Super Dimension: My Hotel Comes To Myriad Worlds!

Chapter 448: Guess What I Mean? (1/5)

After Hua Qiao finished speaking, she ran downstairs without giving Liu Niang a chance to react, as if there was something important.

Liu Niang was going to ask again, but when she opened her eyes, Hua Qiao had already disappeared.

She felt a little anxious about this, he had never been like this before, maybe he thought too much, but he really felt that the recent Hua Qiao was weird.

Looking at her leaving back, her eyes were full of worry, but in the end she still didn't go forward to stop her.

Instead, he intends to go with him, wanting to see what is going on.

The steward looked at Su Mo with complete but bored eyes. It was obvious that he didn't have any affection for Su Mo.

Because in his opinion, Su Mo is a pauper who has no right to stay here, even if he didn't say it out of his mouth.

Even so, Su Mo has already quickened everything from his eyes, and the slightest bit of disdain has played a very big role.

It's obvious at a glance. It's not that Su Mo is good at observing, but it's too obvious.

"What do you mean? Is this how you, Yiqiu Pavilion, manage your servants||?"

Su Mo's heart is full of resentment, he feels that he has been particularly wronged in his life today, and he feels that he has received a great grievance.

He couldn't bear it anymore, he had to learn all the Fa, even if it wasn't for Fang Yan, she would have to learn all of it today.

That's because this Su Mo specially emphasized the word servant.

In fact, it is to remind her that the driver is just a servant, don't go too far.

The person in charge is also very smart. When he heard what he said, Nian immediately understood what he said, and the expression on his face was very obvious and stiff.

He didn't know what to say at this time, but he didn't want to be threatened by a waste at all.

So he stood up and prepared to speak directly to Su Mo.

"What nonsense are you talking about? How dare you question our Yiqiu Pavilion? I think you don't want to live anymore?"

Anyway the man in charge is a smart guy who knows how to turn things around.

There was a slight change on Su Mo's face when he heard his words, and he looked at the manager with even more sad eyes.

It looked a bit scary, he hated when someone talked to him like this, the person in charge would act as if nothing had happened, and would not say a word wherever he stood.

`々What do you mean by this? I never said that Yiqiu Pavilion was wrong, you said it yourself, if you don’t believe me, you can ask others?」

Su Mo knows in his heart that no matter when the masses are the best, he needs to rely on them firmly.

The other people looked at each other and looked at each other when they heard Su Mo's words, but they didn't know what to say.

But someone was not afraid of death, so he stood up and tried to reason with Su Mo.

"Yes, I heard it wasn't what he said." (Mode's) Su Mo originally returned things and they didn't say anything out of consideration of their status as the person in charge, but now it seems that he thought too much, and I have to say that there are still people in this world. For some honest people, their own worries are a waste of time.

The steward's face became even more ugly when he heard the boy's words, but he didn't dare to do anything to the boy.

Because he knows that the people here are powerful, and he can't afford to offend any of them, so he can only pour everyone's grievances on Su Mo. .

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