the news. His expression was very gloomy, and none of the White House staff dared to approach him half a step.

"Dingling!" "Dingling!"...

At this time, Hughes' cell phone rang, and it was a call from the assistant who handled the blonde reporter.

"Sir, I'm sorry, something went wrong!"

What? !

Hughes stood up instantly.

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