Super Dimension: My Hotel Comes To Myriad Worlds!

Chapter 198: Hijacker Ur's Plan! (1/3)

[The Strongest Knight in Heisei]: I see, so that's the case... No wonder it was always impossible to eliminate the different knights before, and the corresponding dial was needed.

【The Strongest Knight in Heisei】: By the way, Boss Su, how is your progress going?

【Su Mo】: I just woke up Tsukiyomi. As for the next step...I don't think there will be any problems.

Looking at the Time Robber Ola who has been tied up.

Su Mo quit the discussion group, and continued: "Then Exeter, from now on, you just need to listen to me, I have a small plan here."

"I see."

Exide nodded, facing "Six Seven Seven", he hardly questioned Su Mo's words.

After all, I have witnessed this guy's strength with my own eyes before!

And don't know what's going on.

At such times, Yongmeng couldn't help but feel a feeling in his heart.

It seems that as long as you listen to this guy, the problem can almost be solved.

"It's really... a strange impulse.

Yongmeng was very puzzled, but for the sake of the child who was still lying in the hospital, it was better not to get entangled in these details.

As long as everything goes well, that's... perfectly enough!

Soon, half an hour passed...

"It's strange, why did that guy Ola suddenly invite me here, saying that something urgent happened.

"But for this kind of thing, you should go directly to Swaruz."

In the abandoned warehouse, looking at the silent illusion around him, Urxian the Time Robber was extremely puzzled.

Although they are both time robbers, but because of some historical origins.

Although the relationship between the two is not bad, it is not much better, after all, in a sense.

It's also a competitor.

But in the end, the other party took the initiative to ask me out, which is really a little surprising.

"But having said that, it seems that a lot of things have happened recently."

First, on Swaruz's side, a strange guy came into contact with him.

Immediately afterwards, I heard that in the city, there appeared a strange knight who did not belong to the Heisei era.

This completely overturned Ur's cognition...

"So, what kind of ghost world is the young man Wang Moshiwang? Why are there so many strange things happening?"

Ur frowned, and seemed to be muttering very bored.

But soon he couldn't help but stop.

I saw the position in front of me.

A figure was lying on the ground, and seemed to have passed out completely.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, this guy lying on the ground.

Just an ordinary person, nothing special at all.

But Ur, who is also a time robber, felt it on the spot, a familiar breath.

"This is... the breath of a different kind of knight, is this guy a different kind of Exide?"

Ur stepped forward suspiciously, and looked at the middle-aged man lying on the ground, whose life and death were unknown.

He stretched out his hand directly.

The next second, as the action unfolds.

It was still a normal body, but suddenly a black vortex appeared.

He took out a knight watch directly from the inside.

"Sure enough, it's Exeter's watch, but this guy should be made by Aura, why did it fall down here..."

Ur thought for a moment, and immediately understood what was going on.

"Did you just give up the strange knight you created and run away after being defeated by the King of Time without even having the time to reactivate your power?"

"Hahahaha, Ola, you are really in a mess!"

Time Robber Ur felt that he had found the truth, and couldn't help but burst into a smug smile.

What urgent matter, it turned out that he was beaten like a dog [I call for help?

"Forget it, since that's the case... let's start over again! After all, it's the dial of a different kind of Exed, so it will help more or less."


Thinking of this, Ur immediately activated the button.

Accompanied by the sound effect, just when he was about to reinsert the dial into the opponent's body and revive the alien Exide.


A figure with pink hair and red body suddenly appeared from the corner and rushed towards 3.8 directly.

"Huh? Exeld?"

Ur showed a surprised expression, completely unresponsive to what happened, and directly raised his hand to use the time-stop ability.

Although I don't know what happened, how could Exeld be here.

But first, stop him talking!

"Response is pretty quick.

Almost at the moment when the time stop took effect, a silver blade was immediately in front of the throat.

In the next second, Su Mo's voice rang in his ears.

"But it's a pity that you seem to... have left me out."

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