Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1156: Campus Trivia

But seeing Luke surrounded by girls, Minty felt inexplicable.

With such a "cousin", she would rather slap the three bitches, rather than sell him "male sex" to achieve the goal.

After a few minutes of chatting, even the cheerleaders who had previously entered the basketball court could not restrain the herd effect, and they came together one after another.

At this time, someone greeted Luke, "Hey Luke, you have arrived so early? It seems you are having a good time."

Luke stopped chatting, looked at the person, walked with a smile: "Hey, Niki, Monica, it's been a long time. Seeing you makes me happier."

He took turns holding the two girls who had just arrived and held a relatively formal meeting.

The previous group of cheerleaders were all surprised, including Minty.

Except for Luke, all were middle school students.

This kind of meeting ritual is rarely used for birthdays in middle school, especially between men and women.

But Luke and the two girls have done so now, which can only prove that their relationship is a more formal acquaintance, not a nod.

Then he brought Mintilla aside for a while: "My cousin, you should have known each other for a while."

Nikki and Monica immediately passed the younger Mintila into a joke, saying things like "you hide your cousin so well".

Minty's face was aggressive: I only knew today that I had a "cousin", blame me!

With this time, Luke smiled and apologized to the other girls, and then took Minty, Niki, and Monica to the distant tree.

Only then did Monica slam his elbow into Luke: "Fortunately, you called yesterday, but are you sure we want to speak straight? You know, the truth is always very hard.

Luke chuckled: "It's okay, Minty is my cousin and won't be so vulnerable."

Minty continues to push: Monica is so familiar with Luke? Are n’t they friends with two burgers?

Niki nodded: "Monica told me last night that your cousin was involved in those bitches, and we knew nothing was wrong. The three Brooke guys like to bully newcomers unless they are obedient to their attendants and hold them. Smelly feet. "

With that said, she turned to look at Mindy: "The two days later, they asked you to participate? The boy who invited you is Simon, right?"

Minty nodded blankly.

Monica sighed and interfaced: "Simon is Brook's regular" playmate "and often helps her clean up some unpleasant freshmen. If the party is instigated by the two of them, there will only be a shame, etc. Holding you. "

Looking at Minty, who didn't respond, she turned to look at Luke: "Are we talking too plainly?"

Luke shrugged: "It's okay, it's better than she was happily going to a party with a boy, and it was better to be surrounded by a group of people."

Monica gave a sigh of relief, comforting: "Of course, now it won't. Minty we cover it, they just rely on the number of bullies of the newcomer waste, and they dare not mess with us."

Luke was interested: "Your people?" By the way, Nikki glanced at him.

Niki explained subconsciously: "It's not a bad group. Monica and I still have a women's self-defense agency."

Luke nodded and patted Minty's head: "Are you interested in adding another club? Girls are outside, so you must learn to protect yourself."

Minty hesitated for a moment and nodded: "Well, I'll join."

Monica smiled and embraced her: "Don't worry, our society is more free, just to let the girls learn some basic self-defense methods and not to participate in the event."

Luke looked up at his watch at this time: "The cheerleading team's training is about to begin, you go first. After training, how about going to lunch together?"

The three girls did not object, and entered the indoor basketball court with a smile, but the smile on Minty's small face was more dull.

Luke didn't leave, so he sat in the car and wrote with his mobile phone.

For him, he can work overtime at any time.

From collecting intelligence, to designing new Warframe drawings, to planning various distances and distances, and even to making a small invention for Ginny's future development, you can use the fragmented time without wasting it.

But when it was close to eleven o'clock, there were boys who came to pick up their girlfriends by the side of the car.

The boys' orientations were normal, and all they really interested in was the kite Luke was sitting on.

Therefore, when the boys ’real target cheerleaders completed their training, they also saw a scene similar to the morning, except that the onlookers became boys.

Seven or eight boys are talking about Luke's car review. Luke is not enthusiastic, but not cold, and occasionally answers some of their questions.

Fortunately, the boys themselves could quarrel for a little modification on the car, and he didn't have to deal with them with too much effort.

Moments later, Lukla disappeared in front of a group of boys and girls on his "cousin".

Brook's big wavy blonde face was quite ugly.

She wasn't an idiot, and Luke brought in two crazy women, Neniki and Manka, and made it clear that they threatened her.

Moreover, his attitude towards Brook was obviously different from that of other people, either pretending not to hear, or casually uttering a perfunctory meaning.

Obviously, she wanted to clarify things. The cousin knew, and today she came to support the little nasty ghost.

She couldn't afford Niki and Monica, but she wasn't afraid of the boys here.

While they were still discussing the car, she put on a scornful attitude: "Well, isn't it a broken car that has been discontinued? It's not a Ferrari or Lamborghini. How old will he finish this old car? A little? No taste. "

After all, boys are a little bit more sloppy than girls ~ ~ A boy who was very engaged in the discussion just taunted and said, "Broken cars? Those Ferraris and Lamborghini you said are farts, but Kit , Hasn't the Thunder Ranger seen it! "

Brooke was totally unclear about this statement, so he hesitated back without hesitation: "Isn't that the **** you guys play with?" How old is he? Why not buy a Transformers toy and play at home !?

The boy's face went red: "You idiot watch! That's the prototype of the TV series Thunder Ranger, and this car has been modified. Only the modified parts can buy at least an ordinary Lamborghini. And, no way out You ca n’t find that kind of technology to help you change your car. Do n’t think that you have a few stinks at home, and no one will spend $ 200,000 to help you change out such a car. ”

The boys apparently agreed with this view and nodded in unison.

If they were standing with Brook, wouldn't it prove that they coveted Kitt's behavior was stupid and dumb?

Film and Television World as a Detective

Film and Television World as a Detective

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