Super Chief

Chapter 401: Damn 1 cut

Felisa was awake from freezing.

When he opened his eyes, he only felt cold and icy, as if he had returned to the time when he was almost frozen to death two days ago.

And Felisa only felt that the bridge of his nose, right cheek, and lips were all wood. There was no feeling at all. The only thing he felt was a very strong smell of rust in the cavity.

Felisa knew that the smell of rust was actually the smell of his own blood.

When I was young and frivolous, when I was in a "duel" with a certain dude in the country, after my nose was broken by the opponent, this was the smell in my mouth.

It's just that the taste this time is obviously stronger than the one more than ten years ago.

The surroundings were very dim, and there was fire coming from his right side, but the left side of his body was dim. And he was covered with several clothes, and there seemed to be hay under him. There seemed to be voices not far away, but there was always a sharp "squeak" in his ears. Felisa tried to hear those words clearly, but he couldn't hear clearly.

In this constant "squeak" sound, those voices seemed to be far away in the sky...

Felisa tried to move, but he was horrified to find that he seemed to be unable to move his whole body. It was a feeling of freezing and dying frequently.

"Hey..." Felisa didn't want to be frozen to death just like that. A few days ago in that cold and desolate wilderness, he had witnessed dozens of brothers being frozen to death. He didn't want to be one of them...

However, his dry voice made him sound like the cry of a newborn kitten.

However, this seemed to be in a room. Although Felisa's voice was very small, it was also heard.

Immediately, Felisa felt relieved that several familiar figures surrounded him.

"The major is awake, the major is awake..." A familiar voice rang in his ears, and Felisa knew that it was his own lieutenant named Mendoza.

Felisa felt that his body was supported by seven or eight hands, and a thick pile of dry thatch was tucked behind his back, which made Felisa feel a little more comfortable.

Not far in front is a blazing bonfire. This bonfire is firmly bound by the surrounding stones, so that the branches in the flame cannot be scattered around.

A bowl of warm water was quickly drunk by Felisa, and he felt that he was finally alive again.

"Where is this place? Aren't we brought to that **** indigenous tribe?" This bowl of hot water has another effect, which is to make Felisa's dry voice much better, at least to make him speak. .

"Major, we are indeed in that aboriginal tribe. We were brought back in the dark, but while we were being escorted, you tried to do something unnecessary. As a result, you were taken by an aboriginal. It fell with the **** of the rifle. Also, Major, your nose should be broken. Our military doctor has died in the wilderness. No one will correct your nose now..."

Felisa understood what caused the blackness before coming over! Immediately he smiled bitterly. It seems that when dealing with the **** in the Caribbean, he always likes to hit those **** with the **** of his rifle. Is it retribution now?

He tried to raise his hand to touch the bridge of his nose, which he didn't feel, but he found that this action was a very extravagant action, at least in his current situation that he couldn't complete this action.

Felissa's efforts finally turned into a helpless sigh-if you break it, break it. Fortunately, your life is saved. This is better than anything else.

"Mendoza, where are we now?" The temperature of the campfire made Felisa feel that he was slowly recovering.

"Major, we are locked up by those **** natives. The hundred and four remaining of us were divided into three waves of imprisonment and kept in different houses. We also saw these houses just now. They were made of rocks. It is built with something we don’t know. It’s very strong. We don’t dare to make too much movement. There are several indigenous warriors carrying muskets guarding it. If our movement is a little bit bigger, I’m afraid. I'm worried that after they hear it..."

Felisa turned his head laboriously, and he saw that there were about thirty brothers hiding themselves in the thatch. Mendoza and several other officers were surrounded by the bonfire. They seemed to be discussing something.

The room is big and cold, but it is better than outside. After all, the house can block the cold wind, and there is a bonfire inside. At least these brothers can't freeze to death.

"Mendoza, what's the situation here?" Felisa was silent for a long time before continuing to ask questions.

The lieutenant officer known as Mendoza shook his head, "Sorry, Major, we don’t know what’s going on. The only thing that’s certain now is that the big guy locked us all up. But when you were in a coma, The big guy came here, but saw that you were still in a coma, so he asked his men to set up the bonfire and got us a pot and some water. But there was no food..."

"Oh yes, before leaving, the big man told me in fluent Latin that he would come again tomorrow, but he wants you to think about it tonight and think about why you are here. That. The big man also said he would listen to the truth in the future, otherwise he would throw us into the wilderness."

This made everyone including Felisa shiver involuntarily.

Although the situation is very bad now, it is better than the few days in the wilderness. At least there is no need to worry about being frozen to fell silent again. But his heart was already regretful at this time.

I knew this would happen, and I shouldn't have promised General Carlos to lead the team here. In his own capacity, although General Carlos was his immediate superior, he did not dare to make excessive demands on himself.

Alas, if it wasn't for the governor Martinez who just took office in New Orleans that he had a good relationship with his father, how could Carlos let himself come here? Isn't it because he fancyed his relationship with Governor Martinez?

With this relationship, I can mobilize several armed transport ships from New Orleans up the river, and then inquire about the French...

I didn't expect the news to be heard, but this journey would be so dangerous. The fleet struck a rock and sank. More than 300 soldiers died of freezing and drowned more than half. The remaining soldiers also froze to death more than 40 during the three-day trek. In the end, the remaining people were also arrested by the natives... ..

This **** weather! This **** task! This, this **** everything!

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