Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 764 Who is the little sampan?

"Reinforce troops immediately!"

Mengsk, who was far away in the Augustgrad Palace, knew that a group of rebels were overwhelmed and prepared to rescue Jim Raynor, and immediately ordered the surrounding Imperial Army to reinforce the space station.

In addition, in order to completely eradicate those opponents, Mengsk also ordered the deployment of two of the latest Gorgon battlecruisers of the Empire. The Yamato cannon and the desperately large number of anti-ground laser guns, the thick armor can be called the wall of sighs, and the steel defense line composed of just one Gorgon-class battlecruiser has already spread Zerg corpses all over the place.

As for the battleship duel, one Gorgon can fight five old-style Minotaurs, keeping the rebels coming and going!

The defenders are ready to tell the visiting enemies that what defends the empire is not slogans and promises, but solid steel. It didn't take long before a dozen battlecruisers jumped into the real universe and came head-on Yes, it is the artillery fire from the imperial fleet.

"This is a trap!" A Umoyan captain shouted, and then ordered the battleship to continue to turn, at least to avoid the opponent's ambush position, and then wait for an opportunity to fight back.

As a result, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared on the way of the fleet group. The size of Gorgon is about twice the size of the Umoyan battlecruiser. The battleship flying over is like a wall, directly blocking Umoyan On the way of the fleet, the Imperial Army fleet pressed up together, and the fighter planes and warships huffed up to prepare to wipe out the rebels in one go.

"Mr. Fisher, we have prepared an escape boat for you and His Royal Highness, please leave quickly, as long as you are still alive, there is still hope!"

"What are you panicking, the enemy hasn't come in yet!" Looking at the gray-haired captain, Fisher shook his head, after all, he was still too young, look at the Prophet, the other party is at most holding a portable spacesuit at the moment , Prepare to put on Fisher when the situation is wrong.

The captain scolded his mother in a hurry, why didn't these two guys listen to persuasion?


A piercing siren sounded, and then an emotionless electronic female voice echoed in the ship.

"Energy response detected, the enemy Yamato cannon fired! It is expected to hit in ten seconds! Emergency evasion!"

Then the entire battleship began to shake violently, and the steel plates of the battleship seemed to groan due to the large maneuver.

And Fisher also saw the huge plasma mass rubbing against the bridge of the battleship. Judging from the energy response, it would not be a problem for this thing to equalize New York once fired.

? ? ? ?

Why am I comparing New York?

While Fisher was stunned, the battlecruiser he was sitting on had already avoided the second round of the Yamato cannon, but the third round was not so lucky. A large part of the right side of the battleship evaporated instantly, but fortunately the crew It was not dissatisfied with the editor, so no casualties were caused.

But the excitement of the fleet's turn had to stop, and now everyone was able to face the imperial fleet with its bow facing its own in a battle line posture.

If it was in the period of sailing battleships, then I have the advantage, but the Yamato gun is on the bow, so facing the enemy sideways is not good for Fisher.

At this moment, the battle line has shrunk from thousands of kilometers to hundreds of kilometers. Dozens of giant steel ships made by humans are tilting their firepower at each other. The light spots shot by the laser guns are denser than raindrops, and the missiles are like waves of tsunamis. Usually coming from above, the dark starry sky lit up at this moment.

"Call the rebels, you have been surrounded by us, surrender immediately and accept execution! Otherwise, prepare to be turned into ashes!"

The Imperial Army, which has completed charging the Yamato Cannon, issues an ultimatum.

"Only with your little sampan?" Fisher mocked unceremoniously.

"Small sampan?" The captain of the imperial war laughed fiercely, holding his electronic cigar in his mouth, as if hearing a joke.

"Colonel, you might as well make a bet, I bet there are no shells in your gun barrel!"

Fisher simply used psionic power to take over the entire fleet of his own, and then placed his flagship at the forefront.

"That's as you wish! Also, please remember, I am a vice admiral!"

"Lock the enemy ship and prepare to launch!"


The destructive red plasma clusters began to gather in the bow slot of the Yamato ship. After more than ten seconds of energy storage, a plasma cluster with a diameter of tens of meters was ejected at an extremely fast speed, approaching in the blink of an eye. Fisher's spaceship.

However, at this very moment, the third fleet that had already surrounded the enemy fleet entered the arena, and the flagship armored aircraft carrier Hope was the first to enter, and then the battleship was fully powered. , crashed directly into the imperial fleet.

An Imperial Minotaur battlecruiser lying in the center was caught off guard and cut off in the middle, and then the Hope docked precisely in front of Fisher, blocking the triple blow from Gorgon's Yamato cannon.

"The shield is damaged by 70%, activate the backup generator and restore the shield!"

"Look, Colonel, I told you, you don't have shells in the barrel!"

Fisher looked at the imperial commander whose expression was instantly stunned because he couldn't switch too quickly, and a smile of success appeared on his face.

"Do you know, Colonel, the moment you and I met, I had already written the winning formula, and my probability of winning was as high as 1,000%. You guys have no chance!"

All the Atlas warships that jumped out following the Hope held a diffusion ion cannon. When they rushed into the enemy's line that had become dense due to encirclement and suppression, the ion cannon fired, instantly paralyzing all the densely packed imperial warships around them.

Unable to fire, unable to use the warp to evacuate, and even unable to turn on the air conditioner, the imperial defenders instantly became blind and deaf, and then the Marines and Thunder Warriors accompanying the Third Fleet began to continue the happy time, using plasma swords to power The halberd and various energy weapons cleaned up the Imperial Army warships.

"Look, Xiaowa, isn't this your fleet coming!"

Fisher roughly counted the number of imperial fleets that were paralyzed in front of him. There were more than one hundred, and four squadrons could be assembled. This number was enough to become a part of the cornerstone of the empire.

"However, you still need to find some more crew members!"

"I'll try my best!" Prince Valerian smiled wryly at the moment, and now it seemed that the rise of the new empire was not far away.

"By the way, Commander, remember to keep an eye on that space station, prepare to send a warning shot, destroy its propulsion system, and broadcast again. If anyone dies at this moment, I promise the Imperial Army and their families on the space station I will also leave!"

Fisher, who had changed back to his Atlas uniform, walked quickly to the hangar, and there were not many chances to find celebrity autographs!

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