Super Dimension: My Hotel Comes To Myriad Worlds!

Chapter 521: The Villains All Die Of Nonsense! (1/5)

"Oh, where am I just going?

When he heard what the system said, Su Mo had an idea in his heart, an evil smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, how could he forget this system? May I ask this set to pat my brain helplessly , it seems that it is not too late.

"Where did you go before you had the face to come out? Now you are out, until the crisis is over, you will sneak out, you coward."

Although Su Mo seems to have something to ask for now, how can Su Mo give him a good face? So don't be angry with her at the beginning, so that the system was not bad just now, and the mood immediately disappears, showing a kind of unrequited love a feeling of.

"You don't need to do this, I just came out, you just say that about me, do you think- okay?"

In fact, the system didn't dare in its heart, it was really Su Mo's face, he knew that if he really provoked the difficulties, he would not end well.

Su Mo listened to what she said without saying a word, and gave him a blank stare to express his inner displeasure, saying that he felt distressed and also received his aftertaste of anger, and had nothing to say.

"Where am I? What am I doing here? I'm afraid to go back soon."

The system had been in a deep sleep before, so he knew nothing about this kind of thing, with a dazed look on his face, Su Mo listened to what he said, and gave him a blank stare. Obviously, he was very dissatisfied with what he said, and he How could it be possible to turn around and leave.

"Stop talking nonsense, think of a way, how should we get there?"

Originally, the system was ready to leave, but she never expected Shou Mojiao to say such a sentence. Her eyes magnified several times, and she stared straight at Su Mo. She didn't know, but felt as if something had happened , but now he dare not speak up again, so he can only hold back the doubts in his heart.

"What were we doing in the past? What are you doing there? Go back quickly."

"If you can't make it through today, don't make it through, do you want what I mean?"

When Su Mo said this, he deliberately lowered his voice very low, giving people a chilly feeling, so that the system was a little scared, and he didn't know why he would be so abused as soon as he opened his eyes.

0...asking for flowers...

"Why do we have to go there? It's not good to go back, what is the past?"

"If a person talks too much nonsense, he will die very little. Don't tell me you don't know."

At that time, Su Mo's tone was very tough, and it seemed that he was getting a little impatient, because in his opinion, he felt distressed now, and every word he said was a waste of his time


The system originally thought that it could host in the box and play jokes by itself, but now listening to his words, it seems that things are not as simple as I thought.

"What did I do wrong? You want to treat me like this. I just came back. Is it right for you to treat me like this?"

At this time, the tone of the system's speech was full of crying. Obviously, he already felt that his heart had collapsed, and it was very wronged.

Su Mo didn't reply him this time, but stared at him with wide eyes, threatening, and Xichong looked hopeless, he could only put all his hopes on the cliff. .

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