Super Chief

Chapter 541: Huron messenger

   The presence of the chief made the officers and men of the First Division happily.

   They have always been the chief’s most iron supporters, and even claim to be even harder than the Guards. After all, before the formation of the Guards, every time the Grizzlies marched out, the highest commander of the First Division must be the Chief.

   And even in the Guards, 60% of them were selected from the First Division.

   The title of "the main force of the main force" of the First Division was not blown out, it was actually achieved with victories one after another!

   Now, the first stop of the Chief Chief's inspection was again at the First Division, which naturally made many soldiers overjoyed.

   In the evening, a grand bonfire dinner was held at the headquarters of the First Division. Not only the soldiers of the First Division and the Guards, but also many senior leaders of the Chippewa and some tribesmen participated in this grand bonfire dinner.

   Although this is no longer the seat of the Chippewa people, it is the birthplace of the Chippewa people, so it is still very important here, and a large number of Chippewa people live here.

   Originally, these Chippewas thought that after they were defeated by the Cherokees, they would need to migrate in the cold winter. After all, the defeated side needed to give up the territory. This is a popular way for the North American Indian tribes for thousands of years.

   Everyone knows that long-distance migration in this kind of weather is completely looking for death, so these Chippewa people were frightened at first.

   What makes them ecstatic is that these Cherokees did not drive them away, but let them continue to live here, and in many ways also helped these Chippewas.

   Comparing heart to heart. Although the Chippewas were very dissatisfied that the Cherokee defeated them, they had to be grateful for the help of these Grim Bear soldiers.

  Especially the technology of ground sculpting, stove, kang and fire wall, let these native Chippewa people feel the warmth they have never felt in the harsh winter.

The soldiers of the first division stationed in the local area took out part of the military rations from time to time to relieve the Chippewa people who had no food, so that these Chippewa people could eat delicious fried noodles, pork floss, big white steamed buns, rice, and stir-fried vegetables. Waiting for food has increased the favor of these Chippewa people.

   One winter is going to pass. Not only did the First Division and the Guards not have any conflicts with the locals, but because they often helped these Chippewas, it became harmonious here.

   Now the Cherokee warchief is here, anyway, these Chippewa people need to come to express their gratitude to this warchief. After all, in this winter's exchanges, these Chippewas had figured out that this disciplined Cherokee troop was the troop most valued by the legendary chieftain of the son of God.

   And when the stone bear showed up at the bonfire dinner with Tep, the soldiers of the Grim Bear Army screamed for joy. And those Chippewa people were dumbfounded.

   Such a majestic character is something they had never even thought of before. The most important thing is that beside this majestic chief, there is a fierce giant bear that makes his legs tremble involuntarily!

Such a huge giant bear, even these native Chippewa people have never seen it before, and this looking fierce giant bear obediently lay on the side of the chief of the son of God, docile as a dirt dog.

  Perhaps, only the children of the gods can make a fierce giant bear so well-behaved!

   Only such a person like a **** can be worthy of everyone's worship!

   This is almost a common idea in the hearts of all Chippewa people who saw Stone Bear and Teppe...

   Shixiong did not expect that he just showed up with Tepp, and immediately won the admiration and even worship of the Chippewa people...

   The cold winter night cannot dissipate the fiery enthusiasm of the soldiers, and the large bonfires burning in this cold winter night are particularly hot.

   The frozen Lake Huron and Lake Superior in the distance are still white, and bright light bulb-like stars are all over the sky. A colorful Milky Way is hanging from the sky, as if decorating this grand bonfire dinner.

Large chunks of venison, beef, lamb and even wolf meat have been brought up, and large fish larger than human have been brought up. The prey caught by the soldiers of the blizzard army during the day are now Have been moved up, they will become delicious food in the raging campfire.

   Datong's liquor was also brought up, because it had been determined to spend a winter on the Great Lakes, so when the river was not frozen, a large amount of liquor was transported from Shangjing.

   Many soldiers who can make wine in the Grim Bear Army will also make some high-level liquor temporarily.

   After all, here, liquor is the best thing to keep out the cold. No one can refuse to take a sip in cold weather.

Soon, the smell of wine was mixed with meat, and the flat square was enveloped. Some of the excited Grimbear soldiers and even the local Chippewa people began to dance around the bonfire in excitement. , And beside these dancers, there are a large number of people clapping, singing, or percussing various instruments to cheer and accompany these dancers...

   The scene is so lively!

   The stone bear sits on a seat covered with bear skin in the Looking at this harmonious scene cheerfully, he is also overjoyed in his heart.

   What if all the tribes could be like these Chippewas?

  The wine was half-hearted, and the Kuai Ma, who drove around the stone bear with the wine jar, accompanied the stone bear back to the original seat.

   Kuaima made a gesture to some of the guards around him, and more than twenty guards with big waists immediately separated everyone around him.

   "Why, something to say?" Shixiong asked his good brother with a smile. Seeing the guards isolate the unrelated personnel, Shi Xiong knew that Kuaima had something to tell himself.

"Yes, boss, I want to tell you something." After a pause, Hurry up looked up at the cheerful people around, then lowered his head and said in a low voice: "About three days ago, I saw it. The messenger sent by the Hurons, that guy is the leader of a very powerful tribe among the Hurons, and he is also the brother of the current chief of the Hurons."

   "Huh?" Shixiong made a nasal sound playfully, "The Huron people are asking for peace or are they going to surrender?"

"Boss, your judgment is really good! The Huron people came this time to seek peace. I wanted to radio you about this matter, but when I received the news that you will be here in three days, I just We are ready to discuss this matter carefully when you arrive."

   Shixiong nodded, "Is the Huron messenger still there?"

   "I have been waiting in the division department."

   "Well, I will meet this messenger in person tomorrow!"



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