Super Dimension: My Hotel Comes To Myriad Worlds!

Chapter 708: There Is No Clue At All! (1/5)

He looked everywhere for Liu Niang, but there was no clue for him, so he felt that it was quite difficult to find Liu Niang.

When Baibang first came out to look for it, he was very confused. But at the beginning, he was very patient to find it. He asked many people and went to the market to find it.

But after searching all morning, there was no one, and no one even heard her news. Looking for it, his patience was about to be worn out. Because finding someone is a very troublesome thing. What's more, without any clues to remind him, he can only look around like a headless chicken. 03 But what can he do if he is impatient? This is an order from Su Mo, and he has to follow it. Baibang himself complained and said: "How can I find it like this? There is no clue for me, where can I find it?"

Baibang was very helpless, and walked forward dejectedly. When you meet someone, ask if you know him or her.

Because Su Mo gave him a painting of Liu Niang before, he took this painting and asked people everywhere. Most people kept shaking their hands and saying, "I don't know, I don't know."

For this situation, Baibang was very helpless. Some people just took a look at the painting and said perfunctorily that they didn't know it. Not many people are willing to stop and look at this painting. So he has been searching for Liu Niang until now but found nothing, he is a little tired after searching, and he is very thirsty now.

But when he got to this place, there was no one there. No one was selling anything, and no one was passing by. He's a little helpless here all by himself now.

Suddenly he saw the convoy, and happened to meet this convoy passing by, and he was very pleasantly surprised. Maybe this convoy can temporarily quench his thirst, or give him something to eat. He planned to go to the convoy to ask someone.

He has no ill will against that team, and he can't deal with a whole team by himself. He just wanted to ask if there was anything to eat or drink.

But when Baibang walked to the side of the convoy, suddenly he felt that someone was hitting him from behind, and then he didn’t have any consciousness. When he is close to the army, it is also dangerous.

After he fainted, those people took him away. A few people from the convoy got off and carried Baibang into the car together. Then the convoy left. At this time, no one noticed, and no one noticed.

Baibang was in danger, and he still didn't wake up after arriving at the station. It is not yet known why the people on the convoy attacked him.

If it is the people in the convoy, I feel that Baibang will threaten them. Then it should be impossible for 803, because there are several people in the car and Baibang is only one person.

Afterwards, Su Mo woke up. He woke up and everyone was very happy when he came.

Especially when Cang Chu saw Su Mo woke up, he immediately came over to care and said, "How are you feeling now? Do you want to send the imperial doctor to see for you?"

Su Mo didn't react yet, he stopped for a few seconds and didn't answer Cang Chu's words. After that, he looked at Cang Ming and said, "I'm fine now, don't worry."

After Su Mo woke up, he didn't rest all the time, he started to help Cang Chu succeed to the throne. .

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