
everyone didn't dare to hesitate when they heard this, and hurriedly nodded respectfully.

After packing his bags, Li Tian led people to Tianshui Mansion, but when he left, he left a lot of medicines, and he instructed the people left behind how to give some medicines to those people who were infected with diseases.

Li Tian didn't have much medicine, and it was definitely a medicine to get rid of the disease.

I believe that after returning from Tianshui Mansion, the county commanders of the five counties should be happy to send those 150 shows.

As soon as the cold winter wax moon passes, although spring has not yet begun, the more you go south, the more you can perceive the warm weather.

After a day's journey, you can see a city in front of you.

This is the city of Tianshui Mansion, and the water flow that Li Tian wants to cut off is forty miles north of this city.

This is the upper part of the river.

When the widest part of the river is cut off, the remaining tributaries flow north along the waterfront.

"You first guard the army outside and enter the city, this is a big taboo, just ensure that Xiaorou you follow me.

Standing outside the Tianshui Mansion, Li Tian turned his head and said lightly.


the words fell, and everyone nodded respectfully.

The three of them rode horses and went straight to Tianshui City.

As soon as I entered, I was stopped.

"I don't know what you're doing?" Li

Tian's seven-grade official uniform can't be faked, and the 100 elite cavalry not far away can't be faked, and the officers and soldiers guarding the city don't dare to slack off.

"I came to visit Lord Tianshui Qu in the next place. "

Dare to ask who you are?"

"Linshui Li Tian

!" "My lord, please!"

Hearing this, the soldier did not dare to stop him in the slightest, and hurriedly nodded respectfully.

Linshui Li Tian, who doesn't know! Assist Lord Tao of Tianyang Mansion to take Wujiang Mansion.

At the beginning, my own family was an adult, but I also thought about getting involved, but after thinking about it, my strength was not comparable to the Tao family, so I gave up.

When Li Tian heard this, he nodded and smiled

, "Thank you for leading the way!" Fourteen

minutes later, Li Tian appeared in the Tianshui Mansion, drinking hot tea,

and suddenly a middle-aged man in a cyan official robe walked out of the door.

Seeing this, Li Tian hurriedly put down the teacup and bowed very respectfully.

"Xiaguan Li Tian, meet Master Qu!" "

Lord Li is a rare guest, why did you suddenly want to come to me

?" "There is something to ask for here, and I hope Lord Qu can agree!"

"One thing to ask for?hehe, you and Lord Tao are so close, why do you have to come to me?"

Lord Qu smiled faintly.

"No, I'm here with sincerity. As he

spoke, Li Tian glanced at Zheng Ruhua next to him, who hurriedly took out a cloth bag from his cuffs.

That Lord Xu glanced at him carelessly, and suddenly felt a slight shock in his heart. All the contents of this bag are gold, although the largest piece may be only the size of a finger, but this is also gold, and it is estimated that it weighs at least two catties.

According to the price, it is worth about

500 taels!

There is absolutely no fool who is willing to exchange this gold for 500 taels.

On the surface, the price of gold and silver is 1:10, but in fact, they can be fried to 1:20.

Even though he has a lot of money, he doesn't have much gold.

"What's the matter with Lord Li?"

"I'm digging a ditch in Xia, but this water is a little insufficient, I want to circulate the riverside next to you, so that most of the water upstream will be left in my Linshui County, I don't know if it's okay?"

"This... It's not easy to do!"

said Master Qu.

"This matter should be under the management of the Ministry of Industry, I am rashly going to move the water, in case the imperial court investigates it..."

Hearing this, Li Tian's face was slightly stunned, and he couldn't help but greet the eighteenth generation of Master Qu's ancestors in his heart.

Although the mountain and river projects are under the management of the Ministry of Engineering, at least they need to be reported for large projects involving more than 10,000 people.

Blocking a small river still has to be reported, and those people in the Ministry of Industry in the capital are not exhausted to death? This Lord Qu is obviously looking for excuses.

"Lord Qu, you can help! My people are waiting for water to irrigate, if the water is not enough, my people will suffer from drought next year

!" "Lord Li said with a smile, I see that you have never encountered a drought in previous years, I heard that Lord Li integrated the three counties and cultivated thousands of hectares of fields, so I thought it was because of the lack of water for irrigation in these fields that he found me!"

Lord Qu smiled and touched his beard.

"Yes, what does Master Qu mean

?" "I see that the people of your county are cultivating so fast, why don't you come and help me reclaim it?"

"Your Excellency, you are joking. "

Do you think I'm joking?" said

Master Qu lightly.

"If I can do it, I will promise, if I can't do it, you can leave.

"Okay! That's what I'm bothering today. With

that, Li Tian picked up the gold and left.

"Wait! This gold has already been given to me, how can there be any reason to take it back?"

"Haha, that's right! Master Qu, you're a bit too much!" Li

Tianqiang said angrily.

He didn't expect that the old man in front of him would be so unruly and dare to forcibly swallow his own silver.

"This official is not accepting your gift in vain, don't you want to block the river

, I will give you time, is there enough time in one day!" "As long as I can do it, I will carry it for you!"

"Yes! My family is very honest, a bag of gold will give you a day." The

entourage official next to Master Qu also laughed.

"Thank you, then, sir.

Li Tian looked indifferent and hugged his fists, and then left quickly.

It was just when the soles of his feet stepped out of the door that Master Qu's voice came.

"The time of the day is calculated from now on, Lord Li, if you really want to start blocking the river, you have to hurry up

!" "Thank you Lord Qu for reminding you!"

Li Tian snorted coldly without looking back, and then left quickly, and after leaving the mansion, Li

Tian scolded angrily.

"Dog, what a fucking eating of ambitious leopard guts! I'm sure I'm going to make you a son of a bastard spit in the future. "

My lord, what should we do then?" Li Tian's time is definitely not enough, it will take at least a month, and it will take a lot of manpower!" Lu

Rou asked softly with a worried face.

"Who said a day is not enough, it is enough! This time I have to slap him in the face.

Li Tian sneered, and then glanced at the elite cavalry not far away.

"Fortunately, I brought a weapon this time, otherwise it would really be over!"

"Lao Zheng, you go to Tianshui Mansion to find a blacksmith, buy some tools for digging mountain rocks, and then get some iron pipes, I will be of great use later." "

Yes!" Zheng

Ruhua nodded respectfully, he seemed to have guessed his lord's intentions.

"Xiao Rou, let's go see that section of the river, and we can witness the miracle later."

The corners of

Li Tian's mouth couldn't help but grin lightly.

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