Super Chief

Chapter 612: remuneration

Just as Bill Gates said to Mary, like their alchemists and scientists dug, pitted, abducted, deceived or even snatched from the European continent, each is the most precious property of the Yanhuang tribe. .

  Before they came to the Yanhuang tribe, these scientists and alchemists had a common feature, that is, they had been driven to a dead end by their original life. Seeing that if no one was in charge, they would have to throw their heads and shed blood.

Whether it was the first four alchemists who followed the stone bear, or the eighteen arhats who came later, plus the scientists and alchemists who have been brought over by the Viscount Hank and the Fernando family in the past few years, they used to be mixed in the European continent. Lord who can't go down.

They have the ability, at least much better than most ordinary people, but in this era of Europe, scientists or alchemists have nothing to do. Unless the family behind you has enough strength, then you can become a man. A scientist who is truly admired by thousands of people.

   such as Newton, such as Cavendish...

   But in this era of Europe, most alchemists or scientists have no prominent background, and as scientists or alchemists, it is common to do experiments. But experimentation is a very expensive job, so if there is no support from prominent families, then these alchemists or scientists will inevitably embark on a road of no money to spend and no food to eat.

   After these people were tried by Stone Bear to get to the New World, their lives naturally became very good. And not only in terms of life, but in terms of scientific research, Shixiong is also doing the best of the tribe to support them.

   It can be said that after these scientists and alchemists arrived in the New World from the European continent, they were as happy as a mouse fell into a rice tank and a weasel into a chicken coop.

   However, human beings are emotional animals after all, and they have all kinds of needs. After a long period of such a comfortable life that is close to doing whatever you want, these scientists and alchemists will inevitably have other messy ideas.

   To say something ugly, after a long time of this kind of ease, it will make them heal their scars and forget the pain.

   But there is no good way to do this.

   Even if the stone bear is the happiest who wants to kill a few jumpers, he can't bear it.

   What the tribe needs most is them, to be precise, the knowledge in their brains, their hands-on ability and the ability to do experiments.

   Before the clan members of the tribe were cultivated, Shi Xiong really couldn't do without them.

   Therefore, after discovering that some alchemists and scientists were a little bit ready to move, Shi Xiong increased the supervision of all alchemists and scientists.

   Including the four great alchemists who followed the stone bear first, they are all within this kind of supervision.

   Shi Xiong is absolutely impossible to let them go now. Even if they want to let them go home, at least they will have to wait until the talents trained by the tribe can really take over the classes they hold. Prior to this, they all honestly did research in the Academy of Science and Technology.

   want to go, no way!

   Even if you are passive and sabotaged, it’s okay, but you just can’t leave the clan!

   This is not what Shixiong did against a certain person, but against all European scientists and alchemists.

   Shixiong also has no choice. Who makes the tribe’s scientific research talents insufficient?

   It takes at least seven or eight years or even ten years for the cultivated people to fully grow up.

  In other words, before the end of the War of Independence, these scientists and alchemists didn't want to return to the European continent.

   However, Shi Xiong did not blindly use such methods to treat these scientists and alchemists.

   At a meeting of all members of the Academy of Science and Technology, Shixiong frankly said to these scientists and alchemists from the European continent--

"It is absolutely impossible for you to leave the clan now. Don’t forget who rescued you from the dire straits. If it weren’t for the price I paid, I’m afraid that at least half of the people here will have gone. See your god!"

   Ishikuma’s words didn’t say anything about these people.

   Of course they understand that it would be really difficult for them to survive without the Chief Chief. Just like Adrian Carlos, he was about to be sent to the gallows, but was rescued. This is a life-saving grace, so Carlos will be so desperate to build a ship in Norfolk.

   There are many people in situations like Carlos. Most of these people work very comfortably and don't have any messy ideas.

   But those who were fooled by the Fernando family and Viscount Hank had more thoughts, and Shixiong's words were mainly addressed to these people.

"However, if you are far from your hometown and come here to contribute to me and my tribe, I will not treat you badly. In all fairness, how are you living here? I can say to you without exaggeration, except not here. Outside your hometown, here, your life is much better than living in your hometown! Here, you don’t have to worry about food or clothing, and are admired by thousands of people. In your hometown, I’m afraid you will always live You can't get this kind of treatment either!"

   "If this is the case, why do some of you have other thoughts?"

"It doesn't matter if you have other thoughts, but don't express it now. I need you to stay here and work for me for another ten years! And bring enough successors for me! And I will tell you clearly~www. anyone can do this, when you leave here in ten years and return to your hometown, I promise you each of you can take away 10,000 pounds!"

   The effect of these words is extremely powerful.

   These scientists and alchemists were originally people who couldn't get along in Europe. They came to the New World to be able to eat a bite of food.

   If you spend another ten years, you can get a reward of 10,000 pounds. This is something they didn't even think about before.

   The pound sterling in this era is still very valuable. Ordinary workers work hard for a year, and the wages they get are only ten pounds. A small noble family, busy for a year, can only earn two or three hundred pounds.

   Ten thousand pounds in ten years, that is one thousand pounds a year!

  This figure, only those middle-level noble families can make this money for a year.

   The reward given by the Chief Chief is far beyond their imagination.

   So, since that conference, most scientists and alchemists have settled down again. Even a small group of people still have other ideas, but they dare not express them easily.

   Mary Gates said that to her father because she was young and she really wanted to go to the Detroit Fortress to see her compatriots in her hometown.

   But after Bill Gates' persuasion, Mary Gates returned to her original attitude.

   Anyway, this is always a good phenomenon.

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