Super Dimension: My Hotel Comes To Myriad Worlds!

Chapter 530: You Are Hopeless! (1/5)

After hearing his words, Zhou Wenfei's face was full of hopelessness, but he was helpless, so he could only speak helplessly, and said nothing more.

"Okay, let's save people quickly, how about calling me a spirit beast?"

"Just what I want."

The moment Zhou Wenfei knew that he was going to bring Yao'er out, Zhou Wenfei was in a bad mood. He originally thought that Yao'er was too playful, which would have a great impact on this trial, but no, I didn't expect that she could actually At this point, Zhou Wenfei regretted it very much.

But even if she regretted it, she had no other choice but to take one step at a time, hoping that what happened next would not be too bad.

Yaoer looked at Su Mo in front of him, and stretched out her hand to take his pulse without hesitation, but he didn't know why, and secondly, he didn't find the cause, so he felt very bad.

It was because of this reason that he had no other choice but to beg Zhou Wenfei.

"Brother, come and see me, I can't find out what the cause is?"

At this time, Zhou Wenfei had a sneer on his face. He really didn't know how Yao'er got down in the sect. This era was their humiliation, but he couldn't say anything.

Although Zhou Wenfei was a little unhappy in his heart, he had no choice but to walk over in the direction of Noisy to check her injuries.

The moment Zhou Wenfei put his hand on Su Mo's wrist, Zhou Wenfei's expression changed obviously. Instead of Gao Gao's helplessness, he was a little puzzled, which seemed to be a little sleepy for her.

Yao'er immediately noticed the bewildered look on his face, and she was secretly happy.

"How? Is there no way for senior brother to check what kind of patient it is?"

For some reason, Zhou Wenfei felt that Yao'er's tone of voice was a bit strange, and he heard a sense of sarcasm from it, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

"How is it possible? Your senior brother and I are famous gods, how could I not see it?"

"Oh, so that's what it means. Did the brother see what kind of disease is coming? But if you see it, treat him quickly, don't waste time."

Yao'er's words made Zhou Wenfei's face turn blue and purple for a while, and to be honest, he didn't see why.

If you just look at the skin trauma, there is nothing at all, but he (addd) is not just a skin trauma, it is so simple, it is scary inside, there are other things.

"Brother, why did you stay silent for so long? Is there something sudden about things?"

When Yao'er asked, her tone was very confident, as if she was afraid of offending him, but his thoughts seemed superfluous.

Zhou Wenfei listened to his words, but didn't give a reply right away. It wasn't that he didn't want to reply, or that he was aloof, but that he didn't know how to reply.

As if he didn't want to give up, he put his hand on Su Mo's wrist again, and started to check the injured kidney again, but the result was the same as the previous few times.

At this time, Zhou Wenfei seemed to have given up a little bit. He had never seen such symptoms. Even though he was unwilling to give up in his heart, there was nothing he could do.

Yao'er looked at him from the side, she seemed to have understood the reason of the matter, she couldn't help feeling sad.

"Oh, is it hopeless? What a pity."

Yao'er is always kind-hearted, even if he is a stranger, he will try his best to save him.

But today he wouldn't do that, because he knew that if Zhou Wenfei couldn't save Su Mo, it meant that he was hopeless, and doing other things by himself would be a waste of time. .

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