Super Copy World

Chapter 194: Road distress

"That doesn't mean! In addition to upgrading, we have another task in the future to absorb the aura!" Wang Yu said.

"That's it! Not only that! We also practice our skills. For example, our Taoist healing technique is to practice drawing healing symbols. Otherwise, we can't even use our skills." Mitutoyo said.

"Ah! In this case! This game will become difficult. And not a little hard. It is very difficult." Wang Yu said.

"This game is fun, isn't it?" Mitutoyo suddenly said with great interest.

"Yes! Too simple! There is no playability. There will be a sense of accomplishment in this process." Wang Yuyan said at this time.

"Okay! This is the case anyway. I can only accept reality and have been played once by the game." Wang Yu said helplessly.

"Don't be so helpless! Hehe! I feel that these runes are full of heaven and earth. If we can understand one or two, it will be helpful to us in the future. For example, if this rune is cured, if we can grasp the mystery. Then we can use more advanced copies in the future. "Mitutoyo said.

"Real people are right! If we can master these runes, then maybe we can create our own skills. You don't need to redeem points for entering any copy in the future." Wang Yu felt very reasonable after hearing what Mitutoyo said. .

If you can create Taijiquan as your own skills like Mitutoyo. Then you do n’t need to redeem points to get in and out of copies in the future.

"Now that's why I ca n’t wait to go to Beechtown directly? Let ’s practice vomiting to absorb the spirit. Right, I remember one thing. This blue bottle of potion seems to supplement the spirit. Let me try this thing first Can you directly help us increase the spiritual limit. "Wang Yu said, drinking a small blue bottle directly.

No response at all. The maximum spiritual power is still 1.

"It seems that we still have to absorb the spirit. Let's go! Let's go to Beechtown." Wang Yu said with emotion.

Wang Yu took the lead to move along the river. Wang Yu looked at the map. Although the map is enlarged I don't know how many times. But Beach City is still in that position.

So Wang Yu only needs to take everyone along the river.

They stopped and walked along the way. When you meet a monster, you cut it.

"Going a little further ahead is Beechtown." Wang Yu checked the map and said.

"It looks like it's going to be dark!" Wang Yuyan said.

"I ca n’t think of looking too far. We walked all afternoon. Even if it took some time to kill monsters halfway. We still ran a long way!" Yang Guo said.

He complained a little about his tired nature.

"Brother! Why didn't you set a horse when you set it?" Wang Yuyan said.

"This ... that ... hehe! Because I don't think horses are needed! You will know when you go to Beechtown." Wang Yu shivered and explained.

才 He didn't want to tell Wang Yuyan them. These are his bad tastes.

Of course, even horses are useless. Because all the way is strange. Riding horses might fall off. Because Ma might be frightened.

"Ah !? What is this? It's tangling my feet!" Yang Guo suddenly shouted at this time.

I was just as Yang Guo shouted. Several rope-like things entangled Wang Yu's legs. And dragged Wang Yu away. The rope immediately dragged Wang Yu two meters away.

Wang Yu immediately reacted, took out a bronze sword in the space and slashed two swords towards the rope, and the rope was cut. Yang Guo had already been dragged away at this time.

"I think I guess what it is!" Wang Yu stood up and patted the gray and said ~ ~ Yang Guo was dragged to the side of a tree. At this time, a plant with a big mouth was drilled from the ground. Yang Guo was wrapped up in one sip.

"Oh, I go! This thing is so big? Shouldn't it! Shouldn't the cannibals be taller than one person?" Wang Yu said surprised when he saw the plant that came out.

"Brother! This is not the time to sigh! It is the business to save Brother Yang as soon as possible." Wang Yuyan said.

"What else to say. Cut it!" Wang Yu first lifted the bronze sword in his hand and rushed out.

Everyone saw the ebony sword replaced by a bronze sword. Obviously it is better to use a bronze sword at this time.

"Brother Yang, don't panic! We are here to save you." Wang Yu shouted.

At the same time, Yang Guo was wrapped in a cannibal flower. Can't move at all. Yang Guo can feel that his clothes are not corroding, his face is all mucus and he has a burning pain.

Wang Yu soon rushed forward. But at this moment his leg was again entangled by a cannibal vine, and dragged him in the other direction.

Wang Yu thought that this cannibal flower had already swallowed Yang, and it should not be swallowed again. So there was no defense, and he was dragged a few meters away again. Wang Yu immediately slashed his sword again and chopped it, and soon he chopped off the cannibal flower vine.

"The sample just wants to pull me like this! You have eaten Brother Yang. Do you want to eat me again?" Wang Yu stood up and patted Ash again.

Suddenly, Wang Yu suddenly turned black when Wang Yu was in trouble. Then he couldn't move.

"Nima! There is another cannibal flower here!"

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