Super Dimension: My Hotel Comes To Myriad Worlds!

Chapter 359: Your Majesty The Demon King, What You Want Is In The Woods! (3/5)

The system knew that it thought it was done, so it left directly, without giving Su Mo any time to react.

This time Su Mo didn't stop him from leaving, because she had already reached her goal, and she had firmly remembered the location, and it was up to him to do it next.

Su Mo turned around without hesitation and prepared to go back the same way, mainly because she was worried about Fang Yan's accident.

Sure enough, as Su Mo expected, Fang Yan squatted on the ground and waited anxiously.

When seeing Su Mo, the originally dim eyeballs changed obviously at this moment.

"Su Mo, you are back."

Hearing Fang Yan's cries of joy, Su Mo just nodded and responded softly.

"Well, what's going on?"

The question in Su Mo's mouth was obviously asking how his tentacles were doing.

Listening to Su Mo's words, Fang Yan looked back at the cleaned tentacles with a happy expression, like a child offering a treasure.

"Okay, I've cleaned it, just don't know how to cook it, there's been no fire for four weeks,"

In fact, Fang Yan used to have two flints at home, but now he has nothing.

Su Mo was not offended by the situation.

He walked towards the tentacles very neatly, resting his chin on his hands as if he was thinking about something.

He doesn't recommend eating it raw, anyway, this way of eating is very common in his opinion.

However, Xin Hao Su Mo considered that Fang Yan had never eaten this kind of food raw, so if he directly said that it would be inappropriate to eat it raw, it might also scare him.

After confirming, Su Mo shouted to the system again.

"System, hurry up and come out."

As soon as the system took a breath, he heard Su Mo calling him, which made him very unhappy, but even so he didn't care to say a word.

To blame can only be blamed on his original choice, even if he regrets now, it is too late.

However, the system was still very entangled in his heart. He actually didn't want to go out, but when he heard Su Mo's urgent call, he knew he had to go out.

The system finally compromised, and he could only appear in front of Su Mo cautiously.

"Is there anything else, Your Majesty?"

When the system spoke, the voice was very low, and it didn't dare to look up at him, with a guilty conscience.

But even Su Mo didn't know that he wanted to look like this very much.

"`々I need a fire and a pot right now."

Listening to Su Mo's words, the system looked shocked and couldn't believe it, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

"Your Majesty, did you lose your mind when you came here? Huo, you can use spells!"

When the system spoke, it was very natural, without the slightest excess.

Su Mo was not satisfied with his answer, but he didn't want to waste time with the system, so he gave a very rough explanation.

"Do you want him to think of me as a monster?"

Su Mo's words are very brief but to the point.

After hearing his words, the system looked back at Fang Yan and instantly understood.

For this person who has never seen the world, there are some things that are really not suitable for expression.

Looking at the woods not far away, the system immediately had an idea.

"Your Majesty, I have already put something in the woods, you can go and get it."

The system disappeared immediately after saying this sentence.

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