Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 2058: Toolman Thor, the last shiver

But listening to Thor's tone, it seemed that Asgard hadn't thrown Big Dipper directly into the cell for torture, he was very magnanimous.

The Avengers knew his character a long time ago, and they didn't bother to be stunned with this Tie Han, so they didn't hear it.

The Bat team didn't owe Thor any favors. On the contrary, the damage Rocky's two official actions brought to the earth is vivid.

Ivan directly scolded Mao Xiong for swearing, but he was not harmonized by the team's brainwaves, nor did he receive Frank's deduction warning.

Angel simply laughed out loud: "Asgard really is very powerful."

In Ursa Minor’s exclusive channel, a group of young people are even more upset.

Minty relied on the status of an official member, and directly posted a sentence on the main channel of the bat team: "Did we kneel down and thank these "gods" for giving us a chance to save Asgard?"

Frank's smiled face hardened: "Well, that's not enough strength. Don't expect you to save the big man, they will thank you."

As a commander, his prestige in the team is quite high.

As soon as the words came out, the channel was silent.

He then said again: "We are all elderly people and our potential is limited, so there is no way for them to save face. But you are still young, and you have the opportunity to let them know how to taste it. So, work hard in the future, children."

At the moment Frank is nearly fifty years old, and he, who has been on the battlefield, called Ursa Minor members a "child", no problem at all.

Even if he was young and mature, Joseph, who had a dull personality, his blood surged when he heard this, and his mood was ups and downs.

You know, almost all members of Ursa Minor’s youth team have superpowers, that is, Mindy and Joseph have no "natural talents."

However, Mindy was successful in cultivation, Joseph's intelligence was superb, and Luke, a super "backer" silently supported, and it was only a matter of time before his combat effectiveness reached the best in the extraordinary.

On the contrary, the old players Frank, Damon, and Ivan are all ordinary people, and other superpowers have only received enough resources for improvement in the past few years.

At the starting point of talent and training, Ursa Minor is much higher than the old players early.

Even if you still don't want to surpass the old players, it would be too unambitious.

Besides, if you want to be a superhero, the most indispensable thing is faith.


The old players were also upset by Thor's words. Hearing these two sentences from Frank, they couldn't help but stunned and laughed secretly.

Most of the discomfort fell.

Thor's words are ugly, but they are actually quite normal for a divine kingdom that has protected the earth for many years.

This is like the Chinese mentioning Pakistan, even if they didn't deliberately belittle it, they really don't pay much attention to it.

In the same way, when relatives of county leaders come to visit and relatives who receive the minimum living allowance, who would say that he will grandly receive the latter and wait for the former?

The main team is actually more arrogant than the youth team, because they are fighting each other out of battles.

Even if he can't compete with Asgard's overall strength, he still has confidence in himself.

However, many foreign wars have also allowed them to have a clear understanding of their own level, and they will not be arrogant, nor will they be furious because of contempt.

Thor's words are ugly, they are just unaccustomed.

Who hasn't whispered in his heart the prince's not very clever Azi.

Therefore, upon hearing Frank's words, the old team members knew that the old cunning commander had made Thor once again as a "tool man" to motivate the youth team to move forward.

Thor is still a very "longevity" prospect.

In the youth team's intelligence, anyone on the earth who can be as close as 50 to the prince can count with one hand.

As long as two or three of this group of young people can have Thor's half strength, the veterans of the main team are afraid that they will wake up in dreams.

The main team members are basically over forty, and Damon and Frank are almost fifty.

Successors are one of their greatest hopes.

As for the anger of the youth team members, it is more of an impulse, a stress response that is underestimated.

But there is no clear concept of the gap between oneself and the other party, so this anger is very "virtual."

Motivated by Frank, they strengthened their belief in working hard and stopped engaging in incompetent anger.

For the time being, Greenwich’s Thor baby was made a raft by Frank without knowing it. At this time, the White Wolf clone was also smiling and contented.


Time returned to Malkis for the last fight, rushing out of the giant wormhole, but was bombarded by the fire and crashed into a temporary invisible wormhole.

At that time, the white wolf clone that had been planted in Wattheim had activated the invisibility system, standing in the shadow of a wreckage, and focused all its attention on Greenwich.

Once needed, Luke will immediately recall this second-level clone, and then call another clone to join the battle.

When he saw Malekis being blown up, Luke was also happy: Now, he is a big step closer to success.

The gathering of the nine nations is imminent, and temporary wormholes are frequently opened and extremely unstable.

At least a dozen prototypes of the Bat Squad and the Avengers suddenly rushed into other countries during the battle and lost contact.

If it weren't for Luke's deity near Greenwich, he kept releasing prototypes to supplement and gave the Avengers temporary control rights, and at least half of the people on both sides would be disconnected.

The dark elves did not get any better, and dozens of saber fighters were also missing.

At this moment, Malekis was also teleported away, and the chance of returning to Greenwich in just one minute was slim.

It depends on God, his old man is not bad, this last shiver.

As the brain turned around, the white wolf clone heard a series of loud noises, and was approaching quickly.

The White Wolf clone suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the roar.

As a result, a black-red shadow hit a small hill not far away and stopped more than a hundred meters away, separated from the white wolf clone by a lot of ruins.

The White Wolf clone was stunned, and immediately laughed in his heart: I didn't expect, I didn't expect that the last head was sent back to the front.

Luke originally thought that the non-chief face of White Wolf was a bit unlucky, but who knew that luck was the same as the name and armor of the European Emperor.

Malekis is the highest one who planned this "big action" to destroy the This is the point, and the contribution rate of killing him is at least several percentage points.

If it is the expected "global mission", it means billions of experience points.

The only problem Luke faced was how to get rid of him, and he couldn't give him a chance to escape with tera particles.

After all, Malekis had just improved his ability to manipulate etheric particles, and his ability to escape and save his life had more than doubled.

The White Wolf clone may only have one chance to attack.

With a move in his heart, he turned his attention to the storage space, and only a lot of freshly baked trophies were collected in it.

After dozens of seconds, the white wolf clone shared the image of the deity's disappearance of the convergence point, and his heart was determined: guarantee! It's time to show the real...acting skills!

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