Super Dimension: My Hotel Comes To Myriad Worlds!

Chapter 497: I Hope You Can Have A Whole Corpse! (1/5)

In fact, Su Mo wasn't really scared in his heart, and Hua Qiao wasn't afraid to fight him. He saw that she was a woman and didn't want to argue with her. Moreover, she fainted before, and this matter was irritating her mind.

In Su Mo's consciousness, Hua Qiao is a weak person, a sick man, if he has a real fight with him, it would be unseemly.

Mo Lao listened to the conversation between the two, and looked back at "403" to see the idea, but Su Mo didn't intend to solve her problems.

Mr. Mo knew that Su Mo had seen the look in his eyes, but he didn't say what was in his heart, so Mr. Mo couldn't help asking.

"What's going on? What secrets do you two have behind my back?"

Not only did Mo Lao say this, but he also cooperated with his eyes to make Su Fu feel a chill behind him, as if he was really doing something shameful.

However, he also admitted that it seemed that this matter really should not be known to others, but it was not as dirty as Mo Lao thought.

Listening to Mo Lao's words, Hua Qiao's face showed no expression, she looked indifferent, seeing her like this, Su Mo felt convinced that this person was absolutely extraordinary.

"Nothing, nothing, not what you think?"

At this time, Su Mo had tried to explain to herself as much as possible, but it was obvious from Mo Lao's expression that she didn't believe it at all.

Regarding this, Su Mo was also very helpless and didn't know what he was talking about, so he gradually gave up explaining, and let Mr. Mo think whatever he wanted.

During the whole process, Hua Qiao didn't say a word wherever he stood, and there was no trace of tension on his face, as if this matter had nothing to do with him.

I don't know if he is pretending or something else. Anyway, Su Mo just feels that his appearance makes him very unhappy.

Looking at Su Mo's nervous look, Mr. Mo knew that So Qiao thought it was not as simple as he thought, but Su Mo didn't want to say that she had no way to know.

"What are you nervous about, brat? Did I say something? Look at his calm face, and then look at you. It's a big difference."

Judging from the meaning, Mo Lao seems to be laughing at Su Mo, but a smart person can still clearly understand the true meaning of Mo Lao, he is actually mocking Hua Qiao and Su Mo.

How could Hua Qiao fail to understand what he meant, with a very ugly and unforgiving expression on his face.

"What nonsense are you talking about, old man? Don't you want to live?"

Even though Hua Qiao kept saying harsh words from the beginning, none of what she said came true, which made people feel like an empty air.

Mo Lao is really not in the mood to argue with him here at this time, because in his opinion, this is a waste of time.

"Come on, stop talking nonsense, get out of the way if you have nothing to do! Don't block my way and cause me trouble."

"If you want to leave, I'll tell you not to dream. 3.1 is impossible. Since you dare to come in today, don't think about leaving. Save your life for me."

The others didn't thank Hua Qiao very much for her words, but slowly prayed for them in their hearts, hoping that they would have a whole body.

After all, when it comes to attacking, no one can say for sure what will happen according to the strength of the attack. .

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