Super Dimension Kill

Chapter 261 The fourth stage: supernatural power transformation!

In fact, Su Leng has already made a breakthrough in the fourth stage of "superpower transformation".

The defensive force field formed by his telekinesis to transform the human body's magnetic field is already a superpower.

However, the superpower of the defensive force field did not allow Su Leng to see the evolutionary path after the fourth stage. Therefore, Su Leng had to continue to explore the fourth stage.

"Telekinesis is derived from 'consciousness', but what exactly is 'consciousness'? Whether in the real world or this world, there is no clear and specific concept. The process of Xu Qingshan's 'divination' superpower is also a change in his consciousness. Although I have read his life experience information, I cannot see through his consciousness."

To explore "superpowers", Su Leng has two ways in the known cognitive information.

One is to apply telekinesis to the "body", and the other is to apply telekinesis to the "consciousness".

But Su Leng does not know much about the cognition of consciousness. Although he has always wanted to systematically study and understand "consciousness", in the real world, he is still in a "paralyzed" state where he cannot move, and he has no way to actively learn and understand.

Moreover, he also hides many secrets in reality, especially the ability of [self-causal omniscience], so it is not easy to reveal anything unusual.

Therefore, he currently has no idea about the nature of "consciousness" and how to use telekinesis on consciousness.

Although he knows that many of the superpowers opened by the superpower evolutionists in this world are derived from consciousness, such as the "eye of retrospection" of Ian in the "rectification bureau" and the "information invasion" of Mickey Darren.

But it is about "consciousness", and the game "Super Dimension Kill" is based on consciousness, and it also has mysterious elements, and is even related to high-dimensional civilization and life forms. If you are not careful, it is very likely to push "consciousness" into a very dangerous situation.

Therefore, before Su Leng has a clear understanding of the nature of "consciousness", for the sake of safety, he does not intend to use his own "consciousness" for experiments.

And if he gives up the path of "consciousness", then the only way for him to explore superpowers is the "body" aspect.

Compared with "consciousness", Su Leng has fewer concerns about "body".

First of all, he has experienced five game worlds, and in each world, the body of the character he is in is different.

According to the prompt information given by the system, his one-dimensional panel attributes are all implanted into the body of the character he is in later.

This makes Su Leng have a vague guess.

That is, whether the body of the character in "Super Dimension Kill" is really similar to the existence of game data and does not affect the consciousness of the player.

This guess is not born out of nowhere, but is combined with the various events in the five game worlds he has experienced.

The more games he plays in the game "Super Dimension Kill", the more he feels it is not simple.

The meaning of the one-dimensional world;

The "NPC" in each game world is so vivid;

There are even three-dimensional life crossing in, etc.

All this information seems to indicate that this game is not just as simple as a game.

But each world he has experienced is not much different from a game.

If he did not have the ability of [self-cause omniscience] and knew the life experience information of each "NPC", then from his perspective, "Super Dimension Kill" has more game attributes besides being able to affect reality.

After knowing this information, and thinking that "Super Dimension Kill" involves high-dimensional civilization and life earlier, Su Leng could not help but guess.

Perhaps in the eyes of high-dimensional life, everything below their dimension can be created at will!

Just like the dimensional device [Writer's Pen] that Su Leng found in the third world of "Secret Martial Arts", which can create new ritual martial arts.

Can high-dimensional life or civilization also create a powerful body that fits the player's consciousness in various low-dimensional worlds under certain conditions?

This is entirely possible.

Just like in the real world where Su Leng is, many writers, painters, screenwriters, directors, or game companies, etc., creative professions, can create a new world of novels, comics, movies, or games out of nothing.

Of course, Su Leng is not a high-dimensional life or civilization, he can only make guesses based on his cognition of a three-dimensional life form.

However, his conjecture has been verified to a certain extent, that is, the native characters in the game world of "Super Dimension Killing" will be affected by the strong body desire information, but he will not.

Based on this phenomenon, Su Leng determined that the body of the character in the game world will not affect his consciousness if there is a problem.

Otherwise, in every game, the characters that the players play, except for S-level players like him who can successfully complete the task, will basically die halfway.

If there is an impact, this game has been opened for a while, and the problem should have occurred long ago.

Based on this conjecture, he finally chose to use the "body" as the fourth stage "superpower transformation" exploration experiment.

Speaking of which, each part of Adam's body has a unique function.

For example, the liver can regenerate continuously; the heart can transmit energy; the left ear can hear high and low frequency sound waves; the stomach can digest food and absorb energy almost instantly, etc.

Maybe these are all "superpowers" developed by the body.

As soon as he thought of this, Su Leng no longer hesitated and began to radiate his mind power, acting on all the body's muscles, bones, internal organs, blood, hair and other body tissues!

Then, he entered the state of "Qingjing Gong" at the same time, and used the ability of "inner vision" to observe the changes of all his body tissues under the radiation of mind power.

This was originally a very long process.

But Su Leng had the help of the [Evolution Jade] in his abdomen, constantly improving his body and consciousness strength, so that this originally very long process was constantly accelerating.

And as time passed.

The first organ in Su Leng's body to produce alienation was the stomach wrapped in the [Evolution Jade]!


In the stone house.

Su Leng, who was suspended in the air and meditating in a cross-legged posture, suddenly had a gap in his abdomen!

This gap was from the belly button to the waist on both sides!

Not only that, there were also interlaced fangs on the upper and lower sides of the gap!

At first glance, it looked like a "bloody mouth" full of fangs!

After this "bloody mouth" cracked, a strong suction force quickly came out from it, sucking up all the fish and shrimps of different sizes swimming in the stream in front of the stone house, and swallowed a large amount of stream water into the "bloody mouth"!

At the same time, Su Leng, who had closed his eyes and maintained an "inner vision" state, slowly opened his eyes.

He looked at the fanged mouth with cracked abdomen, and was not surprised, but just muttered to himself: "Sure enough, it has awakened the same fast digestion ability as Adam's "stomach"..."

The fish, shrimp and water just now were digested instantly after being swallowed by the fanged mouth with cracked abdomen, replenishing the body's nutritional consumption during his retreat!

The functional abilities of each part of Adam's body are indeed the supernatural powers generated by the development of the body!

And in the words of the ancient Eastern countries, it is also called "flesh magic"!

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