Super Dimension Kill

Chapter 165 One Year

"Okay, boss! Deliver within two months, no later than three months!"

The flattering voice on the other end of the phone quickly replied.

Because the various laboratory equipment purchased is relatively sensitive, if it is purchased in bulk in "Eric", it is easy to be noticed by the government's intelligence department and attract surveillance.

Therefore, Su Leng chose to purchase it overseas in a dispersed manner.

And overseas transportation is generally by sea, so it takes a little time.

As for the purchase channel, it was someone that Su Leng personally found this year and confirmed to be feasible after "friendly" negotiations.

This year, Su Leng did not make money in New City's financial street wholeheartedly. After all, the stock market did not require so much of his energy. He could find someone to trade, and he only needed to make decisions.

And his decisions all came from the dynamic information of those "bankers".

When he first entered the financial street, he spent some money to find a financial newspaper in New City to hype himself up, writing him as a "financial genius", promoting various fabricated stories of getting rich, and also made a personal website.

Eric's newspaper had no bottom line. As long as the money was enough, a dog could be made into a "stock god" for such a report.

Therefore, with the newspaper's extensive publicity, he successfully attracted the attention of many people in the financial street and even New York City, and established connections with countless bankers, agency heads, bank presidents, etc. in the financial street. He also got a glimpse of these people's life experiences and kept a file.

Although afterward, someone went to verify and found that the stories he had promoted were all false, and he was not a "financial genius" at all, which instantly made him "discredited" in the financial street, but his goal had been achieved, and it happened to make him withdraw from the public eye.

Then, he found an unknown trader - the old man Marshall who helped him buy the land, Logan Marshall.

Pushing Logan Marshall to the front, he retreated behind the scenes and used the ability of [self-omniscience] to observe the dynamics of the big bankers in the financial street, so as to obtain inside information for operation.

Then, in just one year, he completed the accumulation of wealth that most people cannot do in their lifetime.

Although there is still a big gap between him and the top rich people, not to mention the ancient chaebol family of "Eric", he was not interested in this. As long as the wealth can provide him with research, it will be fine.

While making money, during this year, Su Leng was also training the five children headed by Ya to cultivate a team of forces.

The property he bought in New City was an abandoned manor located in the suburbs.

The area is very large, and there are pastures, fish ponds and cellars.

After Su Leng found someone to clean it, he transformed the manor while training the five children.

With all the master-level skills of the "King of Killers", he naturally has various ways to train these five children.

Under his training, among the five children, except Ya's sister, the others have achieved some success in training, and their physical fitness, which is originally five to seven times stronger than that of ordinary people, has been exerted to a more extraordinary strength.

It can be said that "evolvers" with the same physical fitness are definitely not their opponents.

The reason why Ya's sister did not have any effect in the training is very simple, that is, she is not an evolver.

Because of her special "hypnosis" ability, the leader of the base a year ago did not use her for "electric shock" to stimulate her potential, probably because he was afraid of accidentally killing her.

After all, the survival of Ya and others was actually based on the death of countless experimental subjects by "electric shock".

In addition, when training the five people, a small episode also occurred.

That is, Ya was unwilling to let his sister participate in the training at the beginning.

Because his sister had a fever all the time, in Ya's view, these physical trainings would only aggravate his sister's condition and cause his sister to die early.

But Su Leng did not agree with this.

After experiencing the last world, Su Leng knew that physical attributes and intellectual attributes must be developed in a balanced manner, otherwise if only one side is developed, problems will easily arise.

And the reason why Ya's sister often has a fever, in his opinion, is probably caused by too high intellectual attributes.

He also told Ya this.

But Ya still strongly opposed it regardless.

So, there was no other way, Su Leng could only suppress them by force.

During that time, Ya looked at him with deep hatred.

It was not until his sister became stronger with training and her fever began to decrease that he realized that Su Leng had not lied to him.

Then, he stopped hating Su Leng.

Su Leng did not care, after all, he had no good intentions in taking in these five children.

In addition to training the five children, Su Leng also hired teachers to teach them to read and study.

On the one hand, this was to cope with the compulsory schooling required by the New City Education Department. After all, at their age, "Eric" had to go to school according to the law, but they could choose to go to school or family education.

Su Leng chose the latter.

On the other hand, he couldn't let these five children not know how to read, right?

In the future, he also planned to let these five children help him bring back the "evolvers" he had let go of at the base a year ago.

Don't make jokes like running into the wrong city, not knowing the way, or even taking the wrong bus or going to the wrong place when you don't know how to read. That would be difficult to deal with.

These are basically what Su Leng did in this year.

At this time, he was looking at the huge amount of experimental data in the basement of the manor's cellar.

Because they are dead objects, he cannot use his [self-omniscient] ability to "leave files" in his mind to know these experimental data instantly. He can only view them slowly on the computer.

While looking at these experimental data, he was also operating behind the scenes the "offline players" developed during the year, such as Logan Marshall.

After hearing the assurance on the other end of the phone, Su Leng hung up the phone without saying anything.

After that, he put the mobile phone in the drawer, opened the third drawer, took out another old-fashioned phone inside, and started to make calls - for such a serious matter as purchasing laboratory equipment, he naturally would not put his eggs in one basket.

After making several calls in succession, he finally contacted all the experimental equipment recorded in the "experimental data".

As long as he waits for the land to be acquired, he will immediately start construction on the golf course on the surface and actually build a laboratory underground. After all the laboratory equipment arrives, his laboratory will be ready in an instant.

Of course, this may still take several months.

Su Leng was not in a hurry. After all, the mission time limit for this game was ten years, and there were still nine years left.

"electric shock……"

After the matter in the laboratory was settled, Su Leng's eyes returned to the computer screen in front of him again.

During this year, he has read through the experimental data.

Then, the conclusion he got was that if you want to start the evolutionary mutation system of this world, you have to encounter extreme dangers, but you can't die immediately, and you have to give some reaction time, so that the body can secrete a lot of adrenaline to stimulate Human body cells stimulate cell activity.

After stimulating cell activity, it is necessary to immediately replenish "nutrients" to these activated cells. Otherwise, these activated cells will absorb all the nutrients contained in the human body without restraint. These cells provide energy until there is not a drop left, and then the human body functions and dies.

This was the final method of human research experiments in that base when Su Leng entered the game a year ago.

However, this method is a bit difficult to control. It is necessary to accurately control the state of the "shocked", then pull down the electric switch in time, and send the "shocked" into the nutrient solution.

As long as there is a slight mistake, either the cell activity of the "shocked" person will not be stimulated and white electricity will appear; or the "shocked person" will be directly electrocuted to death on the spot.

And even if you successfully grasp the accuracy of the "electric shock", you must send it into the nutrient tank at the right time to soak the nutrient solution. Otherwise, if it is sent too early to activate the activated cells, it will directly absorb the nutrients from the nutrient solution, which will not strengthen the cells and improve the body's strength. However, if it is delivered too late, the activated cells will directly absorb the nutrients from the body, causing the body cells of the "shocked" to "starve" to death.

This is also the reason why it is difficult for human research institutions in various countries to "mass-produce" evolvers.

However, this is not a problem for Su Ling.

His [self-knowledge] ability can feed back the dynamics of himself and the people he is related to, allowing him to accurately control the status of the other party and himself.

Therefore, this problem, which is a big problem for various countries and even all human body research institutes trying to "mass-produce" evolvers, is not difficult for Su Ling.

However, he has not yet built the laboratory, and he is worried about whether there will be any unknown risks since he is the player's body in a state of surrender...

As soon as he thought of this, Su Leng got up and left the basement and came to the manor.

The manor located in the suburbs is extremely quiet.

Despite its large area, the scenery transformed by Su Leng is particularly pleasant.

The manor was as huge as a castle, with stone walls extending outward, about as high as an adult's waist.

There is a green lawn on the ground, which is regularly manually mowed by servants every week to keep it green without making it messy.

Further outside, there is a dense maple forest. From time to time, the wind blows from the mountains, causing the maple trees to sway and make a rustling sound, and drop green or yellow leaves.

Especially in autumn, the entire manor is wrapped in autumn yellow and red, which is so beautiful.

But at this time, it was spring, and everything was just green.

After Su Ling came up from the basement, he picked up his cell phone and made a call.

Jingle bell~

The cell phone rang from upstairs in the manor.

After the phone rang for a moment, a figure suddenly walked out of the back room on the second floor and came to the balcony. He looked outside with a puzzled look on his face. At the same time, he answered the phone and tentatively said, "Hey, doctor, are you looking for me?"


After a faint hum, Su Leng walked from the corridor on the first floor to the yard, looked up at the big bun on the second floor, and said, "Come down, I'll see you if I need anything."


Seeing Su Leng downstairs, Da Baozi immediately agreed.

Afterwards, he returned to the back room on the second floor from the balcony, and then hurriedly went down to the first floor.

"Ya and the others are in class now, please keep your voice down."

Su Ling said as he looked at the big bun who made a lot of noise in his hasty movements.

It is morning at this time, and the so-called plan for the day lies in the morning.

Su Leng always asked Ya and others to study at this time, and would only start training after class was over.

"Oh, I will definitely pay attention next time!"

After hearing this, Big Baozi nodded quickly, and then asked: "Doctor, what do you want to see me for?"

In a year, Big Baozi has become accustomed to calling Dr. Su Ling.

In addition, during this year, Dada Baozi lived a very carefree life.

Su Leng made billions, and just gave him a little bit, and he lived a rich life every day.

He could drive all kinds of luxury cars and spend money at any place in the city. He was so happy to eat, drink and have fun every day during this year.

The only thing that made him regretful was that the game "Super Dimension Kill" banned pornography!

When he went to various bars in the city, he used money to pick up the NPC blonde big wave beauty in this world, but when he did it, he found that no matter what the other party did, he couldn't get up.

This made him want to cry for a while.

However, as time passed, he also thought about it. If he couldn't be pornographic, he couldn't be pornographic. He was very happy to eat, drink, drive luxury cars and show off every day.

During this year, he felt much happier than in the real world.

And all this was given by Su Leng, so he respected Su Leng even more.

"Didn't I say I would strengthen you in that base a year ago? I wonder if you still remember."

Su Leng said lightly: "Now there is such an opportunity, I wonder if you want it."

"Remember, remember, remember!"

Hearing Su Leng's words, Dadada Baozi's eyes lit up instantly, and he nodded and said: "Yes, yes, yes!"

Dadada Baozi naturally has the heart to be a high-level player.

During this year, Su Leng had the ambition to follow the training of the five children and improve some attribute values ​​through exercise.

But in the end, he failed in the two hundred squats in the warm-up activities.

After squatting more than thirty, he had stars in his eyes and almost fainted because he couldn't breathe, so he had to give up.

And because the other party was a player, Su Leng didn't care about him.

After that, Dadada Baozi began to live a carefree life.

But after playing for a long time, how to say it, his heart to be a high-level player can't help but rekindle.

However, he really couldn't bear the hardship of training, and in the end he could only stare at the five children training.

This is actually quite normal. Dada Baozi is just an ordinary person in reality. He definitely cannot withstand this kind of "King of Killers" training.

If he could really withstand it, why would he train in the game? He could just train to become a soldier king in reality.

But the children like Ya are different. They have experienced the inhuman torture of "electric shock" since childhood, and their willpower has been trained.

Compared with training, "electric shock" is much more terrifying.

"Don't rush to agree. Let me make it clear to you first. This method is dangerous. You'd better think it through."

Seeing that Dada Baozi agreed without thinking, Su Leng said calmly: "Of course, this method is much easier than training, and it doesn't have to be so hard."

Because they are both players, danger warnings still need to be said.

However, Su Leng was worried that the other party would be scared after hearing the danger, so he did not tell the specific method, and also said that this method is easier than training to tempt Dada Baozi.

Just lie down, then turn on the switch, and the rest will be left to him. It's not much easier.

Afterwards, even if Dada Baozi was no longer willing to continue, Su Leng should have observed what he wanted to know by then, so it didn't matter.

Of course, this was a bit unfair to Dada Baozi.

However, all the gifts given by fate have been secretly marked with a price.

Su Leng let the other party drive a luxury car anytime and anywhere in this year, and spend his money freely, all for today.

His subordinates don't keep idle people.

This update is 4,300 words, which is today's (11.02) update, not an extra update, and there are still eight chapters to be added, I remember.

Then let me tell you something, that is, the extra update may be delayed for two days, because my good brother broke up.

That was my brother who accompanied me for many days and nights, and he was as close as a brother, a half-brother!

Therefore, I must go and laugh at him when he broke up!

So, there is no extra update today and tomorrow, but please rest assured that there will be no interruption, but a normal update of 4,000+ words.

I will come back and add more after I finish laughing~

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