
Arrow after arrow fell on the corpse.

Unfortunately, the corpse could not block the attack of these arrows, and a thicker arrow pierced the corpse's back and pierced the old Taoist leader's body.

"Old Daoist!" Zhao

Honggang was about to run over to help support, when he suddenly felt a murderous aura appear.

Then several masters hidden around rushed one after another, their swords were sharp, and their attacks were extremely vicious.

"Damn it.

Zhao Honggang scolded angrily, and rushed with his sword.

It's a pity that they were outnumbered and were seriously injured soon, but at this time, the three axes and others also rushed over.

"Don't be afraid, we're coming!" the

old axe roared, and in an instant, he killed a good hand in the rivers and lakes.

"It turned out to be you, Juxian Pavilion took back your token, but I didn't expect you to live well, and you dared to come here to make trouble. Suddenly

, there was a burst of treacherous laughter from the city wall, and then I saw a person jumping down from the five-zhang high city wall, and the flying needle in his hand was quickly shaken.

Seeing that it was not good, everyone hurriedly hid.

"It's you, Han Renxuan! I didn't expect you, a bastard, to be the lackey of the King of Xuandu, have you forgotten that all the people in your Flying Needle Gate were dead!"

"Old Dao, are you okay?" The

old drunkard was also extremely surprised, and hurriedly ran over and asked loudly.

"It's okay! I'm fine!" "

The thing that Master Li gave me was quite useful, and although the arrow just now hit me, it unfortunately failed to break through my abdomen. The

old Taoist explained, then looked ahead, and said with a cold look in his eyes.

"That's how you treated your master when he tried to keep you alive?"

"Master, that old guy was personally sent on his way by me. I have long been a member of the King of Xuandu, and now I am a guest of the King of Xuandu. "

By the way, I forgot to tell you, when the King of Xuandu sent troops to recruit those sects, do you know why you were so fast? That's what I reported!"

"I deliberately asked the old fellow Master to gather your shopkeepers together to discuss the next direction of the sect.

"Then they sent a message to the army of the King of Xuandu, and then they wiped out your sect without much effort.

"That is, you are lucky, and you actually held out until Juxian Pavilion came to the rescue.

"What did you say?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned, they never thought that there would be such a thing.

"You traitor! I cleaved you bastard. "

How can the old axe endure it, when even if it is a big hand, then the axe flies from the sky and slashes down with thunder.

Seeing this, Han Renxuan sneered, then clenched his fists and jumped his legs hard.

The body is like a straight line, straight forward.

The two sides went back and forth, fighting for more than a dozen rounds.

At the same time, the soldiers of Xuandong City and the disciples of the King of Xuandu also surrounded them.

"Get out of the way! Lao Tzu is going to.

Just as they were waiting for this, Zhang Keer and Xu Wenle rushed towards this side with silenced submachine guns.

The old Taoist who was still fighting with Han Renxuan and the others were immediately frightened when they saw this scene.

Immediately frightened, he didn't even dare to ask for a dust, so he ran backwards, lest he be shot.

The old axe and the others also wanted to grow an extra leg, you must know that they were mixed with these people, if the thing in Xu Wenle's hand was not accurate, then he would burp.

When Han Renxuan saw this scene, he raised his eyebrows, and he was extremely puzzled in his heart.

"Adults chase after him, these guys can't let him escape, we have to get a reward when we go out!"

"Okay! let's chase..."

Before Han Renxuan finished speaking, a series of bullets shot out wildly.

It was almost lightning fast, and many masters were shot one after another.

Many people were killed on the ground before they could react, and even some of their skulls were shattered.

He splattered warm blood on Han Renxuan's face.

A feeling of horror arose from the bottom of his heart, just now these two masters were also second-rate masters in the rivers and lakes, and he couldn't even see clearly how these two people died.

"Come on, rabbit cubs, taste the power of the master's guns!" Zhang

Kel was still addicted to the joy of shooting.

Both hands are still pulling the trigger non-stop.

Almost a single bullet can quickly take a human life.

"It's them, the Qin family's Qin Wuliang's death is their hand!" Suddenly

, Han Renxuan seemed to think of something, and immediately shouted loudly.

Just as he could finish speaking, a bullet hit him in the shoulder.

"Quick! the arrows from upstairs will give me support, and push me out the crossbows and shoot them."

Han Renxuan was furious.

"Brother Zhang, run! The crossbow of the fighter is very powerful, and it is almost certain to die if it is shot, and the speed of that arrow is not only extremely fast, but even a cow can shoot through it.

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Kerr raised his eyebrows, immediately picked up the gun and ran away.

The martial arts masters are all nervous.

He was an ordinary person who naturally slipped away faster.

"If you want to run, there is no door! chase me, just catch up with someone, and you will have glory and wealth!" Han

Renxuan yelled.

As soon as these words came out, everyone who was still a little afraid rushed one after another, they were outlaws, and naturally dared to get it for the sake of glory and wealth.

Not far away, Li Tian, who was watching all this, exhaled slightly.

After noticing that everyone was chasing Zhang Keer's group, he quickly ran to the city wall.

After looking around and realizing that there was no one, he glanced at the city wall in front of him.

"It's almost!" Li

Tian exhaled slightly.

As soon as Li Tian's voice fell, a ray of light suddenly swept under Li Tian's legs.

Immediately afterwards, Li Tian kicked his legs and jumped, almost with lightning speed.

In an instant, he stepped on the wall and rushed straight up.

The five-zhang high city wall was like walking on the ground, and within a few breaths, Li Tian climbed onto the city wall.

After going up the wall, Li Tian looked around, and when he noticed that no one was there, he exhaled slightly, and then went straight ahead again.

If you want to assassinate, you must make arrangements in advance, this Xuandong City is full of murderous opportunities, and you must be careful and careful.

"Hurry up, hurry up! Lord Han has already found the location of those gang of thieves! Hurry

up and rush with me!" "Find them, glory and wealth are indispensable!" On

the street, voices came and went, and one by one they looked extraordinary with knives.

"Damn, why are these guys still here!"

Li Tian muttered quietly.

After the people on the street left, Li Tian looked left and right, and the cat bent his waist and pointed his toes again, and went straight to the Xuandong Inn.

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