Super Dimension Kill

Chapter 228 Adam

As the town ahead fell into a power outage, inside the jeep, the middle-aged man with a bruised head tried to start the jeep again.

Miraculously, the Jeep, whose front was severely deformed by the impact, was still able to start!

So, I saw the middle-aged man in the jeep. He first reversed the car and distanced himself from the broken telephone pole. Then he turned the steering wheel and returned to the road again. He drove the jeep towards the town.

In the process, the blood on the middle-aged man's face that was bruised and bloody began to squirm quickly, as if it was alive, and like countless tiny insects, it crawled back into the middle-aged man's body.

Subsequently, the wound on the middle-aged man's head healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The middle-aged man turned a blind eye to this, as if he was used to it, and didn't care at all. Instead, he murmured to himself thoughtfully while driving: "It seems that the Locke family has just added something that is very special to me." Dangerous things..."

Thinking of this, his eyes couldn't help but narrowed slightly.

However, he didn't think deeply about this matter. So far, he didn't know much about this era, so he didn't have any data reference to analyze the increasing danger of the Locke family.

What we need to do now is to first understand the changes in this era.

"Unfortunately, I don't know what the unknown danger is, so I can't even listen to the radio. I can only obtain the information of this era through the most primitive methods..."

He drove through many places along the way, including cities, towns, villages and other places.

But he did not go to these places to inquire about the news of this era, because these places, whether cities or small towns or villages, contain danger sensors. The larger the place, the stronger the danger sensors.

In the end, he drove all the way to this remote and backward town in Nevada, a state he had never heard of. The roads were not asphalt roads, but still loess roads, so he did not have such a strong sense of danger.

But even so, there was still a looming sense of danger in such a small town. It wasn't until he broke the telephone pole outside the town that the sense of danger was completely gone.

And this, in disguise, allowed him to verify a certain conjecture in his mind.

The unknown danger that prevented him from listening to the radio was not only dangerous to radio broadcasts, but most likely included all machines and equipment that used electromagnetic force to spread messages!

Now, after this remote and backward town loses electricity, this unknown danger is completely gone.

However, what kind of thing can have such extensive and amazing effects?

"Adam", who had no answer for the time being, shook his head, discarded these distracting thoughts, and focused on the matter in front of him.

Soon, the jeep drove into the town.

At this time, every household in the town had a male owner, and the male owner was checking the electric switch outside the house; while those without a male owner stood helplessly outside the house, making calls on their mobile phones, as if they were looking for help. help.

Most of these people are middle-aged and elderly people over the age of fifty or sixty.

It is almost difficult to see young people in the small town, and there are even very few people in their prime.

When "Adam" drove in in his jeep, residents on both sides of the road saw the middle-aged man sitting in the car being parasitized by "Adam" and immediately asked for help.

"Hey, young man, can you help me find out what's going on with my electric switch?"

"Hey, young man, can you take me a little way? Just a little ahead."

"Hi, young man..."

Faced with these requests for help, "Adam" in the car looked indifferent. Suddenly!


There was a buzz, and the spiritual power instantly began to radiate around the jeep.

For a moment, all the households on both sides of the road stared blankly, and then gradually became distracted.


More than an hour later.

Town center.

The jeep is parked on the street in the center, and the middle-aged man "Adam" parasitizes stands on the roof of the car.

Around him, everyone in the entire town, a total of more than two hundred people, surrounded him and the jeep with distracted eyes.

Most of these people are middle-aged and elderly people over the age of fifty or sixty. There are very few middle-aged men in their forties, and there are only a few young people.

However, "Adam" who has parasitized the middle-aged man naturally does not care about these.

At this time, he was standing on the roof of the car with a thoughtful look on his face, digesting the information he asked.

After breaking the telephone poles in the town and causing a power outage, he hypnotized everyone as soon as he entered the town. Using the most primitive "questioning" method, he obtained various information about this era from these people. aspect information.

From the time span, to the changes in various fields, and then the degree of technological advancement.

Of course, from these ordinary people, it is definitely impossible to ask about the most cutting-edge technological level, but just from civilian technology, we can roughly get a glimpse of the technological level of the entire world.

"It turns out that I was only imprisoned for less than a hundred years..."

"Have nuclear weapons actually appeared in less than a hundred years..."

"And the emergence of the 'Internet' has actually made global communications so advanced..."

He asked the old people in this town, then the middle-aged people, and then the relatively rare young people, and finally understood the current world from the perspectives of three kinds of people. Finally, he roughly understood the various changes in this era.

After digesting the many changes in this era, his brows also frowned.

There are two things that made him frown. The first is nuclear weapons!

The emergence of such weapons of mass destruction made him a little afraid.

The lethality is secondary, the key is the radiation damage after the explosion.

The four major families control this weapon, which is quite troublesome for him.

Of course, he is just a trouble, for other ordinary people, it is a catastrophe.

This is a double-edged sword. Compared with him, the four major families and ordinary humans should be more afraid.

So, he didn't take it too seriously for the time being.

In addition to this point, the second point is that he has understood that this is an era of information explosion.

But even so, it is far from the extent that he can't even listen to a radio.

The radio is just a unilateral transmission of frequency band signals by the radio station, and the audience listens unilaterally in various places, without any connection.

In this case, even if he listened to the radio, he would not be able to expose himself.

But at that time, his "precognitive" ability clearly conveyed the sense of danger.

What's going on? !

"Unless... that unknown sense of danger does not come from the technology of this era!"

In an instant, "Adam" thought of a possibility in his mind: superpowers!

That unknown danger comes from some kind of superpower!

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