Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 459 Technology changes life

"Ding dong!"

As the alarm clock goes off at 8:00 in the morning, the thick blackout curtains are automatically switched to light-transmitting mode.

The early morning sun shone through the curtains in the room, illuminating the room, and at the same time awakening the unknown creature twisted into a ball on the bed.

"Ding dong!"

The small cat-shaped alarm clock rang again, and this time the humanoid creature in the bed finally stopped squirming, and then stretched out a green and jade-like arm.


A dark red energy shot out from the palm of the hand stained with red nail polish, accurately knocking the alarm clock off the bedside table.


With a light hum, a chicken coop head with messy red hair stuck out from the quilt.


With his eyes still half-closed, Wanda raised his voice to call out the smart home robot he just got.

"Miss Wanda! Breakfast is ready for you. According to your class schedule, if you don't want to be late for today's early class, I suggest you better get up now!"

A pink robot with a square head hurriedly urged Wanda, who was still huddled in the quilt, with a melodious electronic voice.

"I see, you go and get breakfast, I can still sleep for five minutes!"

However, the robot called c2 did not act as instructed, but stepped forward and rudely tore off the other party's quilt.


Feeling the coolness, Wanda immediately jumped up from the bed with the stalwart on his chest.

"What comfort home robots are all lies!"

Five minutes later, Wanda, who had already changed into a yellow robe, sat at the dining table and smashed the meat porridge on the table, completely forgetting that she had to call her at eight o'clock last night for the robot butler. A dead command to get up.

"If you didn't have a complete set of cooking skills, I wouldn't spend half a year's salary to buy your iron lump!" Angrily eating the bowl, Wanda continued to meditate, while quickly taking care of his appearance After a while, he pushed open the door and walked out.

"Have a nice day!"

After Wanda left, the home robot, called c2 by Wanda, started washing dishes, wiping the table, folding the quilt, sweeping the floor and a series of housework like a hard-working mother after Wanda left. When the room was clean, It picked up the kettle again and carefully sprinkled water on the small garden outside the house.

The world is developing rapidly. This is a very important change that Wanda felt at Kama Taj. At first, the mages were only using the Internet, and later they used service robots to handle all kinds of chores for themselves, and later on the streets. There are a lot of round sweeping robots, and the traffic police in command can't be seen under the traffic lights. Instead, drones are flying around. If she didn't clearly know that she was in Kamandude, she would have thought she was there. Boston or New Baghdad.

Crossing the noisy street, Wanda pushed open the door in front of him. There were already several mages doing morning classes in the small courtyard. After greeting a few people, Wanda found a corner and knelt on the ground to start. meditation.

About ten minutes later, after a few more mages came one after another, the dressed mages walked out from the corner of the courtyard.

"Okay, everyone is here, then let's start today's morning class! It's still the same, three-kilometer morning run, those who don't meet the standard should stay to clean the practice ground!"

"I hate running!" Although the mage mourned, their bodies were very honest and ran along the street outside the temple. There was no good fruit to fight against Modu. I ran with everyone. After getting familiar with the route, Mordo changed into a jeep and watched the guy lagging behind while driving. Then he opened a portal and put a wolf behind his ass. Today, I saw him sitting in a suspended airship. After Mo Du, who had a smirk on his face, all the mages wailed again.

"I hate technology!"


"I hate robots!"

Also wailing is Tony Stark, who has now been transformed into the headquarters of the Avengers as the Stark Building has undergone a complete makeover.

Different from the previous state of two or three big cats and kittens, the current Avengers are really strong. Although there are more Falcons and Quicksilver as regular members, there are more backup members like Luke Cage or Mark Murdoch. Street heroes, it is worth mentioning that the materials of these people are contributed by Black Widow.

Because of the Hydra incident, S.H.I.E.L.D. finally faced a lot of investigations and hearings. In the end, the acting director Phil Coulson, who was tireless, simply disbanded S.H.I.E.L.D. Secretly re-absorbed members to form a new S.H.I.E.L.D., ready to continue to hunt down the remnants of Hydra, but Natasha, a black widow, and Barton finally gave up their identity as agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. The US team has already hit hard all over the world, and has dealt with a lot of Hydra remnants.

In addition, there are hundreds of former employees of S.H.I.E.L.D. and employees of Stark Industries who joined the Avengers together. After all, although the Avengers mainly relies on superheroes, they also need some helpers to deal with them. The problem, Stark simply asked Natasha to select a group of innocent colleagues to join in, pay them their own salaries, and let them handle some administrative work.

If these employees are busy on weekdays, they will naturally not deal with the entire Avengers. Originally, these things could be solved by Maja Fake, but the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. have been officially separated, but it is not safe to add more staff, so You can only count on robots. Stark wanted Jarvis to get some clones to help, but he felt that it was not good to do so, so he tossed dozens of Atlas multi-purpose robots to help those ordinary employees.

As a result, after the beginning, everyone unexpectedly discovered that those household robots from Atlas are also quite good. Let's make some for us to cook and sweep the floor!

As a result, dozens of working robots for processing documents added a lot of housekeeping, medical, and chef series, and finally there were hundreds of scattered robots.

Stark Building uses Atlas robots, which makes Stark inexplicably awkward. He thinks that Jarvis is not inferior to these housekeeping robots in terms of intelligence, but he really didn't think about it. Being such a genius, he never thought of giving Jarvis a body, and now he sees those Atlas robots circling around the building all day long. It's so frustrating. The key is that he likes housekeeping robots. Massage service and tiramisu made by robot chef.

"Jarvis, why don't we give you a body better than those square heads!"

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