Super Dad: The System Lets Me Take the Baby

Chapter 319: Two people reconcile

Tomorrow is the day when the school starts, and the children are sent to school by their parents. He also wanted his child to have a mother who could send her to school. Driven by this idea, he decided to take the initiative and go to Guo Yao once.

Xiao Chusheng can also be regarded as finding a valid reason for herself. I wonder if she has any thoughts? Xiao Chusheng was a little nervous at this moment.

Since he was with Guo Yao, this kind of feeling hasn't appeared for a long time. Why do I feel this way now? Is it because I have been with this girl for too long? Then he slowly took her to heart.

Xiao Chusheng fell in love with this generous and cheeky girl because she had moved her heart. If she liked her, she could lose the face, and ran over to explain to herself that regardless of whether she ignored him, she could find a way to reconcile her.

Over the past few days, the weather has become warmer and warmer, the snowflakes in the sky no longer fall, and the snow has begun to slowly melt. Aunt Xin felt that the weather was good, so she took Xiao Tuantuan and Peppa to find other children to play. Only Xiao Chusheng was left at home. He picked up his mobile phone and wanted to call Guo Yao first.

When I took out my mobile phone to read it, I found that it was Sunday. Every Sunday, Guo Yao would definitely be at home and would not go to the company to work overtime. So Xiao Chusheng didn't need to call to confirm if Guo Yao was at home. He decided to go and find this girl in person, which was considered sincere.

When Xiao Chusheng was about to go out, he felt that he should be slapped, so he changed his clothes specially, and then pinched a hairstyle with hairspray. Xiao Chusheng looked at himself in the mirror and felt so handsome!

Xiao Chusheng took a deep breath, did a few back and forth, calmed down his emotions, and went downstairs to Guo Yao's house. After pressing the doorbell, the door was quickly opened.

Guo Yao didn't have any care at all at this time, unkempt, she didn't expect Xiao Chusheng to come to her at all, she even thought he would not care about herself for the rest of her life! Seeing him at the moment, thinking that my face hadn't been washed, I quickly covered my face.

Guo Yao blushed and said, "Mr. Xiao, you..."

Xiao Chusheng responded to the girl with a light smile: "What's the matter, can't I come and find you on the initiative?"

"Of course not, I just thought you wouldn't care about me anymore."

"A certain woman ignores me, don't I want to take the initiative to find her?"

Guo Yao slowly released her hand, and then looked at Xiao Chusheng: "I thought you wouldn't want to see me, so I didn't brazenly look for you, for fear that you might think I'm very cheap, especially cheap. "

As Guo Yao said, she threw herself directly into Xiao Chusheng's arms and hugged him tightly: "Mr. Xiao, I have thoroughly thought it through now. There is no moment more clear than now. It is you that I like. As for my first love, it is in the past tense. I no longer want to discuss the reasons for leaving, but he has missed my five years after all. People will change, and feelings will change even faster. , The reason why I was like this before was because I felt some regrets, but just because it was unforgettable, it does not mean that I still have this man in my heart. In the past five years, he has not met with me once, and there has not been any moment. It belongs to both of us, so he is not worthy now, let this matter pass!"

Guo Yao called the police again when he said that, the man in front of him said with some uncertainty: "Mr. Xiao, would you still want me?"

In fact, when Xiao Chusheng came down, his anger had not completely disappeared, and people had not completely figured it out, just wanted to take the initiative to find this girl. But what she said just now made Xiao Chusheng a little relieved, and his mood improved a lot in an instant.

So Xiao Chusheng also hugged Guo Yao tightly, with a gentle tone: "You little fool, what I'm waiting for is you, why would you not want you?"

Xiao Chusheng immediately kissed Guo Yao, but Guo Yao refused: "Mr. Xiao Bo hasn't brushed his teeth yet, don't you dislike me?"

"It's fine."

However, Xiao Chusheng still didn't stop his actions, and continued to rectify, after a period of time.

"I admit defeat, I'm already hungry, go and eat something."

Xiao Chusheng stopped his actions now: "Okay, let you go now. It just happened. Even if you ignored my punishment before, let me see if there is something to fill your stomach! "

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