Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 717 Kudie Tower

Now that you have decided to rebel, you first need a rigorous plan.

M'Baku is not very good at this. His plan is that everyone swarms up, kills T'Challa with knives, and then elects Eric as king.

Although Eric has worked in the American army for a few days, he himself is not very appreciated. The CIA does not call him this kind of black operation, and naturally he has no experience. Fortunately, he met a few friends in South Korea. , They made three tricks for Eric.

The upper plan is to wait for T’Challa to leave the country to inspect abroad to carry out a coup, and the second plan is to attack the palace and assassinate the king with a swipe of his sleeve.

Of course, this is only the core part of the plan, followed by the control of the broadcast center, arsenal, the national central bank, the State Council and other institutions, but Wakanda is strange after all, it is enough to take down the palace and then control the broadcast center and arsenal.

"Your Korean friend can do it?"

"It should work, after all, they have rich experience in coups! They call this Kudieta!"

Eric carefully compared the strength of the two sides. Well, there are less than 2,000 soldiers in the Orang-Ape Tribe, and there are about four dry-land rowing boats purchased from the Ape Tribe. There are 3,000 military soldiers under T'Challa's orders, but they have dozens of vehicles and aircraft, but now everyone's strength in the country is not strong. T'Challa's African strategy took away Wakanda Most of the military power in the country can now be used by only a few hundred people in the mainland. This is their advantage.

But T'Challa also has a secret weapon, his king's guard, twenty heroic Wakanda big sister heads, everyone is good at using double-pronged forks, ah bah, vibrating gold spears.

For these big sisters whose hearts are higher than the sky, there is nothing in Wakanda that they dare not take care of, and there is no one they dare not beat, except the king.

"These women are trouble, but that's it! And they will leave with T'Challa, so nothing to worry about!"

Eric and M'Baku huddled together in the cave, studying the coup plan with the dim lights above their heads. They planned to wait until December 12th, when T'Challa would inspect the newly built hydropower station on the Congo River. It is the first time that the Wakanda people independently completed the infrastructure without using vibration gold, which has cross-age significance.

At that time, the 800 elite soldiers of the ape tribe will divide into three groups, attacking the palace one way, taking down the royal family members who stayed in the palace, attacking the broadcasting center in the second way, and attacking the weapon depot of the Wakanda Defense Force in the third way, taking De-orbital defenses, then ambush T'Challa back to Wakanda.

At that time, everyone can sit in the palace and hold a celebration banquet!

"Then I wish His Majesty King Eric the best of health and victories!"

Regarding the actions of his cheap cousin and M'Baku, T'Challa can't say that he was completely unaware of the actions. After all, everyone's intelligence work is very different. He knew that the other party would definitely make trouble, but he didn't know that the other party was going to bomb the palace. To be on the safe side, he secretly canceled the inspection work that day, and prepared to pretend to leave at that time, and then mobilize troops loyal to him to gather outside the city, so as not to change.

The two sides launched the deployment so tacitly, and only the people of Wakanda were kept in the dark.

morning of the 12th

Ten minutes after T'Challa left in the spaceship, Eric and M'Baku led the soldiers of the ape tribe who were loyal to them and began to march towards the capital.

"Now, there is no turning back when we open the bow. If we fail to succeed, we will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history as rebels!" M'Baku looked at Eric, who was wearing a battle suit beside him, and said earnestly Said.

"I understand! Then, General M'Baku, let your eight hundred elite soldiers take the lead!"

The mighty armed soldiers walked on the street with their heads held high, that's right, because there were too many people and not enough cars. M'Baku's coup troops entered the city by walking a 12-kilometer mountain road. .

Because of the long history and tradition of the orangutan tribe, the soldiers sang battle songs while walking, and robbed a fruit stand along the way, and ate the big mangoes that had just been picked.

Such a large-scale march was naturally quickly discovered by patrolling Wakanda Defense Force soldiers. Under the leadership of the captain, this team of less than ten people launched an extremely tragic long live charge towards the opponent, and was then killed by dozens of times. Their enemies were captured alive, and their vibrating rhino was also captured, but fortunately, before launching the charge, the captain did not forget to notify his superiors with a rosary.

"It's not good, this guy M'Baku actually dispatched the army of the ape tribe! Their goal is the palace!"

"Damn guy!"

T'Challa on the spaceship was frightened into a sweat. If he left Wakanda today as planned, wouldn't the country fall into the hands of thieves? My family, as well as my fiancée and royal slippers, are all in the palace!

"What about the number of enemies?"

"About eight hundred or so!"

"It's twice the size of our new army!" T'Challa stroked his beard, because the national defense pressure is not high, and the Wakanda military has always maintained a small and fine scale. Now the professional soldiers staying in the country are only half of the opponent's , and scattered all over the place, there are less than two hundred people in the capital!

"Order the guards to shrink the line of defense. The opponent's goal is the palace. We will shrink our forces back to defend the palace, and then mobilize troops from the controlled area to suppress it!"

Looking at the villain on the map following the trajectory, T'Challa no longer looked as solemn as before.

"Okoye, your mission is to protect the royal family members! Do you understand?"


After dispatching the last force around him, T'Challa ordered the spaceship to turn and fly back to the palace, where he wanted to fight for his country.

After the spaceship flew over the palace, T’Challa jumped off the spaceship and landed on the ground ready to fight to the death with the arriving rebels, but after he landed on one knee beautifully, what greeted him was not a sword , but the strange eyes of the Wehrmacht officers.

"Your Majesty! Why are you here?"

"I'm here to fight with you! How are the casualties, brothers? Where is the enemy?"

T'Challa took off his helmet and looked at the officer in front of him.

"Casualties? But Your Majesty, we haven't started fighting yet!" The officer looked bewildered.

"How come? Didn't the enemy already enter the city before? How could it be possible that they didn't come to attack the palace?" T'Challa was also confused, but fortunately, someone answered this question at a critical moment.

"They seem to be robbing in the city?" the pilot at high altitude asked in confusion.

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