Super Bonus, I Build Show, Squid Game

Chapter 32 The Fourth Level Is Over, And The Bonuses Are Accumulated!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that in this second round, one team must die!

Because the npc in red is walking back from the last team!

The word solitaire on their side will definitely bump into a red-clothed npc on the other side.

And the words, after reaching the fourth group, stopped abruptly!

The last word is: Depressed!

It can be said that it is very easy to pick up.

But 0882 stopped everyone from touching the buttons.

I saw an excited smile on his face!

0438 Seeing his expression, how can he not understand.

Just listen to 0438 shout loudly:

"Hey, press it, you don't want to kill us!"

The person facing 0438 yelled and yelled, but 0882 turned a deaf ear.

As if he didn't hear it, he closed his eyes comfortably.

In his view, as long as the red-clothed npc arrives behind 0438 and the others, press the button, and answer the words, 0438 and the others will die!

Thinking of this, 0882 stuck out his tongue and licked the corner of his dry mouth.

Just when the red-clothed npc was approaching the 0438 group.

Suddenly, a younger brother of 0882 was so excited that he touched the wound cut by 1122.

"Ouch." Under the pain, he slapped his younger brother on the head.

It's a coincidence.

This time, it directly hit the younger brother's temple.

Little brother, fell in response.

Lie on top of the answer button.

And the answer button was pressed down by his little brother!

? ? !

Seeing this scene, the sweat on 0882's head flowed down his face like a waterfall.

How to do how to do?


Everyone is going to die! 0882 Crazy thinking of a solution!

"By the way, it's all right now. It must be because his corpse didn't lift up the button. I just need to make sure that the moment the corpse is lifted up, I put my hand on the button, and there is still a glimmer of hope for life!"

Thinking of this, he did it directly!

And the audience in the interstellar channel gasped:

"Is life so fragile?"

"Damn it, I slapped him to death? Movies don't dare to shoot like this!"

"You said it was a coincidence, and your body fell on the answer button. Hey, I dare not write like this in a novel! What a coincidence!"

"My money, this idiot is 0882! I'm just scolding my mother!"


Howls are everywhere in the huge interstellar channel, after all, a large number of people bet on 0882.

However, the next moment, they were dumbfounded.

I saw that 0882 first put his hand under the body of the corpse, then pressed the answer button, randomly pushed the corpse away, and shouted:

"Happy Gathering!!"

With this shout, the npc in red was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Chen Xiang randomly.

Seeing Chen Xiang nodding, he will continue to move forward.

But at this moment, 0438 pressed the button and shouted: "Tang Chi Iron City!"

After the sound fell, the red-clothed npc turned his head and shot directly at the sixth group of people.

"Da da!"

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"

All contestants in the sixth group were shot.

Looking at the sixth group of 0438 who was killed by him, I feel a little bit sorry.

He closed his eyes and prayed a few words silently.

Although, he does not believe in God.

Instead, it was a middle-aged bald man in their group, 2016!

Keep praying to the Lord:

"Thanks to the Lord's kindness for allowing us to survive."

"thank God!"

"We will definitely be more pious in the future..."

After listening to a few words, before 0438 said anything, Chen Xiang, standing on the high platform, spoke!

"Congratulations, you have cleared the fourth level of the game!"

"Please go back and wait a moment, bonuses, etc., will be counted out soon!"

"Today's breakfast will be more exciting, and it is not recommended for those who are not mentally able to bear it!"

Chen Xiang said it, and left first.

Randomly, the group of contestants dragged their tired bodies towards the lounge.

When they entered the waiting room, they saw that the two people who had no teammates before were lying on the bed impressively at this moment!

"Fuck, what's going on here? They're not dead?"

"Didn't it mean that the consequences would be serious? I was feeling lonely when I stepped on the horse?"

"We went through such an exciting life-and-death struggle, and people are lying in the lounge?"

"Yes, it's outrageous."

Listening to these people's discussion, 1452 walked up to 0882 in good spirits, and patted his face with his hand.

"Papa papa!"

A few crisp sounds came to mind.

The jaws of those who were shocked almost dropped.

The most amazing thing is that 0882 just smiled faintly? Not angry?

Seeing this scene, the interstellar channel exploded:

"What's going on!? The brave and courageous 0882 is scared?"

"It's just a bitch who can do her best. Why are you so cowardly to her?"

"Outrageous, could it be that he likes the woman in front of him? So loud?"


"Hey, do you know why we didn't die?"

"Hehe!" 1452 asked 0882 in a pompous manner.

Without waiting for 0882 to reply, she directly flaunted:

"Marginal people! Thanks to the marginal people system of the children!"

"Otherwise, I will go through the game of life and death with you, so lucky!"

At this moment, 1452 completely forgot that the "little girl" in 2020 told her about the rules for marginalized people.

After listening to 1452's explanation, the viewers of Interstellar Channel understood.

"I'm going, it turns out that there is such a rule!"

"6666? Unexpectedly, I thought he would be dragged away and shot!"

"My 2020 is not dead! Woooooooooo!"


At this moment, the door of the lounge was opened!

The NPC in red with a white square printed on the mask appeared again!

Just listen to him say dumbly:

"First of all, congratulations everyone for clearing the level, and secondly, bonuses, accumulative!"

ps: I am asking for flower evaluation votes, asking for follow-up reading, the author panicked.

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Immediate recharge (activity time: June 22nd to June 24th)

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