Super Chief

Chapter 366: Exposed

Chief Omarah is going crazy over there, while Major General Carlos with half-gray hair is silent.

It's not that Major General Carlos doesn't care about his men, he also feels distressed. All the Marine Corps soldiers of the entire North American squadron were slaughtered just under his nose. Can he not feel distressed?

From his red eyes, you can see how distressed and angry Major General Carlos is at this time.

But what can be done to feel distressed and angry? There is no way!

In the face of this new and powerful weapon, fragile life is no different from a piece of paper. Major General Carlos wanted to summon God and his old man to rescue his men, but is that possible?

Major General Carlos has seen life and death, not just, he is used to seeing life and death.

During naval battles, you can often see hundreds of soldiers on a ship sink into the depths of the sea with a ship. An originally mighty and mighty battleship was torn into pieces by artillery in just ten minutes. Fragmented

Whether it is the battleship or the brothers on the battleship, they are the flesh of Major General Carlos.

But so what? This is war, and war must be deadly!

It is precisely because Major General Carlos is accustomed to seeing this kind of establishment being wiped out. Whether it is his subordinates or his enemies, he has seen more. Therefore, even though his 1,500 Musketeers are being slaughtered by the enemy's powerful weapons, Major General Carlos is not as irritated as Chief Omara.

Major General Carlos wanted to rescue those brothers, but he also knew very well that whether those brothers could survive or not was really up to his fate.

Those who can survive are good fate, and God is blessing them. Those who can’t survive, I’m really sorry, even God has abandoned you

However, although Major General Carlos felt very distressed, his biggest concern was not on the soldiers of the Marine Corps. What he is most concerned about now is the powerful weapon used by the Cherokee.

"What kind of weapon is this? Is it the kind of grenade thrown by the grenadier? It looks very similar to the explosion, but the grenadier can't throw the grenades so far! The first round of bombing has a long distance. Two hundred meters, how could a grenadier throw a grenade so far?"

Major General Carlos stared at the battlefield that was still screaming in the distance with red eyes, but his heart was ups and downs.

The grenadier is a service generally owned by the armies of European countries in this era. It refers to the infantry in the army that can throw grenade.

The grenade of this era is not like the grenade of later generations or the earthen grenade made by the stone bear. The grenade thrown by the grenadier of this era is really a weapon similar to the grenades fired by artillery.

The size and weight of this grenade are about the same as small artillery shells. A grenade weighs more than four or five catties. Therefore, it is necessary to select soldiers with superior arm strength among the infantry to throw them.

As early as when Leo III of the Byzantine Empire was in power, in the 8th century AD, the soldiers of the Byzantine Empire threw a record of attacking the enemy with a clay pot filled with Greek fire. The prototype of the bomber.

After nearly a thousand years of development, this branch did not become a conventional branch of the armed forces of various countries until the last century, that is, the seventeenth century.

However, these soldiers as grenadiers need to throw grenades at the enemy in front of their own front in the battle. Therefore, the title of grenadier in the European army is used as an honorary title for the heroic combat performance of soldiers, and it also shows that the grenadiers are The elite and outstanding among the infantry.

In other words, the grenadiers are among the elites in the military of various countries.

But the problem is that even if it is a grenadier with great strength, it is impossible to throw a grenade weighing four or five catties to a distance of 200 meters away!

Therefore, those Cherokee must have a way to throw grenade to 200 meters or more.

Seeing that the burst point of the latest round had reached a distance of more than four hundred meters from the Cherokee positions, Major General Carlos was even more puzzled.

"Is it a catapult?" As an old soldier who has been in the army and the frontline for decades, Major General Carlos immediately thought of the catapult, an ancient and efficient long-range attack weapon.

"The problem is that the sling can't throw a grenade to such a distance!" Major General Carlos immediately denied this guess.

Although a large sling can throw a heavy object weighing tens or even hundreds of kilograms to a distance of two to three hundred meters, it can be used to throw a grenade easily to a distance of four to five hundred meters, but that kind of large sling 'S are usually very big, up to ten meters high, once such a big guy appears, you can see it from far away.

And small slings are absolutely unable to throw a grenade to such a distance.

Not to mention that the Cherokee weapons are still dozens of volleys.

"Is it a giant crossbow like a bed crossbow?" As soon as this thought came out, it was strangled to death by Major General Carlos.

Large crossbows are not small in size and require a lot of people to control them. The most important thing is that the cost of this large crossbow is very high. The cost of a large crossbow is almost as high as that of a 24-pound gun. Large crossbows can't be made by ordinary people. It needs extremely skilled craftsmen to make them.

It is impossible for the native Indians to make such a large crossbow!

"Then what methods did the natives use to throw these explosive grenades to such a distance?" Major General Carlos was distressed.

"Bang Bang Bang" was accompanied by a series of dull sounds. After a few seconds, the huge explosion sounded again.

This immediately caused Major General Carlos to play a joke.

"Could it be that these Cherokee natives have come up with any more advanced throwing weapons? The series of bangs is obviously the sound that can only be made after the propellant is detonated. Could it be that the Cherokee natives Developed an artillery that can fire grenades?"

This sudden thought immediately made Major General Carlos excited.

As an old soldier, he has seen too many things, especially about war. Uncertainty in what method the Cherokee natives on the opposite side used to throw the grenades that could explode to such a distance, Major General Carlos only felt that the idea he had just come up with was the closest to the facts.

"A new type of artillery that can launch blooming grenades, and has an effective range of five to six hundred meters." Major General Carlos only felt that his heart shrank suddenly.

"If you can get this new type of artillery and install it on a battleship, then your own battleship can bomb the enemy's battleship at a distance of five or six hundred meters, without having to get closer to the enemy's battleship by 200 meters. The most important thing is that this is an artillery that can fire bombs. Now the naval ships of all countries are made of wood. The most feared is the bombs that can explode. And once the navy ships of the Spanish Empire All the ships are equipped with this kind of artillery, and the warships of other countries are only left to be beaten."


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