"oh! Brother, you didn’t tell me that my mother’s eyes were healed, and yet you still treat me as your biological brother?

I was born by my mother, not adopted!

I dare not let anyone say that I, Sun Yuting, am unfilial.

No, these are the eggs Fengying bought for her. Let her mother take good care of them......."

Sun Yuting complained while holding up her worn shoes.

Originally, he had always looked down on his brother's family; even though his brother had done everything possible to help him, he had always felt at ease.

Who knows that he is the younger brother and the second child that his mother loves the most!

He went to school and worked as a formal worker in a large state-owned factory!

If not......I regret it so much!

However, I still do better than my brother. I am a cadre of the brigade.

He is the confidant of the brigade secretary Tian Futang, and the people who bother him all day long are the commune leaders.

Occasionally, you can also eat with the public, so you can eat some big fat slices of meat!

Brother Xiang worked hard in the fields all day long and couldn't even eat enough sorghum noodles and steamed buns.

In front of such an old farmer, he felt superior and proud.

Even his own family's situation was in a bad state. like a holeJust like myself, I regard myself as a scholar.

Look down on the working people at the bottom!

But all this has changed!

Since half a month ago, it has become astonishing to him!

When I heard my mother-in-law say that my eldest brother’s family is full of meat!

When I heard that my second-rate niece-in-law Wang Manyin was selling rat poison, he was only sent to a labor camp for one day, and was released by Shaoping and the commune director Bai Mingchuan. That was the commune director Bai!

Even Party Secretary Tian of Tian Fu Tang trotted to greet us with a smile!

Don't talk about him......;

When I heard that my eldest niece went to the commune construction site to help; when I heard that......,There were so many things about Shaoping that he was stunned!

Even the second-rate boy Wang Manyin followed Shaoping around; he was Shaoping's second father!

Therefore, after hearing that Shaoping led everyone to replace sorghum; under the encouragement and merciless scolding of his mother-in-law, he finally put down his face and shamelessly begged his brother Sun Yuhou to intercede with Shaoping and let him He also joined the replacement team, which cost three yuan a day!

You can also eat in the commune cafeteria, where there are also fat meat movies!

He hadn't tasted meat in a long time.

When he first led the team to the village instead of Shaoping, he was still complacent and thought that Shaoping was counting on him!

Without the help of Sun Yuting, could Shaoping complete the replacement task with just a baby?

What a slap in the face! Shaoping had fantastic ideas and could see through people's hearts, making the replacement activity a success.

Not only did he harvest more than 100,000 kilograms of sorghum, but he also found someone to take great credit for it!

How can this baby's life be so good?

Compared with him, I have lived for more than forty years in vain!

When he received more than 80 yuan in wages, ten kilograms of fine grain coupons and a set of daily necessities, and returned home triumphantly, his mother-in-law welcomed him outside the door early, looking at him with a smile on her face like a general returning triumphantly from a victorious battle.

The three dolls"Dad, Daddy" hugged their legs and screamed happily, and he cried!

Although the work of the Shuangshui Village brigade was delayed because of asking for leave, Party Secretary Tian may be dissatisfied and have opinions about him....

But seeing my aunt and baby being so happy, it was all worth it!

Who gave all this?

It's his second nephew - Sun Shaoping!

Especially yesterday when he saw the second-rate Wang Manyin changing his appearance and riding a brand new bicycle; humming a ditty as he passed by him - he quickly stopped and learned that Wang Manyin and Shaoan had followed Shaoping to the county seat.

Shaoping bought two people a new bicycle each!

I was surprised again. These two bicycles cost hundreds of dollars!

Shaoping's nephew is so rich!

No, we must keep up.

When I went home and told my mother-in-law, she didn't want to say anything. She went to the village to buy ten pounds of eggs and asked him to go to his brother's house to see his mother in the evening. oh! Mainly to see my nephew Shaoping.

Looking at my mother’s bright eyes and listening to her proud words——

"Yuting! I bought eye drops for me and cured my mother's eyes, and also bought a brand new apartment for my mother——, no——, Luluji, this drama is so good!"

Looking at the brand new yellow rubber shoes on the feet of the eldest brother Sun Yuhou, and looking at the brand new clothes of the sister-in-law!

Smoking the handful of cigarettes handed over by the eldest brother, Sun Yuting felt uncomfortable in his stomach!

"Yuting! You came just in time, I am still looking for you!

Shaoan came back from the county town and said - Pingping is going to build a new kiln courtyard for Shaoan to get married; you can give me the advice and see if there is a good place for the new kiln."

"oh! Shaoan wants a new kiln? This new kiln costs one or two thousand.——"

Sun Yuting's eyes widened!

"Ping Ping said - don't worry about money, he will find a way. What is tormenting now is site selection. Do you think there is still enough land in the village?"

"oh! This way the money will be fine! But – location selection is a big deal! Now I make a lot of money! We need to choose a place with good Feng Shui!

In this regard, you have to contact Mi Yinyang from Mijia Town!

He is an old man who knows Feng Shui!"

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