"So... for this plan, you killed more than a dozen people in this hotel!" As he said, a trace of anger appeared on Xiao Zimo's face.

"That's right! Anyway, the lives of you lowly Chinese pigs are worthless, so what's the point if you kill a few?" Umegawa Uchiku spread his hands and said with disdain, as if he was talking about something trivial same thing.

"I'm Cao Nima!" Xiao Zimo couldn't help but swear, his eyes were full of overwhelming anger.

"I just want to use your guilt towards them to lure you out, as well as my feelings for the traitor Takeda Maruyama. I also felt that this method was not feasible at first, but... it is also good to kill a few Huaxia pigs, you Say yes!" Umegawa Uchiku touched the dagger in his hand and said with a smile.



Xiao Zimo wanted to fight back, but was directly stabbed in the left shoulder by Meichuan Uchiku with a dagger.

"I haven't finished my sentence...why are you in such a hurry?" Mei Chuan Uchiku shook off the blood stained on the dagger, looked at the angry Xiao Zimo and said contemptuously.

"The reason why I told them to guard so loudly just now is to make the samurai who have already ambushed outside ready to go, waiting for you to rush to the window of the toilet." Umekawa Uchiku said lightly.

"Then how can you guarantee that I will definitely rush to the window of the toilet, what if I don't..." Xiao Zimo said with a cold face.

"No, no, no, you will definitely rush to the window of the toilet, because you will have some scruples in fighting here. I have already said it before, just to make you raise the idea of ​​​​changing positions."

"So you said that on purpose!" Xiao Zimo finally knew why Meichuan Neiku reminded him.

"So... you immediately had the idea of ​​moving your position, and of course I was paying attention to you. I noticed it when you started looking for the exit, which means you have fallen into my trap."

"That's why you purposely shouted out the defense. The purpose is to prepare the samurai who have already ambushed outside, and then the dozens of samurai who followed you in also followed the plan. There are at least seven or eight other windows guarding. , and there were only three people defending at the toilet window. At that time, in order to transfer the position as soon as possible, I would definitely choose that place as a breakthrough, and then... during the short time I broke through, other warriors ran to get them Your saber, am I right!" Xiao Zimo said with a cold face.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Umegawa Uchiku clapped his hands, nodded and said, "That's right, in order to deal with you and the implementation of the plan, our samurai sword is placed behind the front desk not far away, why... didn't you see it?" ? That's really a pity."

After finishing speaking, Umegawa Uchiku kept shaking his head.

"Sure enough, it's a good plan!" Xiao Zimo couldn't help but sneered.

"It's not easy to calculate, but you Huaxia pigs are too stupid and too emotional. The lives of a mere dozen of people seem to be a major national event. It's really...too rubbish." Mei Chuanouchi shook his head. The face said contemptuously.

"It is precisely because of this that our Great Heavenly Dynasty is so united and loving. Unlike you, who cheat each other every day, it is really... too ugly and unbearable..." At the end, Xiao Zimo couldn't help laughing up.



Hearing that Xiao Zimo belittled their imperial family, Mei Chuanuchi showed a trace of anger on his face, and directly cut Xiao Zimo's right arm with a dagger.

"Why... I became angry from embarrassment, or... I was right!" Xiao Zimo ignored the bleeding wound, and just looked at Meichuan Uchiku with a smile on his face.

"Baga! You are not allowed to insult!"

laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh!


Mei Chuanneiku gritted his teeth, and the dagger in his hand kept falling, scratching the skin and clothes of Xiao Zimo's body. After a while, dozens of large and small scars appeared on Xiao Zimo's body, and was finally killed by Mei Chuan Kawauchi Ku was kicked to the ground.

"Bah! Your dog son also showed such an expression at that time, he really is a family..." Xiao Zimo spat out a mouthful of bloody phlegm, and looked at Meichuan Neiku with a strange smile on his face, constantly stimulating him.

"You...you shut up, you killed my son, I must kill you, I must kill you!" Mei Chuanneiku had a grim face, and the dagger in his hand was thrust into Xiao Zimo's right shoulder, Then it was pulled out, and it was inserted on his left shoulder, and then it was pulled out, and then it was inserted into his right thigh, and it was pulled out, and it was inserted in his left thigh.

"Baga! I want your blood to drain slowly! Let you die in endless pain. On the road to Huangquan, in the next life, I will let you be my son's cow and horse!" Mei Chuanuchiku said angrily.

"Meichuan Neiku! If you fucking can't kill me, I'll make you an old dog!" Blood kept pouring out from the wound, Xiao Zimo lay powerlessly on the ground, but he was angry when he shouted Complete, constantly impacting the hearts of the people present.

"I won't let you die so cheaply, I'll keep torturing you to make you repent for my son!" Umekawa Uchiku said with a grim expression.


As he said that, he raised his foot and stepped on Xiao Zimo's right leg fiercely, and then there was a penetrating fracture sound.

"Hmm..." Xiao Zimo couldn't help clenching his teeth, and the creaking sound produced by the friction between teeth was extremely clear in the extremely quiet hotel.

"Aren't you shouting out loud? You really are a man! Then I want to see how stubborn you are!" Mei Chuan Neiku's forehead suddenly bulged, and he lifted his foot towards Xiao Zimo's other leg fiercely. step on it.


There was another piercing cracking sound.

Xiao Zimo clenched his teeth, his eyes fixed on Mei Chuan Neiku desperately, but the corners of his mouth raised a little.

"Meichuan Neiku, if you can't kill me today, I, Xiao Zimo, will kill you, hahaha!" Xiao Zimo laughed out loud.

"I'd like to see how capable you are!" As he said, Meichuan Uchiku raised his foot and stepped on Xiao Zimo's left and right hands.

Click! Click!

"Meichuan Neiku, none of the citizens of our Great Heavenly Dynasty is a coward. No matter how you fight, if I, Xiao Zimo, say something, I'm a fucking coward!" Xiao Zimo roared at Meichuan Neiku.

"Then I... will send you to the west!" As he said, Mei Chuan Neiku's dagger stabbed fiercely into Xiao Zimo's heart.


Blood spattered on Umekawa Uchiku's ferocious and dirty face, as if to cover up his ugliness.

"Drip! The cooling time of the cross-time and space lottery draw is over, is the host drawing!"

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