Super Dimension: My Hotel Comes To Myriad Worlds!

Chapter Five Hundred And Eighty Sixth: The Reason That Cannot Be Said! (1/5)

Hua Yi asked Su Mo why he didn't break his forehead, Su Mo frowned. Said to Hua Yi: "I have some reasons, it is inconvenient to say. Please forgive me" Hua Yi heard this answer. didn't say anything

On the contrary, Su Mo felt a little uneasy when he saw that Hua Yi didn't answer, and was about to say something. Seeing Hua Yi pick up the stone next to him and hit it on his forehead, blood flowed out. Hua Yi held his head with his hands, and his feet were unsteady. The person fell to the ground and fainted

Seeing that Hua Yi fainted due to excessive blood loss, Su Mo was also very helpless. I had to lift him up and bring him into the house

At the moment when the old man was in a coma, Su Mo regretted so much that he told the old man so quickly what he had found.

Facing the old man's sudden coma, Su Mo was extremely anxious, as if he had lost his backbone, but he didn't know how to wake the old man up. Generally speaking, the old man's time here is longer than him. With him, Su Mo would not be so flustered.

In the end, Su Mo, who didn't have much confidence in himself to go out, felt that the future was dark, and Shendu lost its luster.

Su Mo also tried various methods, including the stupid method of pinching people. Su Mo also used systematic guidance to stop the bleeding and treat the wound for the old man, but it didn't seem to have any effect on the old man's waking up.

Just when Su Mo was at a loss and didn't know (adag) what to do next, the old man woke up without any signs, whether it was good or bad, this was great news for Su Mo.

Excited Su Mo didn't notice anything wrong, just ran to the old man to check the old man's wound.

"Are you awake? Is there something wrong?"

Seeing Su Mo's concerned eyes, the old man didn't give him a cold face, but answered his question the same way he had treated Su Mo before he fell into a coma.

"I'm fine, it's just that there is something in this place, by the way, have I been in a coma for a long time?"

After getting the old man's answer, Su Mo immediately let go of his hanging heart, but he couldn't restrain his excited heart. The old man's awakening seemed to drive away the darkness in Su Mo's heart, but the old man's words immediately made him feel a little nervous. Awkward.

"Ah, um, aren't you in a coma? I pinched you on my own initiative. However, you haven't been in a coma for a long time."

The old man who got the answer nodded silently, and did not pursue the matter of pinching someone, but fell into deep thought. After a stick of incense, the old man came back to his senses in the deep thought

"Nothing happened all this time?"

After pondering, the old man asked another question, stood up, and looked towards the sky.

"No, everything is normal."

Excited Su Mo quickly answered the old man, Su Mo who was a little over excited did not realize the cheerfulness in his tone.

"that's OK."

The old man's eyes drifted over him, which calmed down the agitated Su Mo. At the same time, it also made Su discover something wrong with the old man.

Since the old man woke up, he seemed to have changed, his whole person seemed to have been completely reborn, and his whole temperament had undergone earth-shaking changes, just like an out-of-world expert.

Su Mo looked at the old man with puzzled eyes, hesitant to speak many times, which made the old man feel very terrified. .

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