Super Comic System

Chapter 99 Inheritance

Even so, even if the ancients used iron sandalwood to make this box, and with this chain lock, Xiao Zimo could still take out the contents.

Xiao Zimo reckoned that the things inside must be very precious, otherwise he would not have set up such a mechanism and kept them in such a box. The things inside are obviously very old, and the locked lock has been rusted, otherwise even though It's rusted, but it doesn't affect the lock's usefulness in the slightest.

On the contrary, if the lock is getting older and older, it means that it is becoming more and more difficult to open. After all, the reeds inside have been rusted, which reduces the chance of opening to the lowest point. This kind of lock is often the most terrible. , is also the most practical, because it not only ensures that the contents inside will not be taken out, but also ensures the practicability of the mechanism lock.

However, if this kind of lock encounters the ability of the devil fruit, then any practicality will be wiped out.

I saw Xiao Zimo find a gold brick among the gold jewels all over the place, weigh it in his hand, and then walked to the iron sandalwood box.

"ROOM-slaughterhouse!" Xiao Zimo stretched out his hand, creating an operation space around him, and then his empty hand was facing downwards, and then slowly turned upwards, it was very difficult, he The hand holding the gold brick gradually stretched out to become a monk.


When the hand holding the gold brick stretched out in front of the iron sandalwood box, Xiao Zimo's empty hand flipped up suddenly, with the middle finger facing up, the index finger and thumb like a gun, and the ring finger and The little fingers merged together, and then pressed against the palm of the hand.

call out!

Suddenly, the palm of Xiao Zimo's hand holding the gold brick changed. The gold brick he was holding in his hand had disappeared and turned into a smaller box.

This skill is also Luo's skill, which can use the transfer between objects, or the transfer between people and objects.

When he was in Dressrosa, Luo relied on this skill to save his life, and it happened once when he was on Punk Hasa Island.

Facing the transfer of the fruit of the operation, Xiao Zimo was already ripe and almost rotten.

After tidying up his mood, Xiao Zimo began to check the small box in his hand. Unexpectedly, there was another box inside this mechanism box, which made Xiao Zimo speechless for a while. Does it need to be so hidden?

But fortunately, the box in his hand was not locked, that is to say, Xiao Zimo could easily open it.

Since it could be opened, Xiao Zimo opened it very rudely.

When Xiao Zimo opened the box, he could smell the scent of medicine, which made him feel relaxed and happy.

Inside the box was a elixir quietly placed, and it was this elixir that came rushing towards me just now. I saw that this elixir showed a different kind of red color, which was more similar to vermilion.

Looking at this pill, Xiao Zimo couldn't tell what kind of pill it was, because he didn't know what it was.

However, with sharp eyes, he found that on the top of the inside of the box, he found a few lines engraved inside...

The Holy Pill is a special gift for those who are destined. When you open the box and smell the fragrance, take it immediately, otherwise the effect of the medicine will fade away with time, and it will be a waste pill.

Looking at this line of words, Xiao Zimo couldn't help but widen his eyes. Sure enough, this box belonged to Huaxia, and he didn't know how to get this pair of love, but he got it by some kind of ghost.

That's right, if the islanders opened it, it would be useless if they couldn't understand this line of characters. After they deciphered it, this pill might become a useless pill.

Looking at this pill, he hesitated for a while, and finally made up his mind, reached out and took it out, and swallowed the whole pill directly into his mouth.

The elixir melted in the mouth, and it turned into a wave of medicinal power and dispersed in Xiao Zimo's body.

bang bang bang!

Xiao Zimo felt that his meridians and bones were being beaten and expanded, and a huge amount of information was suddenly sent into Xiao Zimo's mind.


With the huge information slowly infiltrating and the beating of meridians and bones, Xiao Zimo couldn't help screaming.

He felt that his head was about to burst, and his body seemed to be torn apart. He lay on the ground and rolled non-stop, and even ran to hit the wall with his head in his hands, but it was still useless, Xiao Zimo felt. He would rather die now.

This feeling lasted for a long time. In the end, Xiao Zimo had no strength to stand up, so he could only lie on the ground and gasp for breath. over his cheek, then drop to the ground.

After a while, Xiao Zimo recovered a little strength, and then sat up slowly, panting desperately.

The painful feeling just now made Xiao Zimo feel as if he wanted to die for a moment, but in the end he survived. The feeling just now that he never wanted to try again in his life was really too painful.

After a while, Xiao Zimo began to check the situation on his body. He found that his physique had been upgraded from the fifth turn of the six-star physique to the seventh turn of the six-star physique, and it was completely consolidated, as if he was about to enter the sixth turn at any time. The eighth turn of the astral physique.

Then, his head has a lot of information, countless, almost more than what he has experienced in this life, otherwise it would not be so painful just now. A normal person will feel his head swell after ingesting a certain amount of knowledge. It means that a critical point has been reached, and you can only take it again when it is slowly consumed.

However, if it is taken in excess, the consciousness will become blurred and the nerves in the brain will become very fragile. If it is an ordinary person, the consciousness may collapse directly, turning into a vegetative state in a mild case, and directly over in a severe case.

Fortunately, Xiao Zimo's physique is different from ordinary people, and after receiving Sauron's sword art, his consciousness has become stronger, maybe his consciousness will also collapse, and thus become a vegetable or directly gameover.

"The lifelong inheritance of Dan Sheng Longcheng..." Xiao Zimo said lightly. Suddenly, with a flash in front of his eyes, he found that there was a lot of information about pills in his head, and the information about how to make pills and check pills was all in his mind.

Xiao Zimo, who got the inheritance, couldn't help a burst of joy, and forgot all the pain that was worse than death just now.

He searched the information in his head for a while, and he found the information about the pill just now:

Inheriting the holy elixir, the energy and consciousness of the whole life are attached to the elixir. The elixir itself has the function of washing the marrow and cutting the bones, so as to improve the physique and consciousness of the user.

Wash the marrow and cut the bone...

Xiao Zimo kept chanting, and then a black substance gradually emerged from his body, exuding a foul smell.

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