Super Craftsman

Chapter 722: Exploring new features (below)

Putting down the phone, Guo Tailai rushed across from Zhang Zonghe and Gao Zong again. The two CEOs of FAW and Second Automobile are here. They are talking about two things that they want to land in a car research institute in Gusu.

"Who?" Gao always curiously asked.

"Mr. Agnelli of Italy." Guo Tailai replied with a smile: "It may take a few days to come to the hotel for a few days."

"..." Zhang Zonghe Gao is always speechless.

This conversation on the phone is an understatement. If Guo Tailai does not say, who knows that the phone is a giant in the automobile industry and the financial industry? I thought it was the next door, neighbor Li, who picked one? Is this the sales office to receive customers?

"Fat, our proposal, what do you think?" Without mentioning Mr. Agnelli's affairs, Mr. Zhang quickly brought the topic back to the original issue.

Mr. Zhang and Gao Zong, want to land a car research institute of FAW and Second Automobile in Gusu. The two automobile research institutes said that the two car companies each found a group of experienced and inexperienced young designers from their own group, focusing on them, each researching new technologies and designing new cars for the group.

However, a group of young designers, even if some people have experience, can not say that a group of people get together and talk about the car can be designed. So, when the two came over, they still came to Guo Tailai to help.

“Do you still want to make a few cars?” Gao’s attitude is sincere: “You first put forward your requirements and expectations, let these young designers brainstorm, probably make a look, you will take you The idea is made, and then compare it. Some of the parts that you think of the corners and corners can be handed over to these young people to try to get them to contact the actual combat, and it can be regarded as a reserve force for our domestic automobile industry."

"They moved their hands and finally did not adopt it. Isn't that the enthusiasm of these young people?" Guo Tailai still has some concerns. This is equivalent to letting a group of young designers come out, but the problem is that Guo Tailai plays with himself. Yes, taking Guo Tailai is really not good at it. If the comparison is over, some programs are unsuccessful, and those young designers will definitely be hit. Doesn't that help?

“Whether the plan of the world-famous car design master is eliminated, why is it hit?” Gao’s face is inexplicable: “I can follow a master like you to complete a new car, no matter whether the plan will be adopted, I am afraid A rare experience and wealth? Do you think that our designer is still a baby in kindergarten, and if a plan is rejected, it will be hit?"

"Unless you are not willing to give opportunities." When Guo Tailai turned to Zhang Zong, Zhang added a sentence.

"Get it!" Guo Tai came to see two elders who are not too young to play with themselves in front of themselves. What else can they say? What else can you say? I can only nod my head: "You are not afraid that your people will be covered by my skull and face, then send it over!"

"That's right!" Gao always laughed and said: "Hey! Despite the smash! Don't be awkward!"

"Fat, you mean, is there any good plan?" Zhang is more sensitive than Gao, directly grasping some of the tone expressed in Guo Tailai's words, quickly asked.

“Do you still ask?” Gao’s smile: “I just said that when the fat man wants to make a few cars, the fat man can’t deny it! Obviously there is an idea.”

Two big bosses, one more than one savvy, Guo Tailai looked at the two, it is helpless.

"Some thoughts, when I am busy with this, I will start to work." Guo Tailai did not hide, anyway, there is a new model Guo Tailai always looking for manufacturers. With Guo Tailai's habits, I am sure to be willing to find cooperation, and both groups have their own legal person shares. They are also their own people. Do not take care of others to take care of others?

"Isn't this just right?" Zhang said with a smile: "We are going fast, and the young people just can catch up with you to make a new car. That's it. If the model is right, we bought it directly, rest assured, the price is still the same. Quotes."

Between the two languages, two car research institutes and at least two suitable car models were talked about. Of course, it is also the total trust of General Manager Zhang and Guo Tailai and the trust of Guo Tailai in the two groups. Otherwise, the two new models still don’t know what it is. They are not discussing the last six months and eight months in the group.

The two CEOs have left the United States. Of course, the Gusu Municipal Government, especially the Industrial Park Management Committee, will be very happy. The automobile research institutes of the two automobile groups have settled down. It is estimated that they will be happy afterwards.

After sending away two CEOs, Guo Tailai was finally able to free up, in the gap between processing chips, vacating a day to upgrade his system.

All nano-robot replacement synthetic diamonds have not yet been completed, but Guo Tailai realized that it may be more efficient to increase the number of nano-robots first, so in the previous half-month, all the nighttimes were replicating nano-robots. It is reaching a trillion.

Originally, Guo Tailai still thought about waiting until all the synthetic diamonds were replaced before upgrading the system, but I thought about upgrading it first! Maybe you can increase some work efficiency!

"Read data is complete!"

"The system upgrade is complete! The current version, V4.03."

“The maximum number of nanobots controlled is two trillion.”

"Nano robotic synthetic diamond replacement, progress 367216273872/1000000000000."

"Increased the in vivo synthesis of molecular weight below 100,000 organic functions (including carbon allotropes)."

“Increase the long-term ultra-long-range in vitro working function of nano-robots (requires long-term stable energy supplementation).”

“Increase the function of the ultra-remote control nano-robot (need to be in the space of the receivable electromagnetic wave).”

After seeing the new features after the system upgrade, Guo Tailai was ecstatic.

The number of nanobots has increased as expected, and the increase in synthetic molecular weight is also expected, but the two functions added later are worth pondering. This means that nano-robots can leave their bodies for a long time. It must be known that they are at most 200 meters away from the body, and they will recirculate back to the body to replenish energy, or establish an energy supplement channel. Now it is directly long-term ultra-long-range ex vivo. I didn’t say how much the distance was.

That is to say, as long as the conditions for long-term stable energy supplement are met, some or all of the nano-robots may not stay in Guo Tailai's body at all, and electromagnetic waves can be used to control the actions and functions of those nano-robots.

This is really wonderful. Guo Tailai has some eagerness to try these new features.

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