Super Dimension: My Hotel Comes To Myriad Worlds!

Chapter 712: Well, I Won't Lie To You! (3/5)

The darkness struck in an instant, and the consciousness seemed to be groggy like a small boat floating on the sea.

Su Mo finally woke up in the dark, but his physical strength and spiritual power had not yet recovered. When he looked up, he saw that Fang Yan and Bai Bang were still asleep, and Su Mo hurriedly woke them up.

"Hey, wake up, don't sleep, wake up."

Seeing that the two of them still hadn't come to their senses, Su Mo was flustered and had no choice but to be bound tightly by the "five-nine-zero" rope, unable to move, so he was patrolling the surrounding environment.

Seeing that the environment he was in was a dark and damp dungeon, and faintly hearing the sound of a mouse's tail dragging on the ground, Su Mo was shocked. Who on earth tried so hard to catch them here.

But soon, Su heard the sound of someone talking.

"Master, those people are still unconscious now, but they have stayed there obediently.

"You did a good job in this matter, go ask the consul for a reward."

"Okay, thank you master!"

Hearing this man's voice was full of joy, but Su Mo could hear that the man had left, Su Mo saw that Bai Bang and Fang Yan were still asleep, and couldn't help feeling a little flustered

The man's footsteps were getting closer and closer, Su Mo immediately closed his eyes and pretended to faint, only to see that the man had already entered, as if he was observing them, Su Mo was a little nervous.

But that person still didn't make a sound, Su Mo just spent with him like this, only to see that person approaching suddenly, followed by a cold voice: "Don't pretend to be asleep, I knew you woke up a long time ago.

Su Mo was secretly startled, but after hearing what that person said, since he was seen through, there was no need to continue pretending, Su Mo opened his eyes and sneered.

"I don't know how you can tell that?" The man sneered, his long and narrow eyes showed his treachery and viciousness, and his slender face made it clear to Su Mo at a glance that this man is definitely not a good character to get along with.

Hearing that the man was still silent, Su Mo continued to speak; "Then who are you? Why did you bring us here? It seems that we have never crossed paths."

The man said slowly, "You don't care who I am, you just need to know that "I am the one who wants to cooperate with you."

Su Mo sneered, "Is this how cooperation works?" That person didn't continue to pay attention, and said something inexplicable: "Since everyone is awake, don't go around 730..."

Su Mo was a little puzzled, Fang Yan and Bai Bang also slowly opened their eyes, in fact, they both just woke up, Fang Yan sneered, "I'm afraid, you are here to ask us for something."

The man said appreciatively, "Smart, since you know I'm here to ask for something, you probably know what I want too."

Hearing the conversation between Fang Yan and that person, Su Mo immediately understood, Jin Dan! Now only Jin Dan will be wanted, but the Jin Dan, which is so hard to get, is just like this. Not reconciled.

Su Mo rolled his eyes [and said: "The golden elixir is not with us."

The man said puzzledly, "Nonsense, someone said that the golden elixir is in your hands, why isn't it there?"

Suddenly, Su Mo suddenly felt that his hands behind his back were touched by touch 1.8, and he immediately felt relieved.

It turned out that when Fang Yan and Bai Bang woke up, they started to untie the ropes in each other's hands when they were not paying attention.

Just for a while, Su Mo felt the rope in his hand being lifted.

Su Mo's face remained unchanged, Su Mo said, "Well, I won't lie to you, now the golden pill is in my hands.

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