"Princess!" Han

Yu sensed the jade foot on the top of his head, and his whole person became extremely excited.

"Thank you for the princess's great kindness in Korean, and you will repay your great kindness as a cow and a horse in this life. The

Korean language trembled all over, and his head was like pounding garlic.

"My little thirteen, how can I give up you to be a cow and a horse! "

Your Highness, I—"

"Come in! I've been waiting for your tongue for a long time." "


Han nodded in shame and walked inside.


The capital is very far away from Linshui County.

Li Tian and Liu Yunrong waited for a long time, and finally arrived in the capital.

From a distance, under the bridge is white jade tiles, surrounded by pavilions and pavilions, and even many people are leisurely walking on the street, all kinds of luxury carriages, luxury sedan chairs are everything.

"It's worthy of the capital, it's really prosperous.

Li Tian couldn't help but burst into a foul mouth.

"Let's go, Master Li, take you back to Liu's house.

Liu Yunrong unconsciously showed a chuckle.

"Miss, shall we take

the path?"

"Well, the path! The road cannot be fast.

"Isn't it okay to walk on such a wide road at the door?"

"Yes, but ordinary people are not allowed to drive fast, and it's good that they haven't been stopped, but if they are stopped, they will have to squat for two days and be fined and detained." "


Li Tian couldn't help but gasp.

This rule seems to be a bit similar to modern times, although some roads are roads, but they are the roads of the officials.

"Okay, listen to you.

Li Tian nodded.

Then I sat in the carriage and looked at the scenery beyond the curtain.

The people did not seem to be particularly wealthy, and on the path, although the houses were quite large, the people were covered in coarse linen clothes.

I think these houses are all handed down from their ancestors.

The carriage gradually moved away, and Li Tian also saw a lot along the way, but when he looked at it, he saw two words in his eyes, miserable.

Who would have expected that just a few streets away, there were many beggars here, all in rags, emitting a foul smell, with a mantle, skinny, and extremely miserable appearance.

This Chu is not the Chu capital of the poor, but the Chu capital of the dignitaries.

Li Tian couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Then he seemed to think that he had single-handedly made one county, oh no, three counties more and more prosperous, and there was not a single beggar, so he smiled slightly.

In this way, it seems that he is quite effective.

"Miss Liu, no one cares about these beggars!" "

No one cares, they don't even have a household registration, they are all skinny, and they will cause trouble, to say something ugly, even if they are killed, the yamen doesn't want to care."

"Then why did they gather so much?"

"The devil knows, they may have been forced to beg for various reasons, by the way, when it gets dark, they will move, and they will wait outside the back of the restaurants to grab swill to eat."

"Of course, the swill is all leftovers from dignitaries!

"If you're lucky, you might be able to pick up some broken silver." "

Broken silver?"

"Yes, some guests will be rewarded with some broken silver after being served by the shopkeeper, but the restaurant has rules, and ninety percent of the money rewarded by the guests goes to the shopkeeper, so those guests are placed under the plate."

"However, every noon, there are too many people eating at night, and the shopkeeper has no time to take a closer look, so he can only remove the dishes in one go, throw the food into the swill bucket, and then go backstage to greet him. Hearing

Liu Yunrong say this, Li Tian's face was a little strange.

"How do you know that the feelings are so clear, as if they have been experienced.

"Some big families will pick some young people from among the beggars who have a decent face and become subordinates.

"That way, you don't have to go to the tooth shop to buy a servant.

"I see..."Li

Tian thought thoughtfully.

With so many beggars, if you can bring them back to Linshui County, you can increase the population by a few thousand.

But then again, there may not be many beggars out there.

"It just so happens that there is a shortage of some people in my county who serve tea and pour water, and it seems that they can choose one or two from the beggars.

Li Tian muttered softly.

Liu Yunrong only pretended not to hear and continued to let the groom hurry.

After a while, they arrived at Liufu.

Liu Xiong, the head of the Liu family, personally greeted him with a group of laymen.

"Master Li, I'm glad to be happy!" The

middle-aged man with a strong body and a heroic face hurriedly hugged his fists and smiled.

"This is the head of the Liu family!

Li Tian also returned the salute with a fist.

He knew that the Liu family master was polite to him, not because of his status as a county commander, but because he Li Tian had done so many things before, and he was carrying the Juxian Pavilion prefecture-level token.

"Please come inside, it's been a long journey, and the old man has already prepared a banquet.

"Then it's better to be respectful than to obey your fate. "

Haha, please!" Liu

Xiong laughed and welcomed Li Tian back to the hall of the Liu family.

A group of people, the group made a table, and there were all kinds of delicacies on the table.

After three rounds of drinking, Liu Xiong asked about the intention.

Before Liu Yunrong came back from the flying pigeon, she only said that Master Li was coming, but did not mention what she was doing.

When Li Tianyi heard Liu Xiong's inquiry, he also told him calmly.

and proposed that the Liu family move to their own Linshui County.

Liu Xiong naturally didn't agree, but after making a haha, he asked Li Tian to be sent to rest, and then sent someone to tell the news to the Ministry of Works overnight.

Standing in his pavilion, Liu Xiong couldn't help but sigh when he saw the breeze blowing on the moon.

"Dad, why are you sighing?

Liu Yunrong quietly appeared behind her and asked softly.

"Dad doesn't know what the future of the Liu family will be! Although I have made some back-ups, I'm afraid those back-ups may not be able to make us make a comeback.

"Then Daddy might as well leave now!"

"I can't go, if there is a war, the treasury is short of silver, and our merchants are the wallet of the country."

"From the time His Majesty was critically ill, if any merchant did business, he had to be examined.

"Whoever brings a large amount of silver will be beaten back by the way he came." "

What about

the silver ticket!" "Silver ticket?"

"My silly girl, once the war starts, the silver ticket is like waste paper, only real money and silver are real!"


Xiong couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Although our Liu family has also deployed in several places outside, the silver there is less than 1/10 of the capital!"

"Dad is afraid, I'm afraid that this silver will be gone." "

I sent 100,000 taels to the waiter of the Ministry of Works, but unfortunately, he couldn't give me an answer.

"Now that you have brought Li Tian, I have some different thoughts.

"I'm afraid you won't agree. "

Dad, you said that for the sake of the Liu family, your daughter is willing to do anything.

As soon as these words came out, Liu Xiong suddenly turned his head to look at his daughter, frowned, and pondered for several seconds before he spoke.

"Daddy is going to give you to him as a wife! As for the dowry, you can bring as much as you can. "

As long as you can get the prince's tolerance!"

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