Super Dad: The System Lets Me Take the Baby

Chapter 228: responsible person

When Guo Yao was about to ask him what he was going to do, Xiao Chusheng stood up with full of anger, grabbed Ma Tu by the collar, and roared: "You tell me you are still a man? You have no responsibility at all. , Do you understand the word responsibility! I think you definitely don’t understand it. In this case, I will teach you to understand it today!"

In a moment, a punch fell on Ma Tu's face. At this time, Ma Tu was beaten a little dumbfounded: "Brother, speak well, calm down, let's talk slowly, don't be so impulsive!"

Matu hurriedly begged for mercy, his tone full of fear.

At this moment, Xiao Chusheng had lost his mind a little, and he was not in the mood to calm down and have a good conversation with him. His patience had been consumed.

So he hit Matu’s face with one punch and said, “These punches were for Yu Lili. She abandoned all her daughters in order to marry you. Having a home with you, you just abandon him, you bastard!"

Counting punches on Ma Tu’s face, although Ma Tu looked burly, but his figure was too bloated and he was extremely inconvenient to move. There was no power to fight back at all. He could only shout: "Come on, help. I!"

Matu was beaten in pain, and now he only hopes that someone will come to rescue him soon.

At this time, a woman on crutches came over. It looked like she was about 60 years old, with extremely inconvenient legs and feet. She moved slowly, walking here, while shouting: "If you have anything, come and hit me. What is the son? And this is in my house, so you openly do it. Is there any law in this world?"

Guo Yao hurried over to hold Xiao Chusheng, and whispered to Xiao Chusheng: "Mr. Xiao, it's almost enough. After all, this is in someone else's house."

Xiao Chusheng didn't stop, instead he retorted, "This is his place, so what? I have all the procedures for this child. Unless he doesn't want this child, he has nothing to do."

suddenly. The baby in Guo Yao's arms woke up and began to cry again. The cry filled the living room of this villa. The old lady immediately noticed the child in Guo Yao's arms and asked, "Whose child belongs to this girl? "

Xiao Chusheng was stunned when he heard the child's cry. Matu also took the opportunity to get up, hide behind the old lady, and then said to the old lady: "Mom, this child belongs to me, before Yu Lili and I. Child, a son."

The old lady's eyes were originally a little gloomy, but when she heard her son's words, she suddenly became brighter: "Son, is what you said is true? But the doctor at the time said she was a girl!"

"Mom, I told you at that time, others may not be accurate, but now it's okay, what should I do if others come to the house to squander the money?" Matu said in a slightly complaining tone.

Xiao Chusheng was furious when he heard these words, and Qian and his son had to make a comparison. There was really nothing to say.

The child in Guo Yao's arms kept crying, and now she has nothing to do: "Mr. Xiao, what should I do? This child keeps crying and can't stop at all."

Xiao Chusheng thought of the child, and forcibly suppressed his anger: "Since Boss Ma feels that I am swindling money, then I will not bother. It seems that the importance of his son to Boss Ma is just as important. After all, Boss Ma is now Only 38 years old, you can still have children, not bad this one. We will go first, and will help you deal with the money, I will not ask you for it again, Guo Yao, let’s go, I don’t want to do it anymore. Stay here."

When the old lady heard this, she suddenly became displeased: "This is my grandson, why can you take it away?"

"Why? With the child in my hands now, I will give it to you if I want to, and I can handle it myself if I don't want to give it to you."

Said that Xiao Chusheng was about to go outside. At this time, the old lady knew that she couldn't stop her, and she was a little anxious. She hurriedly said to her son, "Son, you can give him as much money as he wants, and we will give it to him. Grandson is important!"

At this time, Matu was a little unhappy. Just about to say rejection, the old lady was also decisive, and directly slapped his son: "Looking at you like this, I just want to refuse. Do you know that is your son? Huh? What can you do with a little money, you are almost 40, and now you have a root, you are still hesitating here. No matter what you do today, I have to leave the child behind, or I will be yours I'm so angry."

At this time, when Matu heard such words from his mother, Ma Baonan's appearance was directly reflected, and his expression was full, and he quickly said: "Mom, you can't be angry. You can't be angry if you get angry. Give it now, give it now."

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