Super Chief

Chapter 321: Explanation

When the fifty men of the third squadron were pulled out of the trench by the other men, the warriors of the Crooked Ears tribe who saw the situation of the fifty men took a breath.

   Except for a few of the fifty men who are fine, almost everyone else has injuries. Some had a broken foot, some had a bruise and swollen face from the fall, some had a bruised skin on their body, and a few unlucky ones had broken bones.

   But even so, after being pulled out of the trench, the fifty men still lined up at the fastest speed. The few fractured men were standing in the line with their teeth and being supported by their comrades.

  Once the line stood up, the bodies of these men never moved again, just like a statue.

  The warriors of the Crooked Ears tribe were shocked to see them, but people in the leadership class like Chora Klulu and Dahe saw more in this demonstration.

"All the injured people in the third squadron can get three days of rest. If the bone is broken, they will return to the team after they are raised! At the same time, each person will be rewarded with ten catties of beef! Disband!" Shixiong said loudly, the man of the third squadron They all made a breast-stretching ceremony, and then they disbanded in cheers.

   Those hapless guys with broken bones were helped by their comrades and walked towards the wooden houses where they lived. Several women in white hats and white clothes immediately followed.

   The other men of the Gaoshu tribe continued to train, and Shixiong turned his head and said loudly to the large group of warriors of the Crooked Ear tribe: "I see it, this is unreserved obedience to orders!"

The warriors of the Crooked Ears tribe were silent, but after a while, a voice rang loudly: "Guardian, do you mean that you intentionally injured your brother? Without your order, these wounded Brother will not get hurt."

   As soon as this voice came out, the soldiers who had been silent began to "buzz". It can be seen that these fighters have such doubts.

However, Shi Xiong did not answer this question at the first time. Instead, he quietly watched these soldiers whispering to each other. After these soldiers felt that something was wrong and their discussion gradually became quieter, Shi Xiong said: "In many ordinary In the eyes of people, it is indeed incorrect for me to do this. But those brothers just now, and you, have ceased to be ordinary people since stepping into this training ground! Because your identities have begun to change from being an ordinary person. Man has turned into a real warrior!"

   "But we were warriors before! We are all real warriors who have killed people and have seen blood!" Another voice sounded, and the guys from the Crooked Ear Tribe began to nod their heads, with pride and pride on their faces.

   "No! You are not fighters yet! In other words, you can't be called real fighters now!" Shi Xiong vetoed the question without hesitation. Of course, Shi Xiong's statement immediately caused these fighters to discuss it again. It can be seen that these fighters are very dissatisfied with Shi Xiong's statement.

   Ishixiong watched the warriors who were talking about it again, and did not say anything until the discussion fell down again. Ishixiong said, "Do you know what the real standard of a fighter is?"

   Before the soldiers answered, Shi Xiong gave the answer directly.

"A person who only kills or hunts cannot be called a warrior, and a person who is not afraid of death and daring forward is not a warrior. The word warrior is a very sacred word, and not everyone is qualified to be a warrior. Soldiers. Only those who know how to obey orders, know how to cooperate with their comrades, and know how to achieve the greatest victory at the least cost, are qualified to be called fighters! You are far from enough!"

   "Why?" This time it was Dahe's turn to ask questions.

"Not why. Because what I just said was the standard, which was told to me by the supreme sun god. Only those who become such can be called fighters, and those who cannot do these are not worthy of being called fighters." Shi The bear once again took out the big hat of the supreme sun god, and it really worked.

   As the highest deity believed by the entire Cherokee tribe, no one dares to doubt what the supreme sun **** said. Even Chief Junnaruska, High Priest Bakaruzul, and their respected Chief Chora Krulu did not dare to doubt.

   "Then, respectable guardian, what are we brothers missing to be the fighters you call?" Dahe continued to ask.

"You are still much worse!" Shi Xiong shook his head slightly, "However, you already have the foundation to become a truly qualified fighter. You are brave and not afraid of death. You go forward courageously. These are all qualified fighters. The foundation is necessary. But these alone are not enough. The first thing you and your brothers have to learn is how to unconditionally obey the orders of their superiors."

   "Is it just like the brothers of the third squadron?"

"Yes! What they did just now was to completely and unconditionally obey the orders of their superiors! What I showed you today is just jumping trenches, if you are on the real battlefield in order to achieve certain military goals, even if Just let them jump off the cliff, and they will jump down without hesitation. This is unreserved, completely unconditional obedience to orders. Only those who do this can be called fighters."

   "But I still think it would be a vain sacrifice to let them jump off the trench or off the cliff like this." Dahe continued to defend.

Shi Xiong glanced at Dahe deeply, nodded slightly and said: "If you are a battlefield commander now, it is actually very unqualified for you to think about it like this! Sacrifice, what is sacrifice? Is it sacrifice for them to jump off the cliff? First of all, it was not them who made the decision to jump off the cliff, but you, the battlefield commander. Of course, the reason you made this compelling decision was not to entrap these brothers, but because You know that you have to make such a painful decision as a commander when you can only sacrifice them in exchange for greater victory. Secondly, as a soldier, they may not know why their superiors want them to jump off the cliff, but they must also To do it, knowing that they are going to die, they must do so, because they are fighters and they must obey the orders of their superiors. Even if their superiors let them die, they must obey such orders! Only those who do this To become a true soldier!"

After saying this, Shi Xiong shook his head slightly and said: "I'm telling you this now. You certainly don't understand why I said that. But what I want to tell you is if you want to become a conquer of Kerry. As a member of human beings, from now on you must learn how to unconditionally obey the orders of your superiors! And in order to do this, you must undergo arduous training!"

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