On the edge of the Wu River, the horses' hooves were urgent, the footsteps were chaotic, and there were also some ruts crushing the frozen snow.

A bunch of people fled! The bandits in the rear hindered the troops of Tao Zhifu, just to buy time.

The two sides kept fighting, and the battle was extremely fierce.

However, even so, the prefect of Wujiang still dared to go to the edge of the Wujiang River, threw down the flat boat that had been prepared for a long time in his hand, and forcibly crossed the river.

The thin ice on the Wu River was broken one after another, and the flat boat crossed the river with one Wu family guard after another.

"Rush me! I can't let that bastard of the Wujiang prefect run away.

Tao Zhifu was behind, looking at such a fierce situation, and said angrily.

"Dad, these guys are not weak in combat, we really can't break through. "

Who would have thought that these bandit soldiers, who were not taken into their eyes at first, would fight so strongly, and let 3,000 people drag them down.

Although these 3,000 soldiers suffered heavy casualties, their people also suffered a lot of casualties, and if they continued, the Wujiang prefect would definitely be able to escape, and when that time came, they would really fall short.

Thinking of this, Tao Qian was a little anxious.

"Dad, what should I do!"

"I led people to kill and drag 3,000 soldiers, and now you take the only remaining cavalry to chase me to the Wujiang prefect, even if you can't stop it, leave me some more soldiers." "


Qian nodded hurriedly.

When the words fell, Tao Qian immediately led his troops out.

"Everybody stop these bandits for me. For every one killed, I will reward them with two taels of silver

!" "Kill!"

Tao Zhifu's words gave them great courage.

The fighting between the two sides intensified.

For a while, there was no winner or loser.

"My lord, the pursuers behind have caught up, and it seems that we have to leave some soldiers to stop us. The

butler Wu who was following Governor Wu said.

"This damn surnamed Tao, I didn't expect the combat effectiveness of the troops to be so strong! I can only do this, and leave some more!" Governor

Wu said unwillingly, and then glanced at it again, if it weren't for the hundreds of people beside him who dragged them down, he would have already crossed the Wujiang River at this time.

But he couldn't help but take him, after all, the barbarians had named and named them, and who they wanted to take away.

Although the water of the river in Layue is not frozen, it is extremely cold.

Tao Qian, who rushed to the mouth of the Wujiang River, looked at the boats that were getting farther and farther away, his heart was full of helplessness, the river was turbulent, and the horse couldn't walk at all.

"Childe, we really can't help it!" "

Why don't we go around here and chase him?"

said a Tao family guard beside him.

"But if you go around it, you will have to run for dozens of miles in vain! I'm afraid we won't be able to catch up! When we get there, they won't be there. "

Now there is still some snow on the road, this place where the Wu Governor has gone will definitely leave


"We can chase them according to the traces!" Tao

Qian laughed with joy when he heard this.

"That's right, haha, a few days ago I was still scolding God for this snow, but now it seems that this snow has helped us!"




At the other end of Wujiang, Li Tian and the others, who were hidden in the grass and watching the movement above the river, couldn't help but clench the weapons in their hands at this moment.

"My lord, we will be able to do it in a while

!" "As long as they rush up, I will lead two hundred elite cavalry to cut a hole, and you will make a move when the time comes!"

"Don't worry!"

Li Tian gave the latter a look, and then wiped the rocket artillery in his hand.

"Ashore!" roared

the king, and immediately rushed over.

"Brothers, rush me, take down the head of the Wujiang prefect, everyone go back and drink a lot of wine, eat a lot of meat, and double the silver!"


As soon as the words fell, the two hundred elite cavalry formed a herringbone and rushed forward.

At the front are pikemen, on the left and right are shield soldiers, and in the middle, the archers with bows and arrows on their backs are still firing cold arrows.

The speed of the two cavalry was extremely fast, and the prefect of Wujiang and the others, who had just rushed to the shore, were forced to cut a hole before they could react.

"Throw away your weapons and kneel on the ground and don't kill!" roared

the king.

As soon as the words fell, the long sword in his hand had already killed two soldiers.

"Stop, stop them all!" Governor

Wu was frightened and yelled as he stepped back.

"The guards will follow me to kill! The

Yuan horse shouted, and led the team to slaughter.

"Let's go! Quickly protect the mansion! Leave these soldiers alone, the pro-guards who came across the river from behind will stop them. "

Hurry up and meet those people of the barbarian tribe first, and when these people dare to chase after them after the meeting, it will be death

!" "Yes!"


Wu raised his arms and shouted, and rode away with the only remaining soldiers to protect his lord.

And Li Tian happened to seize this opportunity, jumped out of the grass with his legs, straddled the rocket launcher on his shoulder.

A shell arced through the air, visibly striking a guard in front of him.

The flames of the explosion covered a radius of ten meters, and countless screams came out at this moment.

The royal magnate who was fighting with the pro-guards was immediately stunned when he saw this scene.

He didn't expect Li Tian to have such a powerful weapon.

"Shield! Shield!" Steward

Wu yelled.

Fortunately, there were quite a few soldiers in front of him just now, otherwise he would have finished his calf.

"Shield, hehe, can you block it!" Li

Tian sneered, and once again loaded a single rocket.

Then pull the trigger again.

Boom! The

rockets exploded, and the shield, which could easily withstand the assault of the gun, was directly blown into scrap metal, and the soldiers died along with them.

In front of the Wu Governor's Mansion, a passage was cleared in an instant.

"Come and save me, come and save me!" At

this time, Governor Wu was frightened, where had he ever seen such a battle

!"Save you!

Li Tian snorted coldly.

The war horse under the crotch of his legs rushed instantly, the rocket was reloaded again, and then the trigger was pulled.

One shot into the soul and hit the side of Wu Zhifu.

This time, the latter was blown out in an instant, and countless places on his body were blown to pieces, but fortunately, the head was still preserved.

Li Tian instantly threw down the rocket, jumped off his horse and closed his eyes at the same time, exchanging an axe from the system store.

slashed at the corpse of the Wu Governor's Mansion, and the neck of the Wu Governor's Mansion was shattered by three axes in a row, and the blood flowed.

Li Tian picked up his head with joy.

"It worked! "

My lord!"

Seeing that the eyes of these many pro-guards were cracked, Yuan Ma, Yuan Monkey, Yuan Yang and others, who were fighting with the king's magnates, rushed towards Li Tian in a frenzy.

"My lord, run!

Seeing this, the king and magnates also shouted.

"Cavalry, shields up, lined up, block!".

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