Super Dimension: My Hotel Comes To Myriad Worlds!

Chapter 464: Do You Want To Fight Against Me? (1/5)

Thinking of this, her words were full of fun, and she suddenly ignored them, ready to see what happened.

Before she understood Hua Qiao's words, Liu Niang at the side couldn't stand it any longer, so she stepped forward to protect Hua Qiao, and started yelling loudly at everyone.

"Don't be ignorant of good and evil. For so many years, if it wasn't for your old age, you would have been kicked out a long time ago. Today, you are still driving so wildly?"

The person in charge didn't feel ashamed because of Liu Niang's words, on the contrary, he became even more angry, arguing with him and leaving, looking like he was old and healthy.

"What are you, I'm talking to him, why stop and want to drive me away? You don't have the qualifications to dream?"

The person in charge turned into Hua Qiao after playing with Liu Niang, walked over and pushed Liu Niang aside, because she was too nervous, Liu Niang almost fell to the ground, Hua Bu looked worried.

But before Hua Qiao could say anything, the manager directly yelled at him.

"Damn child, I treat you well on weekdays, but you actually want to drive me away. See if you don't want to mess around. Think about your mother. If it was him, would you be able to take this position?"

When Hua Qiao heard his words, there was a sneer at the corner of her mouth, she really didn't understand how the person in front of her had the nerve to say such words.

Seeing that Hua Qiaochi (adah) hadn't answered his words for a long time, the manager thought that he was afraid of him, his face was full of pride, and he looked smug.

What he didn't know was that Hua Qiao looked at him like he was really looking at a fool, and she herself didn't want to haggle with him at all.

But if he continues to talk about things, things will be different, but the facts will always be different.

The manager looked at Hua Qiao with a hint of sarcasm, and seemed to look down on Hua Qiao, but what he didn't understand was Hua Qiao's inner movements at this time.

"Why don't you speak?"

Even though he is very happy in his heart now and thinks that he has the upper hand, he clearly understands that he must not panic, and that he must do everything safely and step by step, so he said such a sentence.

Hua Qiao kissed her words, and there was a trace of obvious sarcasm at the corner of her mouth. Da, I really don't know where the manager came from, and Da Da himself said such words to himself.

But Hua Qiao's character name didn't intend to remind her, but was going to rescue him, to see what he would do.

"I have nothing to say."

Hua Qiao's answer was very straightforward, and he didn't want to bring water at all, but the crowd couldn't understand his thoughts at all, and he looked smug in his clothes, thinking that Hua Qiao was afraid of him.

"You knew me a long time ago, so why did you let me say these words? Since you are sincere, I will not get along with you. You just need to drive this person out, and this matter will stop here."

"Caring about everything? Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

At this time, Hua Qiao really didn't know where his special self-confidence came from, so he didn't question him in any hidden way.

The face of the person in charge changed obviously, as if he had never thought that he would say such a thing, because in his opinion, Hua Qiao was just talking to himself now, but Hua Qiao's performance was beyond his expectation .

"What do you mean? Do you still want to fight against the old man?".

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