Super Copy World

Chapter 249: 2 years

Wang Yu sent the three people to the world of Pokemon and returned to the world of war.

He also needs to raise the flesh to second-level strength.

So after a lapse of seven days, the people of Taoyuan City heard the sound of lightning and thunder again.

Within a few days, Wang Yu received several success messages.

"Ding! Congratulations on the successful signing of Zhang Liang!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the descendants for successfully signing Han Xin!"

"Ding! Congratulations on the successful signing of Xiao He!"

Uh ...

At the same time, he was in the meeting hall of the Qin Palace.

Yingzheng, Wang Jian, Meng Tian, ​​Meng Yi, Tong Yuan and Zhang Liang, Han Xin, Xiao He who just signed the contract successfully. Things are being discussed.

"Ovary! The hero suggested that we attack the Han Dynasty first! What do you think?" Ying Zheng said.

Zhang Liang had a complicated look at Yingzheng. He always thought he had to be loyal to Yingzheng after he was brought to the city of Qin Wang by the Black Ice Platform, and he found that he was wrong after signing the contract.

It turned out that several people of the Qin King had already been signed by the unknown principal.

At this time, Han Xin also had a weird look. He did not expect that he would no longer have to take care of Yingzheng after signing the contract. Knowing that he was afraid of Yingzheng and he was afraid of dying the other day. It's weird to come.

He is not so, now there is suddenly an unknown hero! Not in my heart. Fortunately, however, he knew that their world is not the only one, and there are many other worlds. Finally, it is not only the disadvantages but the benefits.

"I thought I would first capture the Daxia dynasty, merge the Daxia land, and then attack other countries, and then it would not be a dream to unify the mainland." Zhang Liang said.

"How does Xiao He say?" Ying Zhengyou asked Xiao He.

"King! I'm not targeting anyone. I think it's safe to attack Zhou Dynasty first." Xiao Hexian bowed and said.

"Oh? Why do you think so?" Yingzheng found that the two people's views were completely different, and could not help being interested in Xiao He's views.

"King! According to the protagonist, there are many good ministers in the Han dynasty. We are afraid that it will be difficult to eat one bite. And now Han Wang Liu Hong is still hanging. I might as well wait to attack the Zhou Dynasty, devour his people, and his The land is powerful, Qin Kingdom. After the death of Han Wang Liu Hong, I will wait until the offensive is turned to attack the Han Dynasty. "Xiao He said.

"This is a great plan! King! Xiao He ’s intention to attack Zhou Dynasty is to fix my own first, but this can also be a tactic of attacking the west. I can send an admiral to attack Zhou Dynasty, and at the same time, stand up and ambush a team of soldiers. Ma is on the border of the Han dynasty. When the Han dynasty slacks off, it will surely achieve a miraculous effect if it attacks again. "Zhang Liang added after hearing Xiao He's plan.

"What does Han Xin say?" Ying Zheng asked Han Xin again.

"King! I can lead the military to hide at the border between Qin and Han. I can't leak a little flaw. As for attacking the Zhou Dynasty, I think Wu Cheng and his father and son should recognize both!" Han Xin said.

"Well! Wang Jian! Wang Ben! You two led the army with a 200,000 fanfare, swindled 800,000, and attacked the week." Yingzheng quickly made arrangements.

"Yes!" Wang Jian and Wang Ben both said loudly.

"Han Xin! Zhang Liang! You two led an army of 300,000 lurking near Fucheng. When the Han dynasty was in turmoil, they attacked a lot." Yingzheng also arranged Han Xin and Zhang Liang.

"Yes!" Compared with the calm Zhang Liang, Han Xin was much more excited. The last moment was a civilian, and the next moment was already a general who commanded 300,000 troops.

"Xiao He, you are responsible for grain and grass matters." Yingzheng also made arrangements for Xiao He.

"Yes!" Xiao He is also very calm.

"Meng Tian and Meng Yi, you two took the 20,000 sailors to the vicinity of Taoyuan City, where they were stationed in case of unexpected needs."


"Tong Yuan! You are familiar with the Han Dynasty, and you will have 10,000 cavalry stationed in Fucheng. When the army is up, you will be the vanguard."


Uh ...

Three months later.

Qin Royal Palace.

"Report! Wang Shang! Wu Chenghou and his army swept all the way. Those princes of the Zhou Dynasty descended and fled, and they already accounted for half of the Zhou Dynasty."

"Report! Wang Shang! Han Wang Liu Hong was killed 10 days ago, and now the entire Han dynasty has become a mess."

"Commanded to let Han Xin choose to strike."



one year later.

"Report! Wang Shang! Wu Chenghou has been blocked in Zhou Wang City for three months. During this period, there will be more than 100 fights, more than 40 battles, and casualties."

"Let Wang Jian continue to maintain, be sure to drag the 800,000 Zhou Jun, and at the same time let Zhao Yun, who came into effect a few days ago, rate the cavalry to support 20,000."


"Report! Wang Shang! General Han encountered a large number of coalition forces, totaling 400,000, but General Han said that it was not a fear of civilians who had just put down their hoes. During the fighting more than a hundred times, the generals captured more than 20 generals. Strangely, these captured generals and captured soldiers were sent to Taoyuan City. "

"Don't care! Let Han Xin be sure to defeat the coalition before the 6th moth."

"King! Hei Bingtai received news that Dahan Shuangwei Weiqing and Huo Qubing took 100,000 Han Dynasty imperial guards to prepare to encircle and suppress Han Xinjun."

"Let Xiang Yu, who came to work yesterday, rate the cavalry 50,000 star nights to stop Wei Qing and Huo from going sick, and tell him that the two of them must live."

Uh ...

Two years later.

Taoyuan City, the main palace, the martial arts field.




"Not bad!"

A figure was drowned in skills again.


I saw that when the figure gave a slight shock, except for the healing skills of the doll, the rest of the skills were bounced away.

"Ding! Congratulations to the advent of Chaos body upgraded to level 2 ~ ~ Hahaha! After two years, I finally upgraded my constitution to level 2." Wang Yu said with a laugh.

"Ding! Your force has exceeded the upper limit of this world. Please leave this world as soon as possible. The countdown is 1 hour. The system will force the advent to leave the world after 1 hour."

"Oh I'm going! It's running out of time again? But why does this world have an hour? Is it because this world is one level higher than the Pokemon world?" Wang Yu murmured.

"Well! We must arrange things as soon as possible, and then make a copy." Wang Yu thought of this and immediately went to the meeting hall.

He was still dressed on the way, and now he is in charge of Mulan. In the past two years, because of the continuous wars, Wang Yu put Xiang Yu and Zhao Yun

Was thrown out and experienced.

Even Huang Zhongguo and others who came back later went out. At this time, only Mulan remained in the city to rule.

Soon Wang Yu walked to the meeting hall.

Hua Mulan immediately came to salute when he saw Wang Yu coming.


"Well! I have something to tell you! You send letters to them, and you say that your strength exceeds the upper limit, and you leave the world, let them all hand over, and don't mess up," Wang Yu said.

"Right! Let Yingzheng pass the throne to Fusu, and he should go, let him don't worry about his throne one day, and later go to the high-level world, we will give him a throne." Wang Yu thought about it. Say again.

"It's the hero! By the hero! Our Taoyuan City can be upgraded to the Imperial City."

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