Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 38: Super cheater given by system dad

As soon as the new sofa arrives, Robert is standing on the sofa with Ge You's stance, his **** is still followed by the wide sofa.

This feeling is just a word, cool!

Lu Lu was there, looking at the newspaper that Robert turned over in the morning, and laughing: "Everyone is satisfied."

He has added the three basic points he just got in the past few days and still added it to Agile.

From the battle that night, he deeply felt the role of agility.

His actions are more sensitive and precise, and he fires more quickly.

Although his marksmanship missed a bit, he could totally pile up hits by the number of bullets.

However, the role of power is equally obvious.

He is more stable with a gun, runs and climbs more easily, and with better eyesight and hearing, he can find opponents faster and earlier.

Strength agility is a pair of CPs that complement each other.

In terms of the shootout with the Mexican gang that night, if he increased his pure force, he would probably be killed by an assaulted truck or killed by a bullet rain.

纯 If pure sensitivity increases, his nerves may be able to react, but the strength and strength of the body is not enough to support his rapid movement, it will also be dangerous.

If you add a little pure spirit ... Uh, I guess he will be cold then.

If you think of reality as a game, and you feel that adding a certain attribute can strengthen you all the way to the end, then you are dying.

Reality is not a game. The system gives him three attributes, which are obviously all useful.

Strength determines the physical foundation, agility determines the physical exertion, and the role of the spirit may be greater.

There may be a sequence of points, but in the end, no one attribute can be too low.

However, now he still decides to increase agility first. Agility is more effective for gun use than power.

I just have a little surprise this time.

他 After he added the last point to Agile, Agile reached twenty.

The already weak discomfort had suddenly increased several times, even more uncomfortable than when he first added agility.

Fortunately, he was on holiday, and he lay down at home for more than half a day before he recovered.

It's worth the pain.

Lu Luke found that after agile added to 20 o'clock, his improvement was quite large.

I asked the mentally handicapped system, but received no response. After many tests, he found that the basic attributes reached 20 points, which was a level.

The effect of twenty agility is not just a little more than nineteen agility, but ... almost double.

But agile testing is not easy and less intuitive, he can only roughly estimate.

But next time he upgrades, he should consider increasing his strength to 20 o'clock to see if this guess is correct.

After all, twice the strength and physical strength of ordinary people, and four times the strength of ordinary people, this is not a concept at all, and it only requires him to add two points of strength to achieve, the price is very high.

As I thought, he looked at the newspaper in his hand.

Robert took the remote control at this time, quickly pressed it, and switched to the sports channel: "Today, but the Dallas Cowboys are playing against the Green Bay Packers, can't miss it."

Lu Lu looked at a handsome moustache on the headline of the newspaper and said casually, "What do you think, the Green Bay Packer is too strong."

Robert was furious: "Nonsense, the Dallas Cowboys will not fear any opponent."

Lu Luke made a sound and watched the report on the headline carefully.

看着 Robert looked at him like this, and said angrily: "Bet, I bet the Dallas Cowboys win."

Lu Luke: "Hehe."

Alas ... A moment later, in the gambling city, ten bets were placed in the hands of Catherine in the middle.

Whoever wins, these twenty dollars will be given to Catherine to add living room supplies.

Katherine could not laugh or cry there.

These two men are betting on the ten-dollar gambling.

Well, this is the case here in the United States. I like to gamble everything, and the police are no exception.

It ’s just that people with good relationships are relatively small. Most small bets are $ 35 or $ 20, and they are capped at $ 20. Winning or losing is not a big problem.

After an hour and a half, the game is over.

Robert lost.

Although he still said that Dallas Cowboys would win next time, Lu Ke had no time to fight with him.

At the moment when the game just ended, the mentally retarded system suddenly moved.

System: You defeated Robert Greeson, and met the learning conditions. The super learning module is turned on.

终于 A new feature has finally appeared in this retarded system.

Lu Guang was the name, and Lu Ke was full of expectations.

In countless systems, the first auxiliary function necessary for home is storage space.

Second is auxiliary functions like learning space and speeding up the learning process.

This allows the protagonist to quickly learn to master various abilities.

Lu Luke suddenly felt that it would be better to call the system dad in the future. After all, this system provided few functions but was very practical.

I communicated with the system in my head for a while, and Lu Ke's face looked inexplicable.

He decided, he will be called System Dad in the future.

Because this so-called super-learning module is very different from his imagination, this thing is more like a ... cheater ~ ~ super-learning module function: the host can get a list of the capabilities of the defeated opponent, and the available points Equip yourself after purchase.

What is this not a cheater? Isn't this just copy and paste?

The role of the last data of the system is also clear.

Points, like other systems, are a system currency.

Lu Luke even thinks that this point is the most important thing in the detective system, because it can buy skills.

The only trouble is that he needs to defeat the opponent to get the opponent's ability list.

Numerous thoughts came to his mind, and some thoughts that had been buried in his mind again appeared uncontrollably.

Maybe ... I can work on it myself?

He looked to the newspaper, the smiling moustache man, with a lot of crooked ideas appearing involuntarily.

I spoke to everyone, and Lu Ke returned to his room.

Looking at the new Robert profile in the system, his eyes glowed.

Character: Robert Greeson.

Ability: Basic firearms, basic army combat, basic special operations, basic vehicle driving, basic special vehicle driving, basic tactical command.

Look down! Robert this guy is really a big treasure house, he has six kinds of abilities.

However, of the six abilities, only the basic firearms, fighting skills in the basic army, and basic vehicle driving are on, and there is a parenthesis behind them-(learnable).

The other three are gray, followed by (cannot learn at this time).

Hmm, this is the panel that Lu Ke used to make the system during this time. The panel without a panel is really a bit uncomfortable.

一条 After each ability, a piece of information about points is also displayed.

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