Super Chief

Chapter 410: Exposed muscles

Felisa looked enviously as his fellow named Mendoza left this **** place accompanied by two tribal warriors. If possible, how much Felisa wished that person was himself!

It's a pity that even Felisa himself knows that this is obviously impossible. At the very least, before the ransom, that is, the five hundred war horses, I could not do without this place.

Now that he had agreed to use five hundred war horses as a ransom to redeem himself and his brothers, Felisa happily recommended Lieutenant Mendoza as the liaison officer between the Gaoshu tribe and General Carlos. To put it bluntly, Lieutenant Mendoza was the one who sent the letter. He sent the news here to Major General Carlos intact, and then Major General Carlos notified the manager of the Fernando family in the New Spanish Territory, and finally sent the ransom. .

This process will take at least three months or even longer. After all, the Fernando family's territory is as far away as Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula...

Since it is a letter, it must be delivered in the shortest time. But in this season, if you want to go out single-handedly, it is simply looking for death. If you insist on going out, the most likely thing is that the letter was not sent out and the person froze to death, or was devoured by hungry wild wolves in the wilderness.

Therefore, in order to bolster the personal safety of Lieutenant Mendoza, Shixiong sent two soldiers to **** Lieutenant Mendoza to chase the bullock cart team to Jamestown to deliver fodder.

Anyway, the Major General Carlos is currently at the seaside fortress north of Florida. To deliver the letter to the general, Lieutenant Mendoza must first cross the Blue Ridge from the east and enter the coastal area. Then go south along the territory of the Cree.

Regardless of the heavy snowfall on the Gaoshu tribe, as long as you cross the Blue Ridge and the Appalachian Mountains are blocked, the cold air from the north to the south will be weakened a lot, so even the area east of the Blue Ridge The snowfall will not be as big as the one on the Gaoshu tribe.

Therefore, the biggest difficulty facing Lieutenant Mendoza is how to cross the Blue Ridge.

It is obviously impossible for him to cross the Blue Ridge alone in this season. He doesn't recognize the road alone, not to mention the weather.

Therefore, the ox cart team that has already set off for a day is Mendoza's best partner for crossing the Blue Ridge.

Fortunately, the ox carts transporting forages moved slowly. Even if they had already set off for a day, Lieutenant Mendoza could quickly catch up with them under the **** of two tribal warriors.

Speaking of this act of sending fodder, Shi Xiong thought about it later but didn't want to do it. But it won't work if you don't do this!

Even though the ox cart team that sent the fodder can cross the Blue Ridge, as long as the speed is a little slower, it will definitely be able to bring back the five hundred war horses. After all, ox carts can go, and the horse team will not have any problems.

But Shi Xiong knew that the truth is not that simple. First of all, if Stone Bear wanted to take away these five hundred war horses, it was obviously impossible for the Colonel Jones to let these horses go without a gun. After all, these five hundred war horses are worth five thousand pounds!

According to the value of one pound equal to 450 grams of silver in this era, five thousand pounds is 2.25 million grams of silver. Calculated on the basis that one gram of silver in 9102 is approximately equal to 0.33 pounds, these five thousand pounds are worth seven hundred and fifty thousand pounds in 9102!

With the caution of Colonel Jones, he would definitely not let the people of the high tree tribe take the horse away without seeing the gun.

Similarly, Shi Xiong didn't worry about changing horses with his gun. Shi Xiong was worried about what happened if Colonel Jones turned his face.

Therefore, the two agreed that Colonel Jones was responsible for sending the horse to the High Tree Tribe, and then his men returned with a thousand rifles.

What Shixiong wants now is a war horse! Therefore, he would rather send fodder to Colonel Jones than to let Colonel Jones return the horses to the colonists who raised them.

This is a very contradictory matter. How to choose depends on how Shi Xiong views this matter. Shi Xiong chose the most strenuous but surest way-I would rather raise these horses with grass than to throw them away!

Just like the deal between Shixiong and Felisa, Shixiong also took great risks to make this deal.

Felisa and his party already knew the specific location of the Gaoshu tribe, if they followed the stone bear's idea, these people would not be able to stay. Just like the Frenchman Major Armand and their prisoners, they were eventually killed by the stone bear.

But the temptation of five hundred horses is too great. And Shixiong felt that even if the Spaniards knew the specific location of the Gaoshu tribe, it would actually be fine.

After all, in the beginning of spring, the Chekashas will be marched to the west. Once the Chekashas are resolved, then the west, south, and east of the Cherokee will be very safe. Even if the Spaniards want to touch in quietly, it is not impossible. But it may be small.

A small group of troops may not be able to find out, but if a unit with less than 5,000 people wants to kill the Gaoshu tribe, it is simply idiotic. The expeditionary army is equipped with so many grenades. Do you think that the high tree tribe as the base camp will not be equipped with this kind of weapon for defense?

That is obviously impossible.

But it is not an exaggeration to say that, despite the fact that the Gaoshu tribe does not show the mountains and the water, but this is definitely a giant hedgehog. Who dares to come and find the fault, promise to stab him!

However, it is obviously impossible for a large army to quietly touch the High Tree Tribe in the hinterland of the Cherokee tribe.

Besides, after the beginning of spring this year, Shixiong wants to solve more than just Chekasha. In terms of the current strength of the expeditionary force, as long as it is sent out once, all the Chekasha and the Mississippi will be solved.

Even the Frenchman who was entrenched on both sides of the Mississippi River, Stone Bear was ready to deal with it easily.

Now the 55mm mortar developed by the four major alchemists has entered the experimental stage. The Gaoshu tribe can do grenadiers, so mortars are actually not difficult to do.

If it weren't for material and processing problems, Shixiong would like to make heavy mortars with medium or even large calibers.

However, this 55mm small-caliber mortar is sufficient in this This small-caliber mortar that uses non-flooded gunpowder as a propellant and has an effective range of more than 2,500 meters The mortar is almost no different from the mortars used in the later World War II.

In this era, mortars with an effective range of more than 2,500 meters are completely BUG-like.

Although it is difficult to make mortars and mortar shells, it doesn’t need much. The expeditionary army only needs to be equipped with ten or twenty doors, and then bring enough ammunition to make it a French military fortress. It only takes one or two volleys to win directly.

Flowering bullets are also BUG-like existence in this era.

Therefore, Shixiong is not worried about taking the area near the middle reaches of the Mi River.

As long as the west side is taken, the entire Gaoshu tribe will be completely worry-free!

Because of Shi Xiong's certainty, he decided to complete the transaction with Felisa.

It's time for the Gaoshu tribe to show its muscles!

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