Super Dimension: My Hotel Comes To Myriad Worlds!

Chapter 403: Will Something Happen To Me, The Protagonist? (3/5)

Su Mo frowned when he heard what he said and didn't think it was a good idea.

"I need three Zhang Tong permits."

When Su Mo said this, there was no slight fluctuation on his face. It seemed that he refused for any reason and could not negotiate.

Su Mo is not a person who values ​​sex over friends, and he will not forget his brother because of anything.

If that's the case, it's his fault, he can't throw Fang Yan and Tie Shi outside.

Hua Qiao looked at him with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he understood that Su Mo must be begging for someone else, and now he admires Su Li more and more.

"Okay, I promise you."

Seeing Hua Qiao agreeing, there was a smile on the corner of Su Mo's mouth, he seemed to understand something.

"Then let's discuss the price!"

After speaking, Hua Qiao stood up and walked towards the side cabinet, and quickly took out three passports and a card from the cabinet.

Su Mo understands that he doesn't know what to do, and he can't open his mouth, no matter what, he has to rely on Huaqu.

"I don't understand this, please ask the pavilion master to make a price"!"

At this time, Hua Qiao had already sat down, looking up at Su Mo as he placed the three Zhang Tong passports in front of his eyes.

"I don't know much about the price of Shenhua Water, so I'm going to give you a black card."

After Hua Qiao finished speaking, she put another card in her hand in front of Su Mo.

Su Mo looked at the so-called black card in front of him and didn't know what to do. He didn't understand the purpose of this black card.

Hua Qiao looked at Su Mo with a puzzled look on his face.

"With this kind of black card, you become a member of our Yiqiu Pavilion. You can use this black card to spend anywhere, and the cost is ours. What do you think?"

When Hua Qiao said this, Su Mo was shocked, as if he didn't expect it at all. He didn't expect Yi Qiuge to have such great strength.

Hua Qiao looked at him and knew what he was thinking.

"You can rest assured that our Yiqiu Pavilion is trustworthy, and we have sub-stations all over the world. Basically, everyone will follow us, and I will hug you if anything happens.

Listening to his words, the corners of Su Mo's mouth twitched involuntarily, not knowing how to reply him.

Looking at him like this, Hua Qiao was very happy to see him, waved his sleeves, and the door opened.

"Master Su, please!"

Su Mo looked at the opened door and understood that Hua Qiao had issued an order to expel the guests, but it didn't matter, he didn't care about it now.

`々In this case, Su Mo left. "

After Su Mo finished speaking, he walked towards the door without looking back.

Hua Qiao's smile became more and more obvious as she watched him leave. Su Mo walked downstairs after going out.

This journey was relatively smooth without encountering any idlers.

Fang Yan and Tie Shi were already a little anxious (Li Lizhao) waiting outside, not knowing what to do.

Where Tie Shi stood and didn't speak, Fang Yan didn't know what to do, and was very worried that something would happen to Su Li.

"Why hasn't Su Mo come out yet! Could something happen to Tie Shi?"

Hearing his words, Tie Shi couldn't help but look inside, as if searching for Su Mo's figure.

Fang Yan was displeased seeing Tie Shi standing still, and felt that he was not worried about Su Mo at all. .

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