Super Dimension: My Hotel Comes To Myriad Worlds!

Chapter 45: New Members Of The Discussion Group Join! (45)

At this moment, the number of members at the bottom right of the discussion group has changed to (10/10) due to the addition of newcomers

In addition to [a certain mysterious fallen angel] who had already spoken, there were two newcomers who had been quiet and did not speak.

"Em... These two newcomers, do they not dive online at all, or are they secretly spying on the group?"

Su Mo rested his chin in thought for a while, and no matter how he looked at it, the latter was more likely.

After all, things like peeping screens can be regarded as the innate ability of all living things, which can be called instinct.

"But before paying attention to these newcomers..."

Noticing that the people in the group seem to be a little worried about Keisha and Liang Bing, Su Mo thought about it and immediately said in the discussion group.

【Su Mo】: Don't worry about the two of them! I've already separated them with a door, so for the time being, they can't fight!

As for the situation inside the hotel, although Su Mo didn't see it with his own eyes, he relied on his understanding of Liang Bing's personality.

As long as she receives the news smoothly, she will definitely hide in the room obediently and won't come out even if she is killed.

After all, Keisha's strength...

To be reasonable, in the case of heads-up, no one in the world of Super Seminary would dare to confront her head-on!

Even the god-killing battle that destroyed Kesha was only barely done because of Carl's sneak attack.

Otherwise, even with the use of a powerful void engine, it's really hard to say whether they can fight head-on for a few rounds.

[The Strongest Knight in Heisei]: Two gods are separated by a single door? Such a scary rhetoric, so the boss is indeed a powerful god!

[Good Neighbor Spider-Man]: Powerful God +1

[Only sister and snacks can't give in]: Powerful god +1

Following Su Mo's seemingly simple answer, everyone in the discussion group immediately turned into a repeater mode, and their hearts were filled with shock.

You know, because the video of "Super Seminary" has always existed in the discussion group.

So everyone here has obviously seen it.

It is also because of this that they who know the strength of Liang Bing and Kaisha feel so shocked!

Those are two, real gods!

Across the universe, the kind that can directly destroy a planet by raising a hand.

But even such a terrifying existence is nothing in the eyes of the boss?

Especially when I think of the boss's dismissive tone when he answered, as if he was educating two babies...

Everyone present trembled for a while.

Sure enough, the boss is not only a god, but also an exceptionally powerful god, surpassing them!

Otherwise, how could it be possible to easily stop the next battle, which belongs to the battle between gods?

As for what he said earlier, if he was just an ordinary hotel owner, it was definitely a lie!

【Su Mo】: I'm really not a god, I'm just an ordinary boss...

Seeing the discussion group, the members have turned on the repeater mode one after another.

Su Mo sighed slightly, obviously the group of guys misunderstood something.

Although this is indeed the case, because of a door, the battle between angels and demons is isolated.

No, this so-called door was not made by me.

It's just because Liang Bing fell into the room, and it just so happened that the door of the hotel couldn't be smashed.

I have nothing to do with it!


Thinking of Liangbing just entering the hotel, he encountered Keisha's bad luck one after another.

Su Mo thought about it, and decided to save some face for the other party, don't tell the truth.

From the peak battle between the devil and the angel, it suddenly turned into a devil unilaterally hiding in the room and spraying the angel.

This B grid...

"Forget it, let's talk about the new guys. It's better to change the topic a little bit."

Su Mo thought about it, it's rare that everyone in the discussion group is there, so it's not bad to just get to know each other.

So soon a message was sent out.

【Su Mo】: Alright, compared to the two of them, let's get to know a few new people first.

【Su Mo】: I told you guys, stop diving and come out to make a splash! @【Some Unknown Fallen Angel】@【Death Elementary School Student】@【Please call me Your Royal Highness Princess】

[The Strongest Knight in Heisei]: Huh? Newcomer here? welcome the new guy!

Hearing what Su Mo said, Tokiwa Shogo just realized that there seemed to be a few more new members in the discussion group without realizing it!

My heart was filled with anticipation.

"Finally there are, have some more ordinary people joined?"

No wonder Sogo Tokiwa is so restless, after all, he joined such an interesting discussion group with great difficulty. As a result, more than half of the seven guys in the discussion group are gods.

To Tokiwa Sogo, who just gained the power of the Kamen Rider, this is simply Alexander.

Don't dare to talk nonsense in the discussion group at all, okay!

And now with the addition of new members, there are finally a few guys who don't seem to be gods.

In the future, when the water is in groups, I can finally let go a little bit, and it will be more lively!

Although just looking at the prefix...

These newcomers don't seem to be ordinary people!

[Please call me Your Highness Princess]: Ah, sorry! Because I was preparing to visit Earth as a goodwill ambassador, I didn't pay much attention to this thing.

Almost as the voice of welcome fell, two new messages popped up in the discussion group immediately.

[Please call me Your Highness Princess]: But having said that, this thing called a discussion group that suddenly appeared in my mind... what is it for?

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