Super Dimension: My Hotel Comes To Myriad Worlds!

Chapter 126: Sos Message From Spider-Man! (1/3)

"Boss Su, you agreed?"

Hearing Su Mo's answer, Liang Bing's eyes lit up, revealing a light of incomparable joy.

For cold ice.

Something like the fourth-generation divine body.

But I can... confront Kaisha's capital head-on!

Although even if he has four generations of gods, he may not be able to beat Kesha's bitch.

But if you don't keep up with Angel's upgrade rhythm...

Then once faced with dark silver weapons such as the Silver Wing, it is almost only possible to be crushed.

Not even qualified to fight back.

For Liang Bing, who is the queen of demons, this is an irresistible thing.

Therefore, the divine body must be upgraded.

No matter how much you pay, no matter how much risk you take.

Also definitely not to miss this opportunity. !

"It's just to hold you back for ten minutes and let you scan the structure of the four generations of gods. It's not a problem."

Facing the extremely happy cold ice.

Su Mo shrugged, and made the needles in advance.

"However, if you are discovered by Keisha during the scanning process, or you dare to take the opportunity to do something weird."

"What consequences will there be, what should you do, and you know it?"

"Understood, I understand!"

Facing Su Mo's advance warning, Liang Bing quickly nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice, looking extremely obedient.

Looking at the majestic Demon Queen, she showed such a clever side in front of her.

Su Mo sighed a little helplessly.

To be reasonable, Su Mo doesn't believe in Liang Bing's guarantee at all.

But there is no way.

The space-time gene and the void engine are two things for Su Mo.

But it's really...very hard to refuse.

You can drive the space wormhole as you like, and with the help of the void engine, you can strike the enemy at a super long distance.

If it is used with a silver blade...

"It should be invincible right away. Even some anime or game worlds can be easily swept away." "

Su Mo muttered to himself.

After all, the silver blade is a dark silver weapon that can easily cut off the body of three generations of gods.

If it is used properly, there are not many people who can block him.

This is really an irresistible temptation

"In that case, let's go back."

While talking, Su Mo casually sent text messages to Gao Lan and Jiang Rouxue one by one.

After all, the movement of that battle just now was not small at all.

Although they all know that they are powerful.

But if they don't report their safety, these two guys will definitely be worried after the matter is over.

"Okay, okay, let's go back to the hotel right away."

When Su Mo sent the message, Liang Bing on the side nodded quickly.

His eyes glanced away occasionally, and suddenly fell on a slightly familiar sports car not far away.

It was the sports car that brought the two of them to the hotel.

What is a little surprising is that under the fierce battle just now, all the facilities in the street were not completely destroyed.

And this sports car was not damaged at all.

It didn't even have any dust on it, as if it had been taken into the space and just released at this time.

"Boss Su, how about I drive you back this time?"

Liang Bing's eyes lit up slightly.

As a demon queen, she was born in a world with a higher technological level.

She drove the battleship, and she also flew through the sky with the wings behind her.

But a car, a vehicle that runs on the ground...

To be honest, I've never had any contact with it.

And it looks like it's interesting.

"`"Huh? You drive?"

Su Mo just finished sending the text message, when he heard Liang Bing's voice, he raised his head subconsciously,

After silently looking at the car not far away, he immediately lowered his gaze again and said quietly, "I said, can you drive this car?"

"of course."

Liang Bing nodded proudly.

"On the way you drove this car before, I observed it quietly. With the memory of the Demon Queen, it is absolutely no problem if I want to write it down,"

Liang Bing answered swearingly.

"Question, it's one thing to feel like you can drive after reading it, but it's another thing to really be able to drive."

(Li Hao) Looking at Liang Bing's extremely confident look, the corners of Su's mouth twitched slightly.

"Forget it, let me do it, I don't want to die yet... huh?"

Just when Su Mo was about to go into battle by himself to prevent Liang Bing, a street killer, from harming the world.

Suddenly, there was a burst of madness in my mind. Aite's message prompt suddenly rang.

[Good Neighbor Spider-Man]: Boss Su, help me! That ancient mage just entered my apartment and suddenly disappeared.

[Good Neighbor Spider-Man]: I am running to the Avengers headquarters now, but the spider sense is very strong, as if that guy has been chasing me.

[Good Neighbor Spider-Man]: What should I do? Wait online, hurry up!.

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