Super Dimension Kill

Chapter 24 Prepare Yourself

What impressed Su Leng deeply about this female player was that a few days ago, when Song Renfeng, the best detective of the Great Zhou Dynasty, went to visit and investigate the other princes one by one because of the poisoning of the eighth prince Zhou Mingyi, the other party teased Song Renfeng. Song Renfeng was frightened. →

After that, Su Leng didn't pay much attention to her.

Because, perhaps due to the difference in thinking between men and women, this female player did not make any preparations for seizing the direct line. Instead, she was like a slutty salted fish prince. She wandered around the capital with nothing to do every day, went to teahouses and brothels, and immersed herself in the experience of ancient princes. of carefreeness.

Moreover, because this game involves men, she seemed to be full of curiosity about the structure of the male body and did many things that made Su Ling feel very perverted and eye-catching.

This is why Su Ling doesn't pay much attention to her.

However, now that the old emperor has summoned him, the other party, as a player, must also know that this represents a meeting of all players in this game, and he will definitely take action.

"Her game rating is E-level. Although it is also very low, she is at least better than that Wang Tao. She should not make any preparations."

Su Ling thought in his heart.

Although his [self-omniscient] ability can see the other person's life information and know what the other person did and said, it cannot see through people's thoughts.

For this reason, he wanted to see what preparations these players would make so that they could use their actions to deduce their thoughts.

It's like playing Landlords, you can see all the opponent's cards, but if you use different playing ideas, the effects will naturally be different.

Su Leng wanted to first see how the opponent was going to play his cards, and then derive his "card playing" ideas before dealing with them.

"Huh? Father summoned all the princes?"

At the Fourth Prince's Mansion, when the summoned eunuch arrived and conveyed the news that the old emperor had summoned all the princes, the female player whose real name was Chen Wei and whose game nickname was "Ishihara Waimi" was stunned, and then said to the summoned eunuch: "Okay, my father-in-law, please wait a moment while I allow you to tidy up your appearance.

After summoning the eunuch to agree, she returned to the bedroom, sat in front of the bronze mirror in the room, and began to open the boxes of rouge, gouache, and various colored lipsticks in front of the bronze mirror, and began to put on makeup.

At the same time, he was mumbling from time to time.

"I wonder if there are any handsome guys among the players in this game~"

"Don't be a bunch of greasy men with low hair, otherwise the 'gender change card' I used will be wasted."

"Sisters all say that those who are good at playing this game must have a high IQ and have a high chance of making money. I hope to meet a tall, handsome and rich high-quality guy soon! If it doesn't work, just money will do~ "

Looking at the female player wearing makeup and listening to what she was mumbling, Su Leng was speechless.

Are you looking for a partner in the game?

It's a bit outrageous, but it seems reasonable.

Seeing that the other party kept "putting on makeup" until going out, and showed no intention of making any other preparations until leaving the palace, Su Leng finally didn't bother to pay attention anymore.

This kind of fishing for girls is not a serious game player at all, and it is nothing to be afraid of.

After that, Su Leng continued to look at the next one.

Among the next player princes, the palace where the summoned eunuch arrived the fastest was the second prince.

The second prince is joined by a player whose real name is Luo Zhitian and whose game nickname is "Tianshan".

Although this player has an E-level game rating, he is still playing the game quite seriously. After entering the game, he has been playing the role of a bole among the people, spreading money around to recruit experts, and wants to assassinate people. Kill other players and the old emperor one by one, and then ascend to the throne.

However, when the summoned eunuch brought the news that the old emperor had summoned all the princes, the player was also dumbfounded.

After he entered the game, he recruited many experts, but obviously, these experts he recruited were of no help to this meeting of players.

The prince was summoned this time, and it was impossible for him to bring the masters he had recruited with him.

This is equivalent to that everything he did after entering the game was in vain - at least for this meeting with the players, it was in vain.

Therefore, after the summoned eunuch finished telling the news of the summons, the player stood there with a gloomy expression for a while.

After a long time, the other party let out a sigh of relief, and he came to this meeting with players without any preparation - or in other words, he came to this meeting step by step.

Seeing Su Leng here, he stopped paying attention.

After that, Su Leng looked at the remaining four player princes one after another. These four player princes joined the third prince, the seventh prince, the ninth prince and the fifteenth prince respectively.

The three players who joined the Third Prince, the Seventh Prince, and the Ninth Prince all had game ratings of E. After entering the game, they also made a lot of preparations for seizing the heir, but they were not very useful in this meeting.

The player who joins the Third Prince is a middle-aged man who has gone through social training and used money to control officials from all walks of life in the capital to win over people's hearts in order to gain the support of powerful ministers.

This behavior did achieve some results and gained the support of some officials in the court.

But unfortunately, this behavior did not help this sudden meeting.

The players who joined the Seventh Prince took a similar route to Su Ling, focusing on grabbing the officials of the capital. Specifically, they used power and money to support singers and beauties, held large banquets, entertained high-ranking people in the capital, and then presented songs to them. Ji Meiren uses a beauty trap to gain leverage from these high-class people, and then lures them with benefits to manipulate them.

It's a pity that these high-class people in the capital are not fools. Although there are some people who have been taken advantage of by the honey trap, most of them get money and people to get nothing.

There are even cases where someone obtains some insignificant information, misjudges the value and uses it to threaten the other party, and then turns against the other party.

The idea is good, but unfortunately unlike Su Leng, who has the ability of [self-knowledge] and can deeply grasp the opponent's pain points, the effect is very average.

Moreover, this kind of preparation is indeed useless for this sudden meeting.

As for the player who joined the Ninth Prince, the opponent did not make any preparations after entering the game. Instead, just like the female player who joined the Fourth Prince, she spent the whole day eating, drinking and having fun.

However, unlike that female player, this player's eating, drinking and having fun is not so much about eating, drinking and having fun, but more about bullying men and dominating women!

Relying on his status as a prince, he ate royal meals everywhere in the capital. Not only did he prostitute girls from brothels for free, he also beat and scolded servants in the palace. He even tortured and killed a maid in the palace and threw the latter into a well.

When this player heard the news of the summons from the eunuch who had summoned him, not only was he not nervous at all, but he was very excited. He made a look and asked the servant to cover the sight of the eunuch who had summoned him, and then quietly hid a dagger. Entering the big sleeves of the gorgeous clothes.

Su Leng looked through this person's life experience information and found that he was very honest in reality, but in the game "Super Dimension Kill", every game has a very serious tendency to violence, and he also likes to kill. .

Combining these, Su Leng can basically confirm that this player is the kind of player who does not follow the rules in the game and will do anything out of the ordinary!

"The dagger is hidden in the sleeve. Are you planning to assassinate the old emperor on the spot, or are you planning to trade with other players to the limit?"

Seeing the opponent's preparation, Su Leng had an idea in his mind, and was already thinking about how to use the opponent's preparation to achieve his own goal.

In addition to these player princes, there is another player prince.

This player prince joins the Fifteenth Prince, and he is also the player with the highest game rating besides Su Leng and Li Wenfeng, the B-level players!

Unlike the previous six player princes, Su Leng attaches great importance to this player prince.

The opponent's game rating is D-level, two levels lower than B-level Li Wenfeng, but Su Leng values ​​this player no less than Li Wenfeng.

All this is because this player has professional knowledge and professional skills in a certain field, that is, making bombs!

This player, whose real name is "Zeng Yi" and whose game nickname is "Dabai", has spent a lot of money in this world to find raw materials for making bombs since entering the game.

After acquiring a large amount of sulfur, saltpeter, charcoal and other materials, he used his professional knowledge to make gunpowder from these materials, and then made the gunpowder into improvised bombs.

After the eunuch was summoned to bring the message, the player found an excuse to go back to the underground secret room, looked at a box of bombs he had made in the basement, and said to himself: "This emperor suddenly summoned all the princes, right? It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me.”

"If we can use these explosives to blow up the emperor, all other princes and players, then wouldn't I be the only heir to the throne?"

"It's can we do it?"

It’s on the classified new book list, but it’s only the last one, which is a bit dangerous. Please vote to ensure the ranking ~ The second update will be before 0 o’clock

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