Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1553: Can't afford it!

From the "Live Game", less than ten minutes later, guest No. 1 Garrett died.

Hill, who has been in charge of the staff of the headquarters for a long time, is very clear. Unless the incident is very clear and close, the support of SHIELD will basically take 30 minutes to reach the scene.

Divide thirty by three and each of them can get ten minutes.

But after dying two people, the third is probably the shortest living.

Because of this Jeff, he seems to enjoy their mutual suspicion and attack.

The last person left was without the object of suspicion and attack. Perhaps he was waiting for the last countdown of ten seconds.

What kind of criminal is the most difficult to deal with? It is undoubtedly the best among those who are completely free from outside influence.

Ward said, "I'll let her live to the last."

Luke grinned again and grinned again, showing two rows of white teeth smiling: "Congratulations, Mr. Ward. Your bravery has activated the hidden brave mode!"

Ward and Hill jumped in their hearts.

I saw Luke holding up the short wire button in his hand and showing them: "Did you see it? In fact, there are two buttons on it. If you press the red one, everything is the same as before. If you press the black one on the back, it will be within ten seconds. The button in your hand will activate the trial machine in front of you. "

Ward's and Hill's expressions instantly turned brighter.

For the first time, kill the opponent first.

The second time, he is more willing to sacrifice himself than anyone else.

Hill is better, just surprised by the normal "suicide to save people" behavior, after all, few people can easily give up their lives.

At the moment, Ward had 10,000 alpacas running by: WDNMD, Zou! Can't afford it!

He just said that, and the neuropath came across suddenly.

And the double-sided button has a red light on the front of the white button, you can notice the bulge of the button a little attention, but the back is black electrical tape with a black button.

Most of the time, the black button is either hidden in electrical tape or blocked by Luke's hand, and it can't be found at all.

Now Luke is playing this hand, which is unknown, has he been waiting here for a long time!

Are you decisive? Then test this time to be brave enough to sacrifice.

Luke smiled and turned his eyes to the camera behind him: "Dear viewers, you can start choosing lucky guests, just in case you want it to happen!"

Turning his head, he did not hesitate to press the button: "Now, the game starts."

"Ten, nine ..." The electronic voice sounded again, making the hearts of everyone watching in SHIELD chilling.

Hill's fingers hesitated.

Pressing the button and Jeff just said to her, "Promise me, live, okay", fighting back and forth in my mind.

It's not that Hill is greedy for fear of death, but it takes more courage to survive.

Because no one knows how he can torture the last person after playing this alternative game.

But now press the button and it's over.

Quickly pressing the button can be a self-denial or a lack of will to give up in advance. Of course, it can also be said to be willing to accept death.

Coupled with the biological instinct for survival, Ward and Hill's expressions have changed significantly.

Therefore, as long as people are simple and simple, they will be very eager to die, and they will not be so entangled.

The two men and women special agents who had deep thoughts and experienced quite a lot were suffering.

Ten seconds can be long, but at this moment it is undoubtedly extremely short.

They felt like they were hesitating for a while, and the electronic voice had already read: "Three, two ..."


Ward lowered his head with wide eyes and looked at his finger.

Just at the last second, it was suddenly pressed down by an invisible force, grabbing a little bit before Hill and successfully killing itself.

Ward's mind was all surprised, puzzled, and angry at this moment.

Immediately he had a flash of light, and suddenly came to understand, and exhausted his last strength to look at the neuropath in the purple suit: "You, play me? ..."

Luke grinned, still the kind of "laugh" without laughter, only exaggerated smile, gently raised his index finger, and pressed it to his mouth: "I'm sorry, yes."

Ward's eyes gradually darkened, and only the last sentence was heard in his ear, as if it came from the distant sky: "Justajoke."

Inside the SHIELD Bureau, everyone was silent.

Everything they just saw clearly.

Hill and Ward pressed the buttons at the last minute at the same time, but Ward seemed to be a little earlier.

At this point, he became the second dead.

Although Ward and Garrett showed an unusually cold and decisive choice, this time it seems to partially prove what he said before.

Perhaps, just because Garrett lived so painfully, he chose to do it first?

The death of two agents in succession left a little confusion in everyone's minds.

Nick Fury said, "How long will the rescue team arrive?"

Sitwell: "Five minutes."

Nick Fury's face was somber and he didn't say a word.

The urging is useless. The ultimate speed of ordinary fighters is there. It cannot suddenly change to the speed of light.

In the remaining five minutes, I can only see what trick Jeff wants to play.

If it was as simple as before, Hill would definitely not be able to live.

On the other side of the screen, Luke went to Hill and took the button from her hand: "Congratulations, Ms. Maria Hill, you have become the only winner of this game."

Hill was in a mess.

She didn't expect that Ward would die.

Gritting your teeth at the last second, is it easy to decide to sacrifice yourself?

Now, what kind of fate is she facing?

Luke reached out and touched her head, and slowly walked behind her: "Relax, the winner should be rewarded."

The hearts of the people over the SHIELD raised again: how this gesture feels like before execution.

Then Luke pulled a needle tube behind Hill, grinning silently, and piercing it into Hill's neck.

It's over! Seeing this scene, everyone in SHIELD exclaimed in their hearts, and many people's breathing even stopped as the needle punctured.

Looking at Hill's eyes slowly closing ~ ~ with a drooping head, the idea was more obvious.

Then Luke walked to the camera with a smile: "This brave game is officially over, and friends who are interested will stay tuned. We will see you soon in the next episode. Please continue to support and good night."

Then, he turned off the camera.

On the SHIELD side, a lot of strange smiley faces are still on the screen.

The pale skin of the smiley face is like whitewashed, and there is a large circle of black eye addiction around the deep concave eyes. The bright red lip gloss is thicker than the thickness of the lips. With the action of grinning, a typical "blood basin" is formed. Big mouth. "

With the medium and long hair combed back into a big back, and the purple suit, this final picture was deeply imprinted in the minds of the SHIELD people.

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