Super Dimension: My Hotel Comes To Myriad Worlds!

Chapter 328: How Did It Evolve Into Offline Pk? (5/6)

[Enthusiastic citizen Jin Shining]: Heh, bastard, you also want to defeat me? This sentence should be from me.

[Enthusiastic citizen Jin Glitter]: If you let me know where you are, this king will definitely take your self-righteous head. Bomb to scum!

Under Su Mo's deliberate indulgence, the conflict between Jin Xingxian and Liang Bing has been completely separated, and it almost has not formed a situation that must be fought.

This made the other people in the original "210" who were still holding the mentality of watching the excitement a little confused.

【The Strongest Knight in Heisei】: To be honest... if Zai let them go on like this, something will definitely happen!

Tokiwa Sogo was a little worried.

Although it is true that Jin Shining's incomparably arrogant tone had offended many people.

But in any case, everyone is a partner in a discussion group.

If you just watch the situation go on like this, it's obviously not very good!

【Death Elementary School Student】: @【Su Mo】Yes, Boss Su, I also think it seems a bit bad to let them continue to quarrel, or you come out to persuade them?

Although everyone is not too clear about the strength of this new member.

But if you want to say who in this discussion group has the final weight, it is obviously Su Mo.

Even if everyone has the idea of ​​persuasion, but considering that even if the other party is right, they may not obey.

So after some thought, I decisively decided to give up this plan.

"It's best to leave this kind of matter to Boss Su to handle!"

After all, this discussion group was also created by the other party.

As a god, I definitely don't want to see my friends arguing online in the discussion group, reaching the point of offline PK, right?

That being the case....

It's better to rely on Boss Su to adjust this matter. As for myself and others... Let's just watch the fun honestly!

【Su Mo】: That's right, it's so late, so don't continue to argue in the discussion group.

Seeing that the members were inviting him to come out, Su Mo smiled slightly and said this immediately.

Immediately afterwards, before they recovered.

Another light and fluffy words followed by blurting out 0..

【Su Mo】: Otherwise, let's go to offline PK directly. There is one thing I forgot to tell you, whether it's Gold Sparkle or Cold Bing, they are all living in the hostel at the moment!


Everyone present was stunned for a moment.

Looking at the content sent by Su Mo, I didn't come back to my senses for a long time.

What's the situation? Boss Su is crazy?

You know, the reason why everyone asked Su Mo to come forward was to calm down the quarrel.

After all, no matter what, we are all in the same discussion group, so it is not an exaggeration to say that we are partners!

But now...

"Actually let them directly PK offline?"

Hey, hey, how do you feel that the situation is a little bit different from what you imagined in 4.5!

[Demon Queen: Cold Bing]: Oh that's right? Boss Su, which room does this guy live in? I'm going to tear his mouth apart!

[Enthusiastic citizen Jin Shining]: Heh, bastard, you are here. I'd like to see if you still have the courage to say something like this when your head is blown to pieces

Prepare to die!.

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