Super Craftsman

Chapter 425: Practice assessment continued

All the doctors' medical ethics assessments in the country are self-evaluation, department evaluation, unit evaluation, and final determination according to the contents of the "Health System Medical Ethics Appraisal Form". Putting Guo Tailai on this specific case is self-evaluation, and then the latter two are carried out by the Justice Square Beauty Salon, which is completely in line with the norms. guard

The birth bureau or the health department can of course directly assess the medical malpractice of a doctor, and can even directly revoke a physician's doctor's practice certificate, provided that a major doctor-patient contradiction or medical accident occurs. Guo

Tailai’s Justice Square Beauty Salon has never received a complaint. There has not been a dispute between a doctor and patient, and there has not been a medical accident. Even if it is the Provincial Health Department, can you not revoke the practice certificate casually? "

it is good! "There is nothing to say at the Soviet Union. It can only be acknowledged that Guo Tai is justified. He can't raise any objections on this issue: "Even if your medical ethics assessment is qualified, or excellent. Then, the assessment of the business level is still carried out by the Health Bureau. ""

Su, Xiao Guo's business level written test, the results are excellent. "The next section of Wang Kechang took a chance to insert a mouth, so as not to let Su said that Guo Tailai's written test failed."

The head swept the head of the king, and there was no temper at the Soviet Union. However, he did not think that he could get stuck in Guo Tailai on this. He just smiled faintly: "This time the provincial department has added a random check on the business level at the time of the assessment. This is the official notice of the provincial government. Coincidentally, you are on the list of random checks."

"Since it is the provisions of the provincial government, it must be implemented." Guo Tailai said with a smile: "How do you want to assess the situation? How do I report acupuncture and moxibustion in Chinese medicine, should I check the acupuncture or moxibustion?"

"I have to take the test." Su said also smiled and said: "But the rigid assessment can not see the intuitive effect, it is better to find a case to assess?"

If this is the question. Guo Tailai did not care about this and smiled and replied: "There is no problem at all. ""

Xiao Guo your business level should be very high. "Sue now has the upper hand, and his face is not so majestic. He always smiles: "I believe this too, and then a simple question. We have a colleague from the Health Bureau. I have a cold today, and I have a runny nose. This is a good question. Xiao Guo, you can treat it with acupuncture! Su

When I smiled and said this question, the next section of Wang Kechang and Zhang Kechang directly opened their eyes, wouldn’t it? Is this too embarrassing?

In order not to let Guo Tailai pass this qualification examination, actually use such awkward questions?

Many people think that a cold is actually a small problem. If you have a little trouble, you can cure it with a cold medicine. In fact, it is not a big deal. sense

It is an upper respiratory tract infection. Generally, 90-95% of the colds are caused by viruses. Only 5%-10% of the colds may be bacteria, mycoplasma, chlamydia, rickettsia or even fungi, actinomycetes, and leptospira. Upper respiratory tract infection caused by infection with pathogens such as protozoa. Until now, more than 240 different serotypes of viruses have been known to cause colds.

A cold caused by a virus, an antibiotic that can only kill bacteria does not work. The use of antibiotics in the treatment of a simple viral cold does not have any therapeutic effect, and may increase adverse reactions and drug resistance of intestinal bacteria, which is harmful and unprofitable. Even if a bacterial infection occurs while suffering from a cold, antibiotics are required, and it must be decided by the doctor how to use it. Patients should not use it themselves. sense

Although it is a very common disease, it is not a simple but common disease. At least the current medical level, in dealing with colds, is often more than enough. It is an "incurable disease". It is a difficult thing to completely eradicate it with drugs. Most cold medicines are only a temporary solution and are only responsible for relieving symptoms. general

It is a self-limiting disease in theory, and it can be self-healing in a week or so if there is no comorbidity. Therefore, some people joked that they should take a pill for a week and take medicine for a week.

In the face of this "incurable disease" that modern medicine is helpless, the question of Su is to let Guo Tailai use acupuncture to treat it. Is this not intentional martyrdom?

"What effect does the treatment pass?" Guo Tailai did not panic, and asked with a smile. "

At present, the symptoms of this colleague are just a runny nose. If you don't have a runny nose, you can pass it! "Sue seems to be at a loss, and it is natural to say: "Wait a minute, you are ready to needle, I am going to call people." "Say

At the end, Su’s path stood up and went out. In the conference room, only Guo Tai came to them three. When the Soviet Union went out, Wang Kechang stood up: "Xiao Guo, this..."

"It doesn't matter." Guo Tailai Chong Wang Ke and Zhang Ke smiled: "Just treat the runny nose, but I try it. Rest assured, I am going to prepare the needle."

Tai Lai went to take the needle, leaving Wang Kechang and Zhang Kechang face each other, acupuncture treatment of colds? Do you have a runny nose after acupuncture? is it possible? I don’t dare to guarantee a Chinese medicine master who is a national treasure. No

For a while, the people in the conference room came again. There is one more patient in the office, the symptoms are right, the cold is runny nose, no cough, no sore throat, only runny nose.

The staff of the health bureau with a cold knew what he was going to do, and he looked at the circle. I don't know if I am joking in sleepwalking or Su, can I use acupuncture to treat cold and runny nose? This is a question for doctors practicing qualifications? guard

The situation of the birth, more or less certainly know some medical common sense. He also knows exactly about the cold, just because he knows what to do, he feels incredible. Want

It is the case that every Chinese medicine practitioner is the subject of this question. This staff member suspects that there is still a Chinese medicine acupuncturist with qualifications in the world. This fat man to be assessed is to kill the Soviet Union, he smashed or grabbed the wife of the Soviet Union? Is it only the hatred of killing the wife who will kill the wife will give such a desperate question? Guo

Tai Lai also came in, holding a full set of needles and sterilized alcohol cotton in his hand, but he did not panic at all. After I came in, I wiped my hands with alcohol cotton and then wiped out the poison. Then I checked the patient's condition with a smile, and asked some of his feelings from time to time. It seems that it is really awkward. Suffer

The staff who have a cold really want to ask Guo Tailai, are you really serious? It seems that there is no such thing as a mystery?

The common cold is an "incurable disease", can acupuncture be cured?

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