Super Chief

Chapter 273: Control your heart of killing

All members of the expedition team, including Stone Bear, were dumbfounded.

Although the Cherokees look down on Yu Chiren, they also know that Yu Chiren is a group of bullies and hardships, but it's too bad to be so intimidated, right?

You are also elite warriors of the Yu Chi clan anyway...

Seeing the large group of Yu Chi people crying for their fathers and mothers running around, even the injured clansmen couldn't take care of them, Shi Xiong and the others were really helpless. I had known that these Yu Chi people were so unintimidated, they brought more shells when they first came.

According to this situation, you only need to let go all the way with a conscience gun, and it is estimated that it will not take long to flatten the entire Yuchi clan!

But the problem is that they brought ten shells on this expedition, and they can only enjoy themselves on this small hill.

"Master Guardian, shall we continue pushing? Although we don't have shells anymore, our home-made grenade hasn't moved yet. The power of that thing may not be as powerful as a conscientious cannon, but it is absolutely no problem to scare this bunch of Yu Chi. Yes, we still have more than half of our ammunition, can't we bring it back like this, right?" The Great Axe said with a smile.

This guy is an out-and-out war madman, and the ghost knows how a secluded tribe can cultivate such a war madman.

In these few battles, the giant axe was the first to take the lead every time, and every time he charged, he must be at the forefront. It seemed that he didn't know how to write the word for death. Fortunately, this guy was holding a musket in his hand. If he were replaced with the previous bone spear or bone knife, he would have died a long time ago. I don't know how many times.

Shi Xiong looked at the tribe with exhaustion and excitement on his face, then looked at Dashan, and finally turned his gaze on Big Foot and Gao Niu.

Bigfoot and Gao Niu both shook their heads slightly, Shi Xiong knew what they meant.

In the end, Shi Xiong said after thinking for a while: "Brothers, this expedition ends here, we should go back."

Upon hearing this, the giant axe became anxious, "Master Guardian, we can continue to fight! We still want to follow you to kill all these Yu Chi people."

At least half of the soldiers have this look on their faces. It can be seen that the victories in these games have given them great confidence.

However, Shi Xiong shook his head firmly and said, "Giant Axe, and other brothers, I know what you think, and I also know what you want to kill Yu Chiren. But if you think so, then You have entered a misunderstanding."

Hearing Master Guardian say so, these warriors, including the giant axe, listened carefully with their ears. The great victories in several consecutive battles have raised Shi Xiong's prestige to the extreme, and his words are more important than anyone else's words.

"My brothers, have you forgotten what we did when we climbed the Great Smoky Mountains and came here?"

"No! I have not forgotten! Master Guardian, we have not forgotten what we are here for. We are here to avenge!" Several Xiaohe tribe warriors clenched their fists and said loudly. The others also nodded.

"Then have we got revenge? Since we met the first Yuchi tribe, the number of Yuchi who died in our hands has been close to a thousand. The most important thing is that in today's battle, we have not only once again Killed the chief of the Yuchi and the leaders of the two tribes, and we also burned the court of the Yuchi. It can be said that our goal of revenge has been achieved. Don't you think so?"

The soldiers of the Xiaohe tribe all began to nod their heads in agreement.

"And your biggest mistake now is that we have clearly completed the task of revenge, but you still want to satisfy your own inner desires through killing. Hope! Brothers, my dear brothers, this is your greatest mistake."

After a pause, Shi Xiong said sincerely: "I know that killing is an addictive thing, even more addictive than smoking a pipe, but we can't let ourselves indulge in senseless killing, it will make us addicted. Become a demon who can only kill people. Brothers, you must learn how to control your heart of killing. Fighting for revenge can be killed, but we must not become people who kill because of killing. If we change Becoming such a person, what are the differences between us and demons? Do you want to become demons who only know how to kill?"

Shi Xiong's words made everyone on the scene bow their heads, even Gao Niu and Big Feet.

However, Great Axe asked boldly after being silent for a while: "My lord Guardian, I know you are right, and I will listen to you too. But does this mean that I can't kill people in the future?" I mean, if an enemy appears in the future, can I not kill the enemy?"

Shi Xiong smiled and waved his hand, "Great Axe, you are a good warrior, the most powerful warrior of the Xiaohe tribe. I also understand your responsibility to protect the tribe and tribesmen. So what I want to tell you is you, Including all the brothers present now, once an enemy appears in the future, once we need to conquer other tribes, the necessary killing is still possible. Because that kind of killing is not killing for the sake of killing! But you must remember that if you encounter it in the future When it comes to people with yellow skin and black hair like us, try not to kill as much as possible. What we want to kill is the white-skinned and yellow-haired Vasichu, that is our goal!"

The giant axe nodded in a daze, presumably he didn't know the meaning of what the Guardian said.

Not only the giant axe, but most of the other fighters have this expression.

Shi Xiong smiled and said: "My brothers, don't be confused by what I said. You may not understand what I said now, but you will understand later. Now that you still don't understand, then You only need to obey my orders, and I will tell you those people should be killed, and those people don't need to be killed, so you won't feel confused."

I have to say that the North American Indians of this era are so foolish. After the Shixiong, a bowl of chicken soup that is not considered chicken soup, was poured, these soldiers immediately patted their chests and a pair of stone bears. The head of the horse looks like Zhan.

"Well, my brothers, you are now the most elite fighters. But even the most elite fighters need to rest. There is a saying in the ancient Eastern kingdom, which is called "Quiegangyizhan". You are enough now. It's hard and strong, but it's better not to be so hard for a long time. What you need now is not to continue fighting, but the warmth of the tribe and home. So, my brothers, let us pack our things and go home!"

A group of people screamed and started to pack their things.

Some people dig the five conscientious cannons, and some take the cloth strips out of horse ears and cow ears. When the conscientious cannon is fired, the ears and eyes of both horses and bison are blocked by cloth strips, and they have no conscience. The sound of the cannon is much larger than that of the musket, and it is easy to frighten these mounts.

When Shi Xiong and the others rode down this small hill on their mounts, besides the dead, there were those injured Yu Chi people. A Yu Chi warrior couldn't see them, and they all scared away.

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