Reporters from various countries blocked the poor girl at the airport for more than an hour, and finally let her go until it was almost dawn.

Originally, the reporters still have countless questions to ask, but everything can't be too much, can't it?

This girl is the "girlfriend" of the watermelon god, and she might become the hostess of the watermelon alliance in the future.

Who dares to go too far? Don't want to live anymore?

In the end, the reporters applauded and sent off the beautiful sister Alice to leave the airport. A British reporter proposed to drive Alice's sister to the university town, but Mrs. Smith rejected it coldly.

After Elder Sister Alice left, journalists from all over the world dispersed in a herd, going back to their homes and looking for their mothers.

With the return of the reporters, the global media once again updated the homepage news.

"USA Today": The little prodigy's girlfriend is here, so cute!

"European Times": Rose of England—Miss Alice arrived in the United States today. I wonder how the White House will react?

"Russian Independent": According to a phone call from an unnamed person, Miss Alice's flight was hit by a missile last night, and the killer was the US military.


washington. St Anthony's Hospital.

Outside the emergency room, Obama and a group of senior government officials were anxiously waiting for news of the little guy.

At this time, the assistant to the president came in a hurry, holding a newspaper in his hand.

President Obama and the others tensed up, then took the newspaper and took a rough look.

Seeing this, everyone was furious.

Yeah, the damn polar bear, haven't we already stopped? Why do you still tell this matter, how dare you? !

"Send a diplomatic protest to Russia to withdraw this false report. Otherwise, don't blame us for being cruel!"


6 o'clock.

The U.S. secretary of state called the Russian foreign minister.

"Your country's false reports have seriously damaged the friendship between the United States and Russia. Here, on behalf of the US government, I lodge a serious protest with your country and immediately withdraw that news. Otherwise..."

Hearing the diplomatic threat, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov was furious.

How else? Grow us mushrooms? Return friendship, friendship paralyzes you! When did our two countries have friendship?

"Mr. Secretary of State, the report of the Independent is purely commercial. Political interference in business is not in line with the laws of the market, and my government cannot do it."

After speaking, the Russian Foreign Minister hung up the phone forcefully.

The independent newspaper's report has not stopped, and it is still making a big fuss. Half an hour later, besides the United States, the media of other countries also reprinted this report.

The people of the world were instantly divided into two camps, one was the American camp and the other was the non-American camp.

There is a lot of bickering on the Internet.

American netizen: We did not kill Miss Alice, we are good people!

French netizen: You kill, kill! Damn the US military, it's so despicable.

British netizens: Protest, strongly protest the assassination of our "British Rose" by the US government. The Chinese government should take revenge. I suggest dispatching Trump agents to assassinate the watermelon!

Such right-wing remarks were immediately deleted by the network administrator.

However, the quarrel on the Internet did not stop, but intensified.

Upon receiving the news, Obama and other high-ranking officials felt dizzy.

If the little guy sees this news after waking up, wouldn't he hate us to death? Everyone was extremely uneasy.

However, some things are always afraid of what will happen.

At this moment, the red light in the emergency room suddenly went out, and the experts came out of the emergency room with joy in their eyes.

"Gentlemen, we have lived up to expectations, the little prodigy has awakened!"

What? !

Everyone was shocked, and then happy again.

"Can we go in and have a look?"


Rescue the interior.

Ike was depressed, his big gray eyes were cloudy, and he looked very weak.

Seeing Mr. President and others coming in, Ike quickly made an aggrieved expression: "Whoa, I'm hungry, I want to eat watermelon!"

Everyone was speechless.

My uncle, my little ancestor, why do you still want to eat watermelon now?

"Go get him breakfast!" Obama said.

Hearing this, Ike kept silent and stopped being naughty.

There is no way, I have been half-dead all night, and I am really hungry. Unexpectedly, the 2 times the transmission rate almost killed myself. Forget it, forget it, let’s transmit slowly and honestly.

The sky and the earth are big, and my life is the biggest!

Seeing the little guy behave like this, everyone was amused and angry.

"It's really rare, so our little prodigy is also obedient sometimes!" A senior official sighed silently in his heart.

However, really?

At this time, the little guy spoke again.

"Mr. Obama, where is my sister Alice? You said you would help me find it at dawn. Did you find it?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

The little guy hasn't forgotten to look for Alice? Even if you are weak to this extent, you have not forgotten? Isn't this too stubborn?

"Go find it for you now!"

Obama made a perfunctory sentence, and then rushed out of the ward like a big black rabbit.

"I'll go find it for you too!"

"I am coming too!"

A group of high-ranking officials fled the ward in a hurry as if they had encountered a ghost. If they stay any longer, they will get sick even if they are not sick.

In the outer corridor.

"Block the news! Don't let him know that Alice has come to the United States!" Obama solemnly ordered the FBI director with a livid face.

The FBI director nodded, and then asked: "How long does it need to be blocked?"

"3 months!"

Hearing this time, the head of the FBI was shocked. It appears the White House has not given up on that plan of action.

"Okay, Mr. President. Next, No. 1 (Ike) will remain critically ill until 3 months later."

Obama nodded approvingly and left Washington Hospital.

He's going to deal with big things, with that polar bear that's always against America.

7 o'clock in the morning.

Obama returned to the White House, and immediately dialed the diplomatic hotline of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

After a series of complicated procedures, the special line was connected, and Putin's hearty laughter rang out on the phone.

"Hi, President Obama. What a beautiful day!"

Hearing this, Obama almost dropped the phone.

"What on earth do you want in Russia?"

"You know!"

I understand your sister! Don't play with me haha, I'm talking about business!

"President Putin!" Obama called the other party's name, his voice became extremely serious, "Say it! What conditions? What do you Russia want?"

The serious voice reached Putin's ears through the phone, and Putin became extremely serious immediately.

"President Obama, we in Russia have only one condition. That is - let Miss Alice meet with Ike!"

What? !

As soon as these words came out, Obama's expression darkened instantly. The extremely high political wisdom made him figure out the key in an instant.

Russia is actually helping Britain as a thug? Polar bears are willing to help Britain as thugs!

Even the polar bears are willing to help. Based on this, it is estimated that none of the other two hooligans can escape.

What conditions did the UK offer to let these big hooligans help them?

At this time, Obama didn't know that Britain didn't offer any conditions at all, and the three hooligans voluntarily became Uncle Lei Feng.

"Impossible! We can never agree to this condition!"

"Hmph! Disagree? Then we, Russia, will help you keep posting this news for free until the end of time!"

Obama: "..."

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