Super Dimension: My Hotel Comes To Myriad Worlds!

Chapter 352: The Situation Seems A Bit Wrong (3/4)

But now he has an idea in his mind. From this point of view, he can send Fang Yan to his father with the jade pendant.

Su Mo walked towards him and patted his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, but I promise you that I will help you find your father."

At this moment, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked up at Su Mo with a smile on his mouth.

"Really? Great." "Three Five Seven"

Seeing Fang Yan's happy look, Su Mo also felt joy in his heart, but what they didn't know was that the village outside had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The killer who had just arrived shuttled around the village as if looking for something, and finally found Fang Mu's grave, and left after killing the whole village.

Su Mo and Fang Yan stayed in the cave and did not leave for a long time. Su Mo stood at the entrance of the cave and watched the rain outside.

Maybe this rain is just a cover, they want to use this rain to pass the murder charge, to cover up the dead body and their own crimes.

Soon the rain stopped, and the weather instantly recovered. The sun was hanging in the sky just now, and the system also appeared at this time: "They have already left."

The moment he received the news, Su Mo was relieved, and he had escaped a disaster.

Su Mo looked back at Fang Yan who was already asleep. He originally wanted to take him down the mountain to check the situation in the village. Now that he had fallen asleep, Su Mo decided to set off alone.

Su Mo came out of the cave. In order to ensure Fang Yan's safety, he placed a lot of weeds at the entrance of the cave, so it didn't look like a cave at all.

Su Mo went down the mountain at the fastest speed and entered the village, but the village today is different from usual, the bustling bullying has disappeared.

He walked a few steps and saw a corpse, Su Mo frowned, his face was shocked, he couldn't figure out what happened.

Then he walked a dozen more steps but saw dozens of corpses.

Su Mo also realized that the whole village was dead, they were taken over by one pot.

Relying on this memory, Su Mo walked towards Fang Mu's grave, but the scene he saw at the beginning surprised him.

He saw that the tombstone he placed had been broken, and the grave had been dug open. At this moment, he understood why he walked towards the grave...

But she found that Fang's mother had disappeared, leaving only the same jade pendant. If Su Mo read correctly, this jade pendant was a pair with the one Fang Yan carried.

"Damn, something doesn't seem right."

An ominous premonition suddenly rose in Su Mo's heart.

At the same time, he quietly put the jade pendant away, Su Mo firmly believed that he would use this jade pendant in the future.

Looking back and looking around, Su Mo involuntarily sighed.

The formerly bustling village has now become like this. I really don't understand who they offended to get to this point.

In this regard, Su Mo is also 2.4 very helpless. He also had no way, looking at the dead body that had disappeared, he didn't know what to do.

After being weakened, there is no ability to deal with this kind of thing at all!

Su Mo looked back at the dilapidated thatched hut that had been washed away by the heavy rain, and she walked towards it without hesitation. .

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