"Interesting! I didn't expect that a few county commanders from the capital really have a lot of means, and the combination of the five counties plus their own troops can really form a force that cannot be ignored if time is not guaranteed.

Li Tian couldn't help but laugh.

"Forget it, just think I'm supporting their work. "

Xiaorou, give money. "

Yes, my lord!" Lu

Rou replied respectfully, and then took out the silver taels and let them go.

As Li Tian's convoy moved away, the soldiers who had collected the money before narrowed their eyes slightly, and then turned their heads to a soldier next to him and said respectfully.

"My lord, this Lord Li is really a little extraordinary!"

"Yes, I saw this just now, my appearance is mediocre, but I can do so many serious things, which is really admirable. The

soldier nodded.

He is the county magistrate of Linhe County.

The joint deployment of the five counties was also decided three days ago, and in order to prevent accidents, he personally disguised himself as a soldier and hid in it.

In the past few days, there has been a lot of money confiscation, but they have roughly grasped the trend of population flow, and most of the people who come to take the official road are small vendors who travel back and forth to the five counties.

"According to our investigation, it won't be long before the reclamation of the barren land in the three counties of Linshui and other counties will be completed

!" "At that time, we will have to go over and investigate, and by the way, we will study hard

!" "Yes, my lord!"

"But we don't have to do it?".

"No need, the land in the five counties has been limited, there is not much good land to reclaim, and the remaining vacant land is not enough to divide after reclamation, if you want to open up mountains and fill rivers, it will be too labor-intensive

, and it will take a long time!" "We mainly have to develop trade and get this tax and silver up first!"


Go back to Linshui County and have a good visit, I think Master Li has reclaimed the fields with such fanfare, I think there must be a big plan, what they will plant at that time, what we will plant." The

Linshui County Commander smiled and said.



The road went smoothly, and finally Li Tian arrived at Linshui County.

After seeing the scene in Linshui County at this moment, my heart was very comfortable.

"My lord!" Zheng

Ruhua hurriedly came to greet him.

"Well, the land has been reclaimed?"

"All the people in the three counties, regardless of men, women, and children, have been ploughing the land day in turn, and the land has been successfully reclaimed.

"Here's a new list of land! We've got a list of them, and I'm going to ask you to take a look at them." Hearing this

, Li Tian nodded, then took the list, and after watching it carefully, he randomly leaked doubts.

"What's the matter with this land ticket? Shouldn't it be a land deed?"

"Lord Hui, this ticket was conceived by the old man, and every citizen farms the land with the ticket, and changes it once a year! According to the harvest of each common household, we have assessed the outstanding peasant households, and their farmland planting rights can be appropriately increased in the second year.

"In addition, some wounded soldiers, or some meritorious generals, in addition to rewards such as gold, silver, cloth, etc., can also give their families the right to plant for two to three years

!" "I see!"

"Then according to what you say, the fields cultivated this time are not ready to be fully divided?" Li Tian asked.

"Yes, some of them are reserved for the county government! Of course, the remaining part of the field naturally has to be planted by people, after all

, it is a waste to waste there!" "Okay, then everything is up to you!"

"I've been bothering you for more than a month, what kind of reward do you want?"

Li Tian then laughed.

"My lord, Weichen doesn't need any reward, he can benefit the people, this is also my wish!"

"Okay, then arrange two handmaidens for you, at least I can help you get started." "

This... Master Xie!"

Zheng Ruhua said with a wry smile.

"By the way, what difficulties have you encountered in river irrigation?"

"Yes! Now I have dug ditches in the three counties of Linmu and diverted a lot

of water, but the flow of water is quite small, and even if I see a waterwheel, the efficiency is extremely low!" "I have seen the trend of the river in the river, if I can block a part of the water flow in the middle of Tianshui Fu, so that it will flow to our three counties, then the water flow will be more violent!"

"After irrigation, it will also become more convenient!" "

Tianshui Mansion?"

Li Tian raised his eyebrows slightly.

"If we go to someone else's domain to do this kind of thing, I'm afraid we will be targeted, and besides, if we block the flow of water from other people, will it cause other effects. The

old man has already studied it, the water flow over there in Tianshui Mansion is extremely rich, and if we block the waterfront tributaries in it, it will not affect them. "

That's it, it's not profitable, I'm afraid they won't do it!" "That's it

, prepare some gold and special products to pay a visit

!" "This is also possible!"

Zheng Ruhua nodded.

"By the way, how are those people training?"

"It's still training, and these overseas people still haven't been able to be loyal to you, so the old man doesn't dare to let you use them rashly." "

Then keep training! Those guys are so big, if they can be trained properly, they will definitely be a big killer. "


!" "Go and do your business, and call the master over to me, and then call Zhao County Ling and Zhang Long!"



Half a day later, the Linshui County Office.

Li Tianzheng sat in it!

"Master, I intend for you to take over the real power of Linmu County, I don't know what you think."

"My lord, I'm afraid my subordinates can't bear such a heavy burden!"

"Eh, why are you arrogant, I don't have enough talents in my hands, you are the most suitable at the moment, you just take over, and then if there is any problem, find me again, Zhang Long will help you as your deputy."

"But there is one thing that you remember clearly, and you must let the people in your hands know that you are good to them because I want to be good to them.

"Understood, my lord, rest assured, my subordinates will let them know who they should love

!" "Well, after going back, I will discuss with Zheng Dewang and let him serve as the president of the Chamber of Commerce of the three counties, and all shops, green buildings, etc., all the people working with more than five people will be recorded!"

"Then, let them communicate with each other in the three counties!"

Hearing this, Zheng Ruhua next to him was stunned for a moment.

"My lord, do you mean to let them do business in Linshui County?"

"Yes, it can be regarded as attracting investment, we provide them with land for free, and now that the people of Linshui have savings in their hands, it is time for them to spend it."

"After all, only money and silver can be circulated, and the county government can collect money and silver!" Li

Tian couldn't help but sigh.

"Then the Qinglou is also introduced?" next

to him,

Zhao Xianling followed and said.

"Lead! Quote them all! As long as they are willing to come, I will give them preferential treatment! Isn't there an inn in our county? Give them free of charge! I can also enjoy preferential treatment for the tax money collected every year!"

"Those who come to work also enjoy the treatment of residents of Linshui County, and their children can enter the county government school, and those with disabilities in their families can also enjoy the county government relief!"

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